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I am lighting. The rain transformed.
Hi, everyone! I'm Poke4ever, and I'm a huge Pokemon fan. I basically love everything about Pokemon. My favorite Pokemon is Drifloon, mostly because it was my first ever shiny and because it's so cute!:love: I just LOVE shiny Pokemon and so far, I have 11 shiny Pokemon, which are shiny Gengar, Lucario, Azumarill, Dialga, Deoxys, Rayquaza, Bidoof, Drifloon, Heracross, Regigigas, and Groudon. The ones that I definitely know that are NOT hacked are shiny Rayquaza, Bidoof, Drifloon, Heracross, Regigigas, and Groudon, because I caught all of these Pokemon on my own, by just saving before them and resetting until they are shiny (I did this to get shiny Rayquaza, Drifloon, Regigigas, and Groudon) or by just catching them randomly (I caught shiny Bidoof by pure luck, I was just walking around in the grass one day and it just appeared. I got shiny Heracross by breeding, you should have seen how surprised I was! I was just breeding for a Heracross and then it just came out of the egg shiny!:freaked:) The shiny Pokemon that I'm not sure if they are hacked are shiny Gengar, Lucario, Azumarill, Dialga, and Deoxys. I got them mostly by trading on the GTS or by trading at Pokemon events, so they might be hacked, or they might not. I can't tell if they are. So, uh, well, that's it. (Oh, and sorry about me saying "Pokemon" and "shiny" about fifty times. You can obviously tell that I'm obsessed with Pokemon!:sweatdrop: And that I like to talk a lot!:sweatdrop:)
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