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I have a question


New member
So why is it that so many people draw or have pictures or character designs of people with cat tails and cat ears? It can't all be related to the exact same anime/game/whatever, it's all in different styles! And there's so many of them. Is it some kind of reference to something?

And people go all gooey over it as if it were cute or something.

What is it all about?
It's considered 'Kawaii'.

Oh and a lot of otakus have fetishes about cat eared girls. Yes, Japan is a creepy place.
Kawaii? Otaku?

Oh dear I think I just asked a question that's going to need prior knowledge to understand the answer, haven't I?
Somewhat. An 'otaku' is basically a anime/manga/etc.-related geek, kawaii roughly means 'cute' and is a phrase used by the more annoying otakus.

And yes, some people get off to that sort of thing. To each their own, I say.
welcome to the internet. tip: don't google search "yiff" with filtering off
The hilarious thing is that very few otaku you meet on the internet are actually Japanese.

not really, I was under the impression that 'otaku' was an insult from the Japanese to anime geeks.
No, "otaku" is an insult from the Japanese to creepy men who live in their parent's basement jacking off to lolicon porn. Then the rest of us miss used the word, thinking it just meant "geek".
It's not so much an insult as something you might possibly be offended at being called, but not necessarily. I'm pretty sure it just has the same connotations as "nerd" -- nearly always used as an insult by non-nerds, but reclaimed by actual nerds as a tongue-in-cheek or even positive term, and not considered an insult by everyone.

Otaku does mean geek there, or rather an obsessive fan of anything. Even stuff like cooking otaku exist. There it's just a normal word, we misused it by thinking it only refers to particularly nerdy stuff or that it's a neutral term.
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