• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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Hey People

Lightning Bolt the Druid

The Druid of Life
Hey people I am new here and I was told about the site by Blastoise.

I am a Pokemon, Bleach, Zelda, and other types of games and anime and I love to PO. I have my own site and I am new to Diablo since I got Diablo II and I hope I can get along with everyone here.
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies forums! I am Control of Dialga and will be your guide. *hands foam sword* Use it wisely.

Over there is the Role-Playing Lounge. Nearby is the ASB League. There is Mafia. The Coughing and Laughing Cupboards are over there. And where you can find me, is that boulder over there. Have a good stay.

*sits on boulder*
Hey people I am new here and I was told about the site by Blastoise.

I am a Pokemon, Bleach, Zelda, and other types of games and anime and I love to PO. I have my own site and I am new to Diablo since I got Diablo II and I hope I can get along with everyone here.

*Gasp* Husband! How kind of you to join here! o3o It's me, DarkAura, obviously. ^^

uh, Roleplaying there, MLP FiM in Clubs, Writing there, Art over there, and Pokemon discussions all around. Enjoy your stay. Here's a complimentary Tea and Cod.
Thanks Penguin, I am a Druid on Diablo II and he is named Lightning Bolt and that is what I usually go by on sites so I made my user name Lightning Bolt the Druid.

And I love the site right now.
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