• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Hi! It's Rayven!


Hello. My name is GoldRaven, or just Rayven. I work alongside Mohacastle IRL on the pokemon project (not sure what you call it here). I was born on the day of Cradilly/Lilleep. I'm not sure that's up to date though. I can't wait to get to know all of you better! See ya!
P.S: Could someone direct me to Moha's thread about the game we're building?
Hello Rayven. Mohac's talked quite a bit about you. I'm Scootaloo, and I'm helping out with Basalt and Granite. Hope you find TCoD to be a great website!
Oi, Rayven. Glad you could make it here. There's a thread, but it's basically six feet under, so I'll just invite you to the group. I'm sure that you'll be pretty pleased with the progress we've made in the B&G Project (That's what it's called here).ALSO FOR THE MILLIONTH TIME IT'S MOHAC NOT MOHA I mean I prefer Mohac.

I feel obliged to give you the basic welcoming gifts that I give everyone, even though you couldn't probably care less. So, in an attempt to quell the rabid Keldeo that have been raging lately, it is imperative that you take General Nebulon and his assistant, Private Nebulon:

And stay active, please.

Now that you've completed said obligatory introduction, I recommend you take a look at what TCoD has to offer instead of dropping by once in a blue moon? You'll find it to be quite nice. Also, add an avatar. As a final note, beware of the Sylveon porno out there. It's a real and dangerous threat.
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Welcome to the Cave, Raven. Or Rayven. Either way, take this complimentary plate of tea and cod! It's free, no charge. At all. You don't look like you believe me, so take this Glaceon too. Wild rabid invisible floating incorporeal heatless odorless garchomp are bad things, and they've been wandering around for a while, so that'll take care of that.
Also, I'm kind of sort of helping work on Basalt and Granite, but I don't think I can help much now because my computer broke. Ha.
Hey raven, and welcome to the cave. I'm one of the people helping out with Basalt and Granite too(I have some starter suggestions which I posted in the group thread. I just finished spriting their second forms and I'm working on their final evolutions).
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