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I am back.


Crystal is awesome. Period.
Hiya. Remember me? Thought not. I was such a minor member.

Well, now you can party. Yeah.

I was just... occupied with things, mainly school.
I remember you. You're friends with Hogia. You helped me out with Dialga in PMD3 and you had Lyra as your avatar at the time. And if I remember correctly, you had your Trainer Title as 'If you hate Lyra I will kill you', ahahahah.

Anyways, welcome back! School's been backing up everyone, trust me. You're not the only one. ProgMetal_64 won't be on for a few months, and if I'm correct, it's because of school. But, yeah. School's just school. It's backing people up.

Anyways, again, welcome back! Hopefully you can be on more now. :)
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Yeah. I do like Lyra, and I've just got into the manga (but I only have one novel. Shoot) so I'm all for Sapphire as well. :P

Well, I still have school, but I don't have a lot of homework to grind on so. And I've used the time to play through Soul Silver. I certainly love the power of trading.
Ah, Sapphire. I love her. <3 I don't have any of the comics, but I do go on Serebii when I can to read. Sapphire's birthday is four days before mine, weired.

Ah, I see, I see. And who doesn't? I'm close to finishing my Johto Pokedex because of trading. <3

I have such awesome luck lol. Marina, Blazen and Leaf were all female first time I picked them. What the hell? Haha. Good times.
Uhh...welcome back. Have some more tea. We're out of safe-to-eat cod and are still working on cleaning up the river. Remember not to step on the welcome mats.

Anyway, what up?
We're out of safe-to-eat cod? Are you serious?!

Oh, great. Who wants lobster?
Oh, yeah! :D *gives you cookies* Chocolate-Chip or Sugar Cookies? Or Black-And-White Cookies?
Your username... sounds vaguely familiar. If you were around when Mini Moon and Hogia were, then I must have known you, since I joined in 2008.
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