• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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<3 Dragonite
Hey, my name is Jack. I'm 14 years old and my favorite hobby is skateboarding. I've been playing the Pokemon franchise for quite some time now and I just recently bought Pokemon: Pearl Version. My favorite Pokemon is Dragonite, I hope you all will welcome me with open arms! :sweatdrop:
Hello to you too!

Hi, my name is JackSON and I couldn't skateboard if my life depended on it. I like to sprite.
Dragonite is a cool pokemon.
Welcome! I would open my arms, but it hurts too much when you just use a knife with nothing to numb your arms first. Especially when you start at the wrists. (Don't mind me, I'm just wierd.)
Welcome Kack. Dragonite is made of awesome. But I prefer Dragonair. I love the banner in your sig.

Have a cat plushie...

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