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I liek Squirtles vs. Dazel

Slow reffings are all right with me; it's up to ILS to decide whether he wants an emergency referee or not.

Start with a magic coat to throw that taunt back, then a protect to guard against that endeavour. Finish off with a flamethrower; I hate to just take that energy ball, and I'm afraid it'll cost us, but I'm not sure what else there is to do at this

Magic coat ~ protect ~ endeavour
I liek Squirtles (ooO)
Von Chosais (m) <Bulletproof>
Health: 59%
Energy: 79%
Currently: Ready for some payback, but a little unsure of himself. +1 Attack, +1 Defense.
Commands: Taunt / Bulk Up ~ Endeavor / Sunny Day / Taunt / Bulk Up ~ Solar Beam / Energy Ball / Taunt / Bulk Up
hoothoot Cuckoo: 99% health / 88% energy / Taking a nap.
mienfoo Fisticuffs: 27% health / 29% energy / Happy to be out of there. Regenerator active (5% recovery/round). Burned (severe).

Dazel (oxO)
Mercuria (f) <Own Tempo> @ King's Rock
Health: 73%
Energy: 73%
Currently: Wondering how exactly Von Chosais did the punchy thing.
Commands: Magic Coat ~ Protect ~ Flamethrower
amaura Boris: 83% health / 89% energy / Grateful for the rest.

Field Notes
-The bank sign has been forcibly deprived of its supports and is now grounded.
-Farther away, many buildings have been damaged or destroyed from the hail.
-The roadway has been scorched and twisted by severe heat. A conflagration has consumed most of the nearby grass and has come to a standstill in front of the bank.
-The top half of a tree has fallen across the pedestrian crossing.
-There are two cracked holes in the ground connected by a gently sloping tunnel.
-Main Plaza destruction counter: 7.

Round 12

Besides the occasional blink, Mercuria hasn't moved at all when Von Chosais moves to perform his first move. If she were any other species, the Chespin would find this odd and perhaps examine the area for signs of foul play or trickery, but as it is, he rolls with it, ignoring the pinkish mirror-like dome around Mercuria that he can see another Chespin in. The Chespin is slightly off, pink and slightly distorted in places, like it's his own reflection or something, and it gets bigger as he walks towards the shield. That's just weird.

Imbuing his words with a little Dark power, Von Chosais makes eye contact with Mercuria and yells, "Your battling style is super-wimpy!" The Slowpoke's eyes flick over to him, but she shows no signs of reacting. Suddenly, the Chespin in the shield shouts "Your battling style is super-wimpy!" at him. How rude! Determined to avail his rival of this, Von Chosais yells "You're rude!" A few seconds pass, and then the Chespin yells "You're rude!" What a copycat!

"Your face is rude!" screams Von Chosais.

"Your face is rude!" screams the Chespin.

"Oh yeah? Well, your face's face is rude!"

"OH YEAH?! Well, your face's face is rude!"

Now utterly infuriated, Von Chosais charges at Mercuria, ready to give that tree-rat a piece of his mind. He gives an inarticulate yell and sprints with alacrity and determination straight into—a transparent wall, not dissimilar to the pink, glittery shield from before. The incensed Chespin backs off and glowers at Mercuria, who only smirks back. So it was all a trick, eh? Well, he'll be tricking her once she lets down that shield, and…

Von Chosais is struck with a sudden realization. Was he supposed to have used Bulk Up just then, since she was protecting herself? And what is he supposed to do now? The Chespin remembers he's only supposed to use Solar Beam if something happens but default to Energy Ball if she does… something else. Well, the Taunt didn't fail, so he doesn't need to do that—or does he? Seeing that her opponent is stuck in a quandary, Mercuria laughs at him to make him turn her way before spitting a concentrated jet of flame into his face. Now completely puzzled, Von Chosais ineffectually tries to bat it away before snarling at Mercuria and marching over to get some payback. But he's stopped by a shrill whistle from the referee: the round has already ended, and he's too late. Von Chosais huffs and walks back to his own side of the field, steaming.

I liek Squirtles (ooO)
Von Chosais (m) <Bulletproof>
Health: 46%
Energy: 68%
Currently: Still hungry for the payback Mercuria so clearly deserves. +1 Attack, +1 Defense. Taunted (1 more action).
Used: Taunt (bounced) ~ Endeavor (blocked) ~ nothing
hoothoot Cuckoo: 99% health / 88% energy / Taking a nap.
mienfoo Fisticuffs: 32% health / 29% energy / Happy to be out of there. Regenerator active (5% recovery/round). Burned (severe).

