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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

I am the great Eater!

Snowman8TR AAA

Muhahaha! I will eat all of... oh, i mean hi kiddies! Come closer, You can trust me. Oh, thoose pair of evil eyes? I have a paresetic twin, thats all. Still don't trust me? No? Grr.. Fine let me tell you a bit about myself. My favorite pokemon is Zoarork, Ive been playing since red/blue, and I used to be good at competitive battiling, but i gave it up because everone uses the same overpowered pokemon. Now do you trust me ? Good, I hope you all will be <STRIKE>MY NEXT MEAL</STRIKE> become my bestest friends. Remember, You can trust me!
You seem pretty awesome. Welcome to the forums and all that. I recommend the ASB, or Anime Style Battling, section to you, as well as Role-Playing Games, Mafia, and the Safari Zone.

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