• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?



New member

Im new here
my names Kenkendude and Ive played the pokemon games and watched the
anime since i was i little kid.

Btw my favorite pokemon are meowth jigglypuff and grovile
Do you have a favorite game out of the series?
I'm guessing the classics judging by the mentioned creatures.
Welcome to the site! I really look forward to seeing more of your posts. :]
Welcome! Tails, you're not authorized for intros yet :P Anyway, Welcome to TCoD, where we erm...Never mind, don't wanna get into that. May I direct you to the Forum Games section? Oh yes, and art stuff. Don't worry, they (and we) don't bite...usually. Enjoy your stay and feel free to ask stupid questions, we do that all the time here ;)
It was...a joke...? And I forgot to mention, I am the resident Random Girl.
Thanks for welcoming me everybody. How do i post pics?

Well, there are a few ways;

1) get a link to the pic.

2) do you see an icon above where you post that shows a yellow backround with a mountain and a sun? press the icon and insert the link


1) upload a picture using tinypic, imageshack, etc.

2) put the forum code on your post.

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