Dazel (oxO)
Mercuria (f) <Own Tempo> @ King's Rock
Health: 73%
Energy: 56%
Currently: Laughing.
Used: Magic Coat ~ Protect ~ Flamethrower
amaura Boris: 83% health / 89% energy / Grateful for the rest.

Field Notes
-The bank sign has been forcibly deprived of its supports and is now grounded.
-Farther away, many buildings have been damaged or destroyed from the hail.
-The roadway has been scorched and twisted by severe heat. A conflagration has consumed most of the nearby grass and has come to a standstill in front of the bank.
-The top half of a tree has fallen across the pedestrian crossing.
-There are two cracked holes in the ground connected by a gently sloping tunnel.
-Main Plaza destruction counter: 7.

Action Notes
-As detailed here, I would have asked ILS whether he wanted to adjust his commands because Von Chosais was being commanded with four commands in the paragraph, but three in the command string. However, because Dazel already commanded, ILS wouldn't be able to change his commands anyway, so I gave Von Chosais a 1/3 chance of doing nothing and a 1/6 chance of performing each of the moves on the two ambiguous actions. He used Endeavor on the second action and nothing on the third.

Fisticuffs: 27 + 5 (Regenerator) = 32
29 = 29
Von Chosais: 59 - 13 (Flamethrower) = 46
79 - 4 (Taunt) - 7 (Endeavor) = 68
Mercuria: 73 = 73
73 - 3 (Magic Coat) - 9 (Protect) - 5 (Flamethrower) = 56
Dazel commands next.
Ah, whoops, my bad!

You're doing pretty well for a pokémon at a disadvantage, Mercuria. Start us out this round with a yawn. Follow up with flamethrower, and finish up with a dream eater. On the second and third actions, if Von Chosais tries for a super-effective move, throw up a protect, but only do that once. If yawn doesn't come into effect by the third action for some reason, replace dream eater with another flamethrower.

Yawn ~ flamethrower / protect ~ dream eater / flamethrower / protect
To block that Yawn, use Taunt. Shield yourself from that Flamethrower. Wait after that Flamethower hits, and use Endeavor.

Taunt~Protect~Endeavor (wait)
I liek Squirtles (ooO)
Von Chosais (m) <Bulletproof>
Health: 46%
Energy: 68%
Currently: Still hungry for the payback Mercuria so clearly deserves. +1 Attack, +1 Defense. Taunted (1 more action).
Commands: Taunt ~ Protect ~ Endeavor
hoothoot Cuckoo: 99% health / 88% energy / Taking a nap.
mienfoo Fisticuffs: 32% health / 29% energy / Happy to be out of there. Regenerator active (5% recovery/round). Burned (severe).

Dazel (oxO)
Mercuria (f) <Own Tempo> @ King's Rock
Health: 73%
Energy: 56%
Currently: Laughing.
Commands: Yawn ~ Flamethrower / Protect ~ Dream Eater / Flamethrower / Protect
amaura Boris: 83% health / 89% energy / Grateful for the rest.

Field Notes
-The bank sign has been forcibly deprived of its supports and is now grounded.
-Farther away, many buildings have been damaged or destroyed from the hail.
-The roadway has been scorched and twisted by severe heat. A conflagration has consumed most of the nearby grass and has come to a standstill in front of the bank.
-The top half of a tree has fallen across the pedestrian crossing.
-There are two cracked holes in the ground connected by a gently sloping tunnel.
-Main Plaza destruction counter: 7.

Round 13

Still fuming over Mercuria's insults, Von Chosais decides to let his fists show her how he feels. There's no time for silly insults right now—a real 'mon fights with his HEART! The Chespin charges at the Slowpoke and punches her face in with his bare hands, ignoring that his own thorns dig into him in his wild charge and that many of his blows are off-centered and ineffectual in his rage. Finally, Von Chosais calms down and steps back, but while Mercuria's sporting a few bruises, most of them are minor, and the Chespin's own hands are crisscrossed with lash marks from his spines. Realization dawns on him suddenly—oh, that trickster! And the Slowpoke just yawns and stares dopily at him, eyes glowing a faint pink as she implants the suggestion of sleep again.

