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Hi to all who reads this post! :3

My name is Lanturn, if you haven't noticed.
I only got into Pokemon a few days ago - I brought two pre-owned games. :D Platinum and Soul Silver. I'm loving it already - Soul Silver, that is, Platinum feels rather blocky to me. Did I mention my favorite color is silver?

I also watch the Pokemon movies. Never really loved the TV show (anime?), mind you. But I loved the Legend of Thunder - and two other episodes... one was Just Add Water to my (rather lacking) memory, and the other had Wynauts in it. I did watch a few others, but those three (more specifically five) are my top favorites.

I also do a bit of spriting - I like to revamp and recolor things. Pixel-overs are far too hard for me, unfortunately... I can't get the hang of scratch spriting, or devamps.

My most favorite thing of all, is music. I love instruments and such - I love to write very short, rhyming poems that describe how I feel most of the time. I have done a couple to dedicate to my friends. I mostly do that sort of thing when a friend is moving away. Two moved away, but I have another two to keep me company.

I hope I'll enjoy it here at these forums - and I'll stop rambling on about myself before I get too carried away. Hopefully I'll make some good friends and have a good time on the internet, and in reality. ~♪
Well then, what timezone are you in? You posted early!

So, hello! Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies. Here, we have numerous attractions to keep you occupied while we slowly destroy your brain enhance your life. In particular, I'd like to request for you to check out the Anime-style-Battling forum.

So, music, eh? I know alllllll about that—both of my parents are professional musicians. So, do you play an instrument? Oh, and we have just the place here for showcasing all of your literary work (including poetry) here.

All in all, we here at TCoD are really happy to have you as part of our community. Please, enjoy yourself here!
Well then, what timezone are you in? You posted early!

So, hello! Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies. Here, we have numerous attractions to keep you occupied while we slowly destroy your brain enhance your life. In particular, I'd like to request for you to check out the Anime-style-Battling forum.

So, music, eh? I know alllllll about that—both of my parents are professional musicians. So, do you play an instrument? Oh, and we have just the place here for showcasing all of your literary work (including poetry) here.

All in all, we here at TCoD are really happy to have you as part of our community. Please, enjoy yourself here!
I don't like to reveal many of my personal details, sorry. Is that OK with you?

Sounds fun... I rather liked the battling style of the TV show! It was very dramatic and well-paced, I guess, so I' think I'll enjoy it. ^^

Descended from musicians, are we? ;) And not just one instrument. I play a whole lot! The flute, the drums, the tambourine... *endless rambling*

Thank you for that.~♪

To TCoD!(Superbird, did joo copy me.....)
I hope you enjoy your stay! *hands tea and cod*
Did I mention my favorite color is silver?
my favorite color is silver?
You are automatically fantastic.

Helloo. I am Manic, your resident...never mind i do nothing important here.

Ooh. I play bass guitar DO I COUNT :D

I also sprite a bit. ~points to avatar~ I can only recolor and revamp, like you. :3

Have fun at TCoD~

Welcome, Lanturn. Cap off to you, welcome and stuff. You seem like you'll like it here, I think, and we have lots of musicians and spriters and generally helpful people. Have a good time or else, okay? (I'm learning the harmonica myself)

I can help you with devamps if you'd like. You could say I specialize in them, I guess?

I play the piano, and am (attempting) to learn the guitar. My friend also brought her violin over once, and apparently I'm a natural.

Anyways, enough rambling about music, I'm Mewtwo, resident (well, one of the many) spriters here at TCoD. You can only do revamps/recolors? I can do both, along with splices, chaos, and a few others. I AM NOT TRYING TO DIRECT TRAFFIC TO MY SPRITE SHOP I'm hoping to get SoulSilver for Christmas (or maybe my mom could pre-order Black...? :))
I'm Phantom, I am the resident Doctor Who nerd. You may call me obsessed if you wish, since it's true.

I played the flute for a while. I sold my flute three years ago though. I shouldn't have done that. I play guitar and clarinet mostly. I also dabble in drums and cello.
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