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How many Pokémon can you name?


Says "also" and "or something" a lot

For the past week or two I've been challenging myself to name as many Pokémon as I can, and tried to name them in as close to Pokédex order as I could. I've reached the point where I don't think I'm going to improve any more - The total number I can name is around 790 with gens 1-6 being complete.

I've only played Moon and Shield through once each so it's not that much of a surprise that I'm not that strong on the latest two generations.
I got sniped by this for an hour and got up to 958/1008, including all of Gen 1-4. I was missing:
  • Tympole line, Unova fossils, Alomomola
  • Litleo line, Hawlucha
  • Comfey, Oranguru, Passimian, Pyukumuku, Dhelmise
    • (The first three were all in a row and I thought I was looking for a three-stage :C)
  • Gossifleur line, Silicobra line, Sizzlipede line, Pincurchin, Snom line, Duraludon
  • About a third of Paldea b/c they don't have proper icons for them so who knows lol
So for the past couple of weeks I've been redoing this trying to achieve both 1) first 7 generations complete, and 2) at least 900.

I finally did it, although every time there's always ones I remembered previously but didn't that time. One time I spent ages trying to work our what two pokemon I was missing from gen 1, one pokemon form gen 5, and one from Hisui. It turns out I was missing Tentacool and Tentacruel, even though I'd already got Toedscool and Toesdscruel.
As for the Hisui one, I was pretty sure it was an evolved regional form but couldn't work out if it was related to the missing gen 1 or gen 5 one. But I was only missing one and I was certain that all of the Hisuian forms of gen 1 pokemon were two-stage with both having a regional form. Then I looked at gen 5 and thought "if can't be that either because the only evolved form of a gen 5 pokemon that doesn't have its own form is Basculegion and I've already got..." it was Basculin and Besculegion that I was missing.
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