• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?



Triforce of being awesome.
hi, i'm TwilitePrincess and i found this site through my brother, RespectTheBlade.

Fav Pokemon : Gardevoir

I like drawing (aside from pikachu i don't draw pokemon much), pokemon (DUH), The zelda series, super smash bros. melee and brawl, and reading (i just finshed harry potter. ALL OF IT.)

well...hi, i guess.
Hello, and Welcome to the world of Pokemon! Now tell me, are you a boy, or a girl?


Joking aside, Welcome to TCoD, sis. I'd like you to take a look at the art threads in creativity. Also, look into the stuff on Anime Style Battling. (I talked to you about it, and I think you'd like it.)

Well, see you around. Welcome! Hope you make some new friends, and such.
holy crap

blade has a sister

Anyway, nice to meet you! I'm Superbird, the resident bird-lover here at the Cave. Can I get you some Tea and Cod, please? Or Coffee and Salmon?
Well, then, welcome! It's always nice to see people who are related on the forums, because then you can make fun of one of them behind their back with someone who understands where you're coming from. Anyways, I'm Lili. I like ponies and reading the Narnia books. Makes me feel like a child again. It's a pleasure meeting you.

I would recommend swinging by the roleplaying section and maybe even trying to watch My Little Pony, the latest craze here. Anyhow, I hope you have a wonderful time here. :)
Hi there! I'm sure you've sampled our tea and cod many times, but you can never have enough! Unless you're like, allergic or something.

Anyhow, I'm the Omskivar! I don't think I've actually met Blade, but I'm sure you and he are good people.
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