Von Chosais stifles a yawn of his own and feels himself getting a little woozy, but snaps back to full alertness immediately. This must be the same trick she tried before. He focuses on staying awake and smirks a little to himself: he'll show her repeating the same tricks over and over is a mistake! With a sudden exhale, the Chespin forces energy outwards, forming a protective bubble around himself, but soon Von Chosais can feel himself losing consciousness quickly. It doesn't help that his dome drains his energy as the Slowpoke sends another billowing torrent of fire his way, either, but at least the plume of flames is being absorbed by the shield and not hitting him… right? Well, he wouldn't mind a nap anyway, as long as it's short…

Mercuria smiles grimly to herself. Von Chosais is out like a light in front of her and his shield went with him, so it's time to get to work. This time she doesn't bother with inserting herself into his dream. Like a puppeteer making a marionette twitch this way or that, the Slowpoke locates the Chespin's mental self and pulls gently on a small part, savoring the pink orbs of energy that detach from the aura around him and float towards her. Von Chosais moans and shifts, which is troublesome; Mercuria had hoped that he would stay under for longer, but it doesn't look like her Yawn worked as well as she'd thought. As the referee lowers her flags, the SWAT team fidgets nervously once more. It's been many rounds since the arena was last damaged, but they're not very comfortable with this sort of mental attack.

I liek Squirtles (ooO)
Von Chosais (m) <Bulletproof>
Health: 31%
Energy: 58%
Currently: Zzzz… arghzzzzz…. +1 Attack, +1 Defense. Asleep (mild: 2 or fewer actions remaining).
Used: Struggle ~ Protect ~ (asleep)
hoothoot Cuckoo: 99% health / 88% energy / Taking a nap.
mienfoo Fisticuffs: 37% health / 29% energy / Happy to be out of there. Regenerator active (5% recovery/round). Burned (severe).

Dazel (oxO)
Mercuria (f) <Own Tempo> @ King's Rock
Health: 73%
Energy: 43%
Currently: Feeling pretty great.
Used: Yawn ~ Flamethrower (blocked) ~ Dream Eater
amaura Boris: 83% health / 89% energy / Grateful for the rest.

Field Notes
-The bank sign has been forcibly deprived of its supports and is now grounded.
-Farther away, many buildings have been damaged or destroyed from the hail.
-The roadway has been scorched and twisted by severe heat. A conflagration has consumed most of the nearby grass and has come to a standstill in front of the bank.
-The top half of a tree has fallen across the pedestrian crossing.
-There are two cracked holes in the ground connected by a gently sloping tunnel.
-Main Plaza destruction counter: 7.

Action Notes
-Von Chosais being Taunted prevented him from Taunting on the first action, so he used Struggle.
-The effectiveness of Yawn decreased because Mercuria had already used it, so the sleep started at moderate.
-Trying a new format with less bold. Can you still tell what's going on?

Fisticuffs: 32 + 5 (Regenerator) = 37
29 = 29
Von Chosais: 46 - 3 (Struggle) - 12 (Dream Eater) = 31
68 - 3 (Struggle) - 7 (Protect) = 58
Mercuria: 73 - 6 (Struggle) + 6 (Dream Eater) = 73
56 - 4 (Yawn) - 5 (Flamethrower) - 4 (Dream Eater) = 43
ILS commands next.
Last edited:

Sleep Talk the first action. After that, Sleep Talk if you're still asleep and Endeavor if you wake up. End this with Energy Ball (use this if there's a sub up). If she protects against the Endeavor (or you weren't able to use it last action), use it next action and Chill in its place.

Sleep Talk~Sleep Talk/Endeavor~Energy Ball/Endeavor/Chill
GODDAMN IT. I never even saw that you posted here, my mistake.

What I wouldn't give for torment right now. Well, I guess we'll start things out with a trick room so that we can start moving first; follow up with a protect if Von Chosais uses endeavor, and a dream eater if he's still asleep. If you used protect last turn, finish off with a disable; otherwise, use protect this turn to guard against the endeavor.

