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Re: Hunting.

The way I see it, if you're going to hunt, at least have a use for the animal you're killing. By "have a use for," I mean "plan to eat;" if you're killing something just for it's fur or something like that, that's pretty terrible if you ask me. But I don't have a problem with hunting for food. It's shooting something for the fun of it that bothers me.
Re: Hunting.

Ive waited for this debate.
I'm pro hunting especially for game like deer. Their overpopulated. Do you people eat meat. If so so I think your a hypocrite. The Duck or cow does not go to the slaughter house and say kill me. And fish are kept in small man made ponds to live their short life's till' they get their heads chopped off. At least the wild animal has a fighting chance. Majority of hunts fail. Most years hunters don't get any game. This is not "Bambi" by the way. All hunting is done when the young have grown to care for themselves. Hunting is a hell of a lot better then slaughtering domestic animals who lack a chance. Think for a bit. Who had a better life?
Re: Hunting.

Ive waited for this debate.
I'm pro hunting especially for game like deer. Their overpopulated. Do you people eat meat. If so so I think your a hypocrite. The Duck or cow does not go to the slaughter house and say kill me. And fish are kept in small man made ponds to live their short life's till' they get their heads chopped off. At least the wild animal has a fighting chance. Majority of hunts fail. Most years hunters don't get any game. This is not "Bambi" by the way. All hunting is done when the young have grown to care for themselves. Hunting is a hell of a lot better then slaughtering domestic animals who lack a chance. Think for a bit. Who had a better life?

An animal killed for food is not wasted; an animal killed for fun is wasted. Besides, most of us would prefer to eat organic meat if it weren't expensive.
Re: Hunting.

Animals rape each other. Animals kill other animals of the same species. That's not a great argument and you know it.

So do humans. Ever noticed?

I don't see anything wrong with hunting for food, it's completely natural. Hunting for sport, that's something else. But I don't honestly care about people hunting to get food.

Now bio-industry, that makes me sick.
Re: Hunting.

I am sure other animals can reason to an extent. For example, would it be better to go hunt for food now, or wait until the freaking people are out of the area?
That would be operating on their instinct to keep away from danger. Like snatching your hand out of fire- that's not reasoning. You're feeling the burning pain, realising you're in contact with something dangerous, and getting away from it. As opposed to touching the fire and reasoning that if it's harming you maybe you should get away.
(I realise this is a terrible example, but I was halfway through typing it when I realised its lack of sense and too lazy to hold the Backspace key. Deal.)
Re: Hunting.

those fire-burning movements are governed by reflex arcs that have been modified to move quicker or it would take too long, so the body did actually reason that the fire is dangerous indirectly
Re: Hunting.

those fire-burning movements are governed by reflex arcs that have been modified to move quicker or it would take too long, so the body did actually reason that the fire is dangerous indirectly
Reason implies conscious thought, not mere reaction.
Re: Hunting.

the whole point is that you need to avoid conscious thought because otherwise you'll get burned which is why the body has taught itself that reflex arc, it's evolutionary
Re: Hunting.

I live in small a town with forests where the deer are hunted because of overpopulation, and that seems okay. Here's a question: A pack of wolves is chasing some rabbits. The rabbits are the last group of rabbits on earth. What do the wolves do? Replace wolves with people and rabbits with whales/rhinos, and you get my point.
Re: Hunting.

Here's a question: A pack of wolves is chasing some rabbits. The rabbits are the last group of rabbits on earth. What do the wolves do? Replace wolves with people and rabbits with whales/rhinos, and you get my point.

Re: Hunting.

In no way, shape or form does that change the fact that the wolves are still not hunting for sport. If rabbits could ever actually be wiped out by wolves, well, the lost rabbits are just a consequence of the fact that something else needed to eat. That's not the same as eliminating a species just because people get a kick out of blowing its brains out.
Re: Hunting.

It would be nice if that were true.

So whales are hunted just as much as before? Personally, I doubt it.
In no way, shape or form does that change the fact that the wolves are still not hunting for sport. If rabbits could ever actually be wiped out by wolves, well, the lost rabbits are just a consequence of the fact that something else needed to eat. That's not the same as eliminating a species just because people get a kick out of blowing its brains out.

Yes, everyone agrees that hunting for sport is wrong. I was talking about food, oil (what do you think we used before we found it in the ground?) or other necessities.
Re: Hunting.

you're positively incredulous if you believe that all humanity does anything to benefit anyone other than themselves (don't give me this altruism shit people, protecting your children has an evolutionary benefit for yourself)
Re: Hunting.

you're positively incredulous if you believe that all humanity does anything to benefit anyone other than themselves (don't give me this altruism shit people, protecting your children has an evolutionary benefit for yourself)

The entire species doesn't help every living thing, but humans have the mental capacity to help other things.
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