• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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Hi everyone!

So I'm not really new to the scene, I was a member here a long time ago and I decided, I guess out of pure boredom, to revisit and give this place another try.

I like music and writing (I've done some fanfiction in my day), I've attempted sprite work, and I've dabbled a little with role playing. Those will mainly be my topics of interest so expect to see me in those threads.

With all that being said, and with nothing else of interest coming to mind at the moment, I just wanted to say hi to everyone. Thanks!
Hey, Black Sheep! That was basically a more friendly version of my introduction.

I want you to take this Red Scale, and trade it in for something bombastic, whilst eating a Magikarp burger and beating Frostagin if she offers you scones, using the foam sword that will most likely be given to you by Absoul, unless he permanently changed to tea and cod.

...you'll understand in time, my friend.
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Here, have a slice of pie. I promise it's perfectly safe, despite the green filling.

Hey, Black Sheep! That was basically a more friendly version of my introduction.

I want you to take this Red Scale, and trade it in for something bombastic, whilst eating a Magikarp burger and beating Frostagin if he offers you scones, using the foam sword that will most likely be given to you by Absoul, unless he permanently changed to tea and cod.

...you'll understand in time, my friend.

She. I am a woman.
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