Trick room ~ protect / dream eater ~ disable / protect
I liek Squirtles (ooO)
Von Chosais (m) <Bulletproof>
Health: 31%
Energy: 58%
Currently: Zzzz… arghzzzzz…. +1 Attack, +1 Defense. Asleep (mild: 2 or fewer actions remaining).
Commands: Sleep Talk ~ Sleep Talk / Endeavor / Chill ~ Energy Ball / Endeavor / Chill
hoothoot Cuckoo: 99% health / 88% energy / Taking a nap.
mienfoo Fisticuffs: 37% health / 29% energy / Happy to be out of there. Regenerator active (5% recovery/round). Burned (severe).

Dazel (oxO)
Mercuria (f) <Own Tempo> @ King's Rock
Health: 73%
Energy: 43%
Currently: Feeling pretty great.
Commands: Trick Room ~ Protect / Dream Eater ~ Disable / Protect
amaura Boris: 83% health / 89% energy / Grateful for the rest.

Field Notes
-The bank sign has been forcibly deprived of its supports and is now grounded.
-Farther away, many buildings have been damaged or destroyed from the hail.
-The roadway has been scorched and twisted by severe heat. A conflagration has consumed most of the nearby grass and has come to a standstill in front of the bank.
-The top half of a tree has fallen across the pedestrian crossing.
-There are two cracked holes in the ground connected by a gently sloping tunnel.
-Main Plaza destruction counter: 7.

Round 14

The referee waves her flags to start the next round, and nothing happens. Mercuria stares at her opponent, motionless. Still asleep, Von Chosais makes a faint snorting noise. Mercuria continues to stare at her opponent, motionless; a drop of drool makes its way out of the left corner of her mouth and dribbles down her chin, forming a tiny puddle on the Lego-pavement beneath her. Von Chosais makes a louder snorting noise and then shifts onto his back. Mercuria blinks once, then purses her lips and delicately lifts one foreleg to wipe her chin thoroughly before settling back to her original position and continuing to stare at her opponent, motionless.

And then Von Chosais mumbles something and rolls over in his sleep—or would, if rolling over was rolling up. Glowing golden tendrils shoot from his body to the clouds and beyond. Now upright, Von Chosais opens his eyes, revealing a harsh yellow light where the pupils should be. His right arm is already flickering with a golden aura, and he continues to murmur, but though Mercuria leans towards him, she isn't close enough to hear the words. Energy-filled arm passive at his side for now but growing brighter and larger by the second, Von Chosais wobbles on his feet and slowly approaches his opponent. The strings above glide easily back and forth, but their controller's gait is uneven and unsteady. Mercuria cranes her neck to listen to Von Chosais as he continues to mutter his spell over and over, yu du na so gi pe ru, yu du na so gi pe ru.

Intimidated by the strange words, Mercuria takes a slow step back as the Chespin draws near. Von Chosais stops in front of the Slowpoke, and but for the eerie light now pouring from his very skin and the mysterious chanting she'd think he was conscious. Even now, his strange aura is changing from yellow to orange and orange to red as the golden strands above him snap and dissipate one by one. The glow around his arm, now a shiny crimson, flickers and transforms into claws as large as the thorns on his head. Yu du na so gi pe ru, yu du na so gi pe ru, repeats Von Chosais, each time louder than the previous one. Finally, entire body glowing a vivid red, the Chespin bellows the sacred words to the sky: YU DU NA SO GI PE RU, YU DU NA SO GI PE—

The aura around him sparks white and leaps forwards, dispossessing his body in an instant, transforming into a raging dragon even as Von Chosais collapses backwards into his fitful sleep once more. The energy lizard separates into two and snaps and bites and claws at Mercuria, leaving many shallow cuts on both of her sides that grow deeper as the Dragon energy imbued in its very being eats away at the wounds. Finally, damage done and summoner unconscious once more, the dragon reforms into a whirling serpent and leaps into the sky before bursting into a shower of tiny pinkish sparks that rain down harmlessly over the city.

But Mercuria misses the light show, having closed her eyes to focus on warping the space around her. A steadily-growing patch of ground has taken on a pinkish sheen and expands until the Slowpoke's influence extends throughout the entire city. Inhaling deeply, Mercuria takes hold of the area and folds her mental model of it over onto itself, then flips the entire thing over with an exhale. Everything careens dangerously, rolling in waves as if an earthquake is running through the area, before righting itself—but no, everything is wrong. The clocks in the uninhabited buildings around the battle run backwards, the unaccustomed SWAT team startles as their limbs contort strangely, and Mercuria simply smiles.

