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Release your inner demons
HI ^-^

I'm k9dixie548!

I really don't kno what to write, so here's some basic stuff.

I like watching Bleach, One piece, Naruto, Full Metal Alchemist, and Rurouni Kenshin.

My Favorite animal is the fox, and my favorite pokemon is Vulpix.

This is my first time on a forum, so here goes! :-)
If you can spell properly(which you can) and are friendly(seem to be), you won't have problems. Welcome to TCoD~ Have a good time here. =D
Hello, hello, hello...

I'm Blastoise-the-guy-who-also-enjoys-Naruto-and-Full Metal Alchemist. This (duh) is the Cave of Dragonflies. Also, don't get eaten by Giant Dragonflies. It doesn't happen that often, but still...

Vulpix is my third favorite Pokemon normally, but at the moment it's my favorite.

Foxes are my second favorite animal next to the almighty CATS.

And you get a fox cub because I feel like it.

Hey! ^-^ Face is my face! You stole it! grr....

You like foxes? So do I! My pokesona, Enekuro is a guardian fox, and may he bless your time on these forums.

I didn't expect this many responses!

Dragon & Ruffledfeathers: Thanks!

Dragon of Fire: the only reason I joined was because you told me to. Thanks!

Blastoise426: I'm glad there are others out there who appreciate the same kind of shows as me. And I hope I don't get eaten.

Pinestar: I have family in Ohio, so I respect you for being an Ohio person. So, was the evil laughter really necessary?

EeveeSkitty: THANK YOU!!!!! I shall call him Byrn.

cheesecake: YUM ^-^

Kali the Flygon: I would like to not be eaten, please.

Enekuro: I did not steal that face from you. I stole it a long time ago from my sister. Oh, and hello and thank you to Enekuro the guardian fox.
Byrn sounds quite nice when said aloud...unless I'm pronouncing it wrong...

I used to give out cat plushies but they got boring so I just give out whatever I want now :)
zuea: Thanks!

EeveeSkitty: It should be pronounced like the word "burn". And cat plushies are cool, but I agree that giving out what you want makes it much more fun. I send you back a piece of chocolate cake (I have a thing for chocolate)
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