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is lurking.
Hi. I'm a bit of a lurker, so don't count on seeing me often. I might disappear for a few months if I get bored or more interested in something else, but that's just my ADD showing. So, yeah. Any questions?

Edit: The banner is bugging me. D:
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What's your opinion on giant mutant kangaroos?
Oh, and welcome to TCoD, where you have to eat only what we give you in the intro threads. *gives you tea and cod* :>
Hm, if the giant mutant kangaroos were just in Australia, then I'd never go there. If they were everywhere, then I'd probably hide underground.
*sips tea and nibbles cod*
OOH, I got one:

"When rabbits first came to Australia, they had no natural predators. From January 1, 1865 to January 1, 1867, the rabbit population increased exponentially from 60,000 to 2,400,000 during this time interval. Following this exponential function, in what year were the first pair of rabbits brought over to Australia?"

...Well, you asked for questions, so... *shot shot shot*
Questions aside.... Hello there, nice to meet you. I'm Skroy Horitz, and I'm sorry for pulling a math problem at you; it's just I love math and I like handing questions out. (In case you want to know the answer to the question above, send me a PM please).

Enjoy your stay on over here. :3
I did a problem like that last school year. I forget how to actually solve it though. :/

Anyway, yeah, thanks for the welcome. I'm pretty sure I will like it here. ^_^
I did a problem like that last school year. I forget how to actually solve it though. :/

Anyway, yeah, thanks for the welcome. I'm pretty sure I will like it here. ^_^

Last school year? I did that question for my final exam this year and it was made by my "evil" math teacher! (And because of one miscalculation, I ended up losing one mark and receiving a grade of 99% for that exam).

Hmm, I wonder.... Is it possible that I know you in real life? :3
Probably not. For one, I'm only 13. Two, I got that kind of question near the middle of the year, for I iz in Honors Maths cuz i haz smartness. :3

So, yeah. I only got that question cause my teacher liked to challenge the class.
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