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Is now an official bird creeper.
Hi! I'm ShadowUmbreon! I've been visiting The Cave of Dragonflies for a while, so I decided to join the forums. A bit about me: I play the Alto Saxophone and take ballet, a lot so I can't be on here very often since Marching Band takes up a lot of my time... so, yeah I'm sure no one will reply to this, so until then, Goodbye!
Trumpet is better than saxophone..BRASS POWER

Anywho, I'm the evil conservative around here, so run away.
Oh, yeah, I forgot. Here's your tea *hands over a cup of tea* and your cod. *hands over plate of cod* :3

So, Shadow, what is your favorite color? TV show? Pokemon? Do you have a website? What are your other interests besides music and dance?
Favorite Color: Dark Blue
Favorite TV Show: Sadly, I do not watch TV often, but when I do it's either CSI, The Office, or House
Pokemon: Every single one of them, they are all full of epic win
I have no website, too complicated and I would never update, it would be boring and therefore keel over and die a miserable death
My only other interests are reading and Science... I should probably practice my sax, but I never since my private lesson teacher tried to kindly tell me that I was no worth his time, even though I have had many people tell me I'm an excellent player... so that experience did not help my already non-existent self esteem (I do realise that practicing would help this problem, but I am too busy doing nothing to do something productive)
Oh! I also scare people, most of friends are afraid that if they make me mad I will hurt them (which is absolutely not true).
I'm rambling now... I'll just shut up.
No, don't shut up, you are the new person, we want to hear all about you!

You should PM me, so we can talk all about The Office and House
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