Looking over at Von Chosais but not liking the tiny amount of trepidation she feels about him still, the Slowpoke can see that the Chespin is close to waking. Even a small tug on his mind will bring him back to consciousness, preventing any further displays of that kind—and isn't her specialty tugs on mons' minds? Cackling with glee, Mercuria bounds forwards (right, she can do that now!) and deals the Chespin a psychic slap. He jolts awake just in time to see Mercuria feasting on a pinkish artifact from his dream. So she must be why he feels so exhausted—those weren't power naps at all!

Trying to avoid the telltale pink distortions pockmarking the area that interfere with his movement, Von Chosais utters what is in his opinion an absolutely epic battle cry, then leaps onto Mercuria. The Slowpoke winces as Von Chosais's thorns, teeth, and claws dig into her already-damaged skin, but after a while the pain seems to disappear even though her assailant continues to punch and bite. Finally, she manages to fling him off with a well-timed shake of the head, then sets up a transparent shield to ward off any further attacks. Von Chosais forms a sphere made of Grass energy and fires it at her anyway, but the dome absorbs the hit easily. As the referee lowers her flags to end the round, the battlers are both panting from the effort of executing their attacks but still determined to win.

I liek Squirtles (ooO)
Von Chosais (m) <Bulletproof>
Health: 19%
Energy: 18%
Currently: Determined to bring Mercuria down.
Used: Sleep Talk (Dual Chop) ~ Endeavor ~ Energy Ball (blocked)
hoothoot Cuckoo: 99% health / 88% energy / Taking a nap.
mienfoo Fisticuffs: 42% health / 29% energy / Happy to be out of there. Regenerator active (5% recovery/round). Burned (severe).

Dazel (oxO)
Mercuria (f) <Own Tempo> @ King's Rock
Health: 49% (capped)
Energy: 28%
Currently: Tired.
Used: Trick Room ~ Dream Eater ~ Protect
amaura Boris: 83% health / 89% energy / Grateful for the rest.

Field Notes
-A Trick Room envelops the city (4 more actions).
-The bank sign has been forcibly deprived of its supports and is now grounded.
-Farther away, many buildings have been damaged or destroyed from the hail.
-The roadway has been scorched and twisted by severe heat. A conflagration has consumed most of the nearby grass and has dropped in intensity, now only a mere few embers in front of the bank.
-The top half of a tree has fallen across the pedestrian crossing.
-There are two cracked holes in the ground connected by a gently sloping tunnel.
-Main Plaza destruction counter: 7.

Action Notes
-...Rereading this, I kind of got carried away with Sleep Talk's description, whoops.
-Von Chosais woke up after Mercuria used Dream Eater on him (but before the end of the action, so he used Endeavor). Because of this, Mercuria's commands for the third action were somewhat ambiguous, but I had her use Protect because she had no other option for the situation. As a result, Von Chosais used Energy Ball because his commands specifically stated to Chill only if the Endeavor was protected against, so none of his conditionals were fulfilled.
-Mercuria hit the cap on the second action.
-Von Chosais's Bulk Up boosts faded after the second action.

Fisticuffs: 37 + 5 (Regenerator) = 42
29 = 29
Von Chosais: 31 - 12 (Dream Eater) = 19
58 - 6 (Sleep Talk [Dual Chop]) - 30 (Endeavor) - 4 (Energy Ball) = 18
Mercuria: 73 + 6 (Dream Eater) - 10 (Sleep Talk [Dual Chop]) - 30 (Endeavor) = 49 (capped)
43 - 4 (Trick Room) - 4 (Dream Eater) - 7 (Protect) = 28
Dazel commands next.
Goddamn it, I think I'm yet to respond on time.

Well, that was a pretty good round, despite the endeavour! We're probably going to take a lot of flack this round, so let's try to dish out a bunch as well. Flamethrower ahoy! As usual, throw up a protect the first time Von Chosais tries a grass-type move; you'll have to take the rest after that. Not an incredibly complex set of commands, but we'll have to make do.

