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Dark Shocktail

Hello everyone! I'm Dark Shocktail, more commonly known as Tail or Mil. I'm a girl from sunny England, will be 17 in two months, a Scorpio/Ram in horoscope terms and am currently drowning in Sixth Form work. I'm often represented by the Chu family, various Sonic the Hedgehog characters and my "hedgefox" self. Still, I'll see you all around!

PS: Has anyone seen a certain foxhog around here...?
Welcome! I'm Flora. If a gigantic army of squirrels comes to your door offering acorns, I sent them. ^^

Oh, and if Mike ever mentioned a talking cat, he's referring to mine. (No, he doesn't talk. I don't know where he got the idea.)
Welcome! I'm Flora. If a gigantic army of squirrels comes to your door offering acorns, I sent them. ^^

Oh, and if Mike ever mentioned a talking cat, he's referring to mine. (No, he doesn't talk. I don't know where he got the idea.)

Hey, you don't know that Harry can't talk, Flora. He could be worth MILLIONS for all you know.
Hey Flora ^_^ Thank you! A group of Pichu's might stop by yours with offerings of berries later to repay your kindness ^_^

And a talking cat...? XD That sounds very Mike-ish to me.
Hey, Dark Shocktail. ^^ So you're born in November, if my calculations are correct? Me too. And... *pokes her location and age* Currently sixteen-yeard-old sixth former who's English here too. x3 Woo, England. Um. Sort of. Well, I like it, anyway.

Have a great time at the forums! And by the way, your avatar ist sehr cool.
...Do the names Wind of Darkness or UnkNown seem familiar to you? I think I might know you from somewhere.

Either way, welcome. Even though I usually only post directly after Markky in intro threads, I needed to know the above question. :/
Hi, and welcome to TCoD! You might want to click here for more info and stuffs. But you might not. *Evil crackle*
This is going to be my new thing for welcomes from now on >=D
...Do the names Wind of Darkness or UnkNown seem familiar to you? I think I might know you from somewhere.

Either way, welcome. Even though I usually only post directly after Markky in intro threads, I needed to know the above question. :/

Yeah, you went to Trsrockin right?
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