• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

I am Kamara


Fluffy Tails ftw!!!!
Hello there. My name is Kamara and I am a newbie around here. However, I am certainly not a newbie to Pokemon. I have been watching Pokemon since I was around six and I am now 14.

Yes, I am a girl too. My favorite Pokemon is Lucario because he looks so awesome, especially his red form. He reminds me of a character from Dragonball Z and is the best fighter ever.

I love roleplaying, though the last RP I did was a year ago. I was on a forum that required approval for all the RPs made and the RP mod hated me for some reason. I am a great roleplayer.

Umm, I think thats about all. I hope that this is a place good for me and I make some new friends.

Also, my real name is in fact Kamara. Pronounced Ka-Mar-Ra.
Wow, that's your real name? I wish my real name was Frostagin!
Anyway, I'm Frostagin, the local frost dragon/scone-giver/Hetalia otaku. Here's the aforementioned scones. They double as weapons.

Also, I think you'll find we're all pretty friendly around here, so long as you stick to the rules. I've made quite a few good friends around here. :3
*Wigglytuff's theme* Hi! Welcome to the cave! Enjoy my array of psychedelic colours! Remember, VM does not stand for Violent Message, - is not backspace, F12 does something weird and join TCoD's Welcome Mats should you have any questions. We are not entirely carnivorous. Good to know we have another good RPer on board. Because I suck That is all.
Thanks for the welcomes.

Kamara is indeed my real name. It was meant to be Karma, but Kamara sounded a bit more unique according to my parents.
what is lucario's red form?
OHH SSBB, right? okay.
So, hi. If you have any questions, ask anyone, and make sure to avoid the carnivorous doormats and the invisible Garchomp. You should be safe with the vegan doormats though...
what is lucario's red form?
OHH SSBB, right? okay.
So, hi. If you have any questions, ask anyone, and make sure to avoid the carnivorous doormats and the invisible Garchomp. You should be safe with the vegan doormats though...

You've lost me again.
In Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Lucario has a "Red Form."

and random vegan doormats ftw
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