Flamethrower / protect x3
A grass type move isn't necessarily a super effective grass type move, so let's abuse that loophole! :3

Start off with a Worry Seed. After that, Wood Hammer all the way. It's been an honor, Von Chosais. (o_o)7

Worry Seed~Wood Hammer~Wood Hammer
I liek Squirtles (ooO)
Von Chosais (m) <Bulletproof>
Health: 19%
Energy: 18%
Currently: Determined to bring Mercuria down.
Commands: Worry Seed ~ Wood Hammer ~ Wood Hammer
hoothoot Cuckoo: 99% health / 88% energy / Taking a nap.
mienfoo Fisticuffs: 42% health / 29% energy / Happy to be out of there. Regenerator active (5% recovery/round). Burned (severe).

Dazel (oxO)
Mercuria (f) <Own Tempo> @ King's Rock
Health: 49% (capped)
Energy: 28%
Currently: Tired.
Commands: Trick Room ~ Dream Eater ~ Protect
amaura Boris: 83% health / 89% energy / Grateful for the rest.

Field Notes
-A Trick Room envelops the city (4 more actions).
-The bank sign has been forcibly deprived of its supports and is now grounded.
-Farther away, many buildings have been damaged or destroyed from the hail.
-The roadway has been scorched and twisted by severe heat. A conflagration has consumed most of the nearby grass and has dropped in intensity, now only a mere few embers in front of the bank.
-The top half of a tree has fallen across the pedestrian crossing.
-There are two cracked holes in the ground connected by a gently sloping tunnel.
-Main Plaza destruction counter: 7.

Round 15

When the referee lowers her flags, Mercuria narrows her eyes, studying her opponent as he flails around and tries to regain his bearings in the Trick Room. Once he's certain that he'll be able to execute his next attack, Von Chosais gathers a tiny ball of Grass energy in one paw and shapes it to resemble a kidney bean before tossing it at the Slowpoke. But Mercuria sees the projectile coming, and throws up a shield just in time for the seed to bounce harmlessly off and take root in the pavement. She shudders; good thing that isn't happening to her. Determined to prevent any further parasites of that kind, Mercuria breathes out another plume of fire at the Chespin, who winces as the flames scorch his chest and arms but soon recovers, more determined than ever. It doesn't look like he'll be able to take another one of those attacks, so why not go out with a bang?

Von Chosais takes a deep breath before summoning all his remaining energy with a desperate screech-shriek-snarl. The aura of leaves whirls around in midair, unsure of what form to take, before obeying its creator's instructions: maximum destruction. Gnarled spine-covered vines and twisted, thorny shrubs made entirely of Grass energy sprout from midair to ravage both Von Chosais and his opponent with barbed swipes. Driven backwards by the lashing blows, Mercuria cries out but holds her ground as best she can, intent on seeing her opponent to the end; however, he isn't so lucky. After the last branch batters him into the ground and dissipates, the exhausted Von Chosais makes a valiant effort to pick himself up, but eventually collapses, completely worn out. After checking his status, the referee raises one flag to signify that the Chespin is unable to battle.

I liek Squirtles (ooX)
Von Chosais (m) <Bulletproof>
Health: 0%
Energy: 10%
Currently: Fainted.
Used: Worry Seed (blocked) ~ Wood Hammer
hoothoot Cuckoo: 99% health / 88% energy / Taking a nap.
mienfoo Fisticuffs: 47% health / 29% energy / Happy to be out of there. Regenerator active (5% recovery/round). Burned (severe).

Dazel (oxO)
Mercuria (f) <Own Tempo> @ King's Rock
Health: 27%
Energy: 21%
Currently: Breathing heavily, but glad she won.
Used: Protect ~ Flamethrower
amaura Boris: 83% health / 89% energy / Grateful for the rest.

Field Notes
-A Trick Room envelops the city (1 more action).
-The bank sign has been forcibly deprived of its supports and is now grounded.
-Farther away, many buildings have been damaged or destroyed from the hail.
-The roadway has been scorched and twisted by severe heat. A conflagration has consumed most of the nearby grass and has dropped in intensity, now only a mere few embers in front of the bank.
-The top half of a tree has fallen across the pedestrian crossing.
-There are two cracked holes in the ground connected by a gently sloping tunnel.
-Main Plaza destruction counter: 7.

Action Notes
-Von Chosais fainted from Wood Hammer recoil on the second action.

Fisticuffs: 42 + 5 (Regenerator) = 47
29 = 29
Von Chosais: 19 - 13 (Flamethrower) - 7 (Wood Hammer) = 0
18 - 2 (Worry Seed) - 6 (Wood Hammer) = 10
Mercuria: 49 - 22 (Wood Hammer) = 27
28 - 2 (Protect) - 5 (Flamethrower) = 21
I liek Squirtles sends out and commands next.
Wow, this has gone downhill...

I'll send out Cuckoo. Why not?
You can't fall asleep, that's a plus. So let's give her a taste of her own medicine!

Start off with a nice Hypnosis followed by eating her dreams for some energy (if that's even possible). If that Hypnosis is protected against, Chill the same turn and push the move back an action. If she double teams, Aerial Ace instead. If the next turn she uses Protect, Chill then. Finish with Return, if things have gone well, Frustration if they haven't, or an Aerial Ace if there are clones.

Hypnosis/Chill/Aerial Ace~Dream Eater/Hypnosis/Chill~Return/Frustration/Aerial Ace
Let us begin with a magic coat. Next, use dream eater; if Cuckoo is still awake this turn, I'm not sure what will happen (presumably struggle, yes?), but if that's the case, use ice beam instead. Rinse and repeat.

Magic coat ~ dream eater / ice beam x2
I liek Squirtles quickly recalls the defeated Von Chosais before glancing over at the Pokemon his opponent still has in reserve. The trainer soon chooses Cuckoo's Poke Ball and sends out the Hoothoot in a flash of white light, but the Pokemon collapses onto the pavement, apparently asleep. Curiosity aroused by the strange new arrival, Mercuria plods over and taps him gently with one foot, upon which the awakened Cuckoo leaps upward with a deafening HOOT and flaps into the air, ready to battle.

I liek Squirtles (Oox)
Cuckoo (m) <Insomnia>
Health: 99%
Energy: 88%
Currently: Bleary.
Commands: Hypnosis/Chill/Aerial Ace ~ Dream Eater/Hypnosis/Chill ~ Return/Frustration/Aerial Ace
mienfoo Fisticuffs: 47% health / 29% energy / Happy to be out of there. Regenerator active (5% recovery/round). Burned (severe).

Dazel (oxO)
Mercuria (f) <Own Tempo> @ King's Rock
Health: 27%
Energy: 21%
Currently: Breathing heavily, but glad she won.
Commands: Magic Coat ~ Dream Eater/Ice Beam ~ Dream Eater/Ice Beam
amaura Boris: 83% health / 89% energy / Grateful for the rest.

Field Notes
-A Trick Room envelops the city (1 more action).
-The bank sign has been forcibly deprived of its supports and is now grounded.
-Farther away, many buildings have been damaged or destroyed from the hail.
-The roadway has been scorched and twisted by severe heat. A conflagration has consumed most of the nearby grass and has dropped in intensity, now only a mere few embers in front of the bank.
-The top half of a tree has fallen across the pedestrian crossing.
-There are two cracked holes in the ground connected by a gently sloping tunnel.
-Main Plaza destruction counter: 7.

Round 16

Once he's gained his bearings in the twisted space, Cuckoo purses his beak at the Slowpoke's rudeness. She poked him when he was clearly sleeping! The only possible way he can avenge this gross display of uncouthness is, then, to put her to sleep. Or something. On the topic of Mercuria, she looks like she's doing something, but he can't really figure out what: a slick sheet of pink light is barricading her completely from the outside world. But Cuckoo can tell it's not a Protect shield, so he ignores this train of thought and ruminates more on his opponent's utter rudeness.

The Hoothoot lifts his chin smugly and opens his eyes as widely as he can, emitting a beam of mesmerizing red energy as he flutters towards his opponent and she glances over. But when he makes eye contact with Mercuria, trying to force the suggestion of sleep into her mind, his vision goes black and all he can see is his own red light, reflected all around, making him drowsy… wait, no! This isn't how it's supposed to go! (insert rhyming guitar riff here.) He already had a nap in his Poke Ball, and he's not gonna take this fall, y'all! Clenching his wings, Cuckoo forces his eyes shut with a hiss, blocking out the hypnotic glow and staunchly ignoring the afterimages dancing behind his eyelids until he's sure the mental assault is over. Opening his eyes, he finds Mercuria sitting placidly there just as she had before, the mirrorlike dome surrounding her and the distortion of space all around them simply gone.

So that was what happened, eh. Well, he'll be paying her back for that, with a Dream Eater!! She looks pretty tired, too, so maybe this one will end her. The Hoothoot chuckles wickedly and opens his mind's eye to the unconscious Pokemon in his vicinity, finding two: Dazel's Firethorn and… his own fallen teammate, Von Chosais? Cuckoo realizes with a start that Mercuria isn't asleep, she blocked his attack somehow—but before he can pull out of his trance he's blasted out of it by a spiraling jet of pure frost that hits him straight in the forehead. He tumbles out of the air, clutching at his eyes, and manages to think the words brain freeze before he conks his head on the side of a Lego stud.

Now it's Mercuria's turn to chuckle: she's two for two in blocking her opponent's attacks and one for one in landing her own, and even though she's in much worse shape, birdbrain over there's rubbing his head with a wing. Sheepishly! Only sheep get to be sheepish, and he's an owl. Confident she has this one in the bag, the Slowpoke begins to glow off-white again, forming a light blue sphere of pure cold in her open mouth, but she doesn't notice Cuckoo slowly flapping into the air, glaring daggers at her. The frustrated Hoothoot takes a deep breath, steels himself, and plunges down straight at Mercuria, wings tucked in.

Fueled by his anger at her deception and his failures, the Hoothoot claws at her with energy-sharpened talons, beats at her already scarred skin with his wings and beak, and all the while screams shrill and loud right in her face; preparation disrupted by the ambush, Mercuria can only grit her teeth and take the attack. The Slowpoke is pushed backwards along the pavement even through she tries to stand her ground, but soon her opponent's blows fade in intensity and she's able to focus well enough to gather howling winds and winter sleet in a tiny sphere of energy—before releasing them in all their might, forcing one massive blast into her opponent's open beak at close range. Blown into the air again, Cuckoo howls as the ice crystals dig into his skin and the gales buffet him backwards and away, while Mercuria sags below him with exhaustion, completely worn out by her various attacks. As the referee lowers her flags, the SWAT team starts forward before realizing the attack probably won't do anything to the buildings and backing off... for now.

I liek Squirtles (Oox)
Cuckoo (m) <Insomnia>
Health: 73%
Energy: 81%
Currently: Feeling a little better.
Used: Hypnosis (bounced) ~ Dream Eater (failed) ~ Frustration
mienfoo Fisticuffs: 52% health / 29% energy / Happy to be out of there. Regenerator active (5% recovery/round). Burned (severe).

Dazel (oxO)
Mercuria (f) <Own Tempo> @ King's Rock
Health: 17%
Energy: 8%
Currently: Dead on her feet.
Used: Magic Coat ~ Ice Beam ~ Ice Beam
amaura Boris: 83% health / 89% energy / Grateful for the rest.

Field Notes
-The bank sign has been forcibly deprived of its supports and is now grounded.
-Farther away, many buildings have been damaged or destroyed from the hail.
-The roadway has been scorched and twisted by severe heat. A conflagration has consumed most of the nearby grass and has dropped in intensity, now only a mere few embers in front of the bank.
-The top half of a tree has fallen across the pedestrian crossing.
-There are two cracked holes in the ground connected by a gently sloping tunnel.
-Main Plaza destruction counter: 7.

Action Notes
-…And now I realize I've been describing Cuckoo as asleep for the past fifteen rounds when he has Insomnia. Oops.
-Trick Room wore off at the end of the first action.
-Cuckoo can't fall asleep because of his Insomnia, so the bounced Hypnosis did nothing.
-Cuckoo's commands didn't specifically cover the situation in action two, so he tried to use Dream Eater but failed (wasting 2% energy in the process.)
-Frustration's base damage was 8%.

Fisticuffs: 47 + 5 (Regenerator) = 52
29 = 29
Cuckoo: 99 - 13 (Ice Beam) - 13 (Ice Beam) = 73
88 - 2 (Hypnosis) - 2 (Dream Eater [failed]) - 3 (Frustration) = 81
Mercuria: 27 - 10 (Frustration) = 17
21 - 3 (Magic Coat) - 5 (Ice Beam) - 5 (Ice Beam) = 8
Dazel commands next.
oh shieeeet i forgot

Welp, looks like I'm fucked. Opt for a few more ice beams; if Cuckoo uses hypnosis again, magic coat it. If Cuckoo is asleep, use dream eater for health.

Ice beam / magic coat / dream eater (health) x3
Protect against that first Ice Beam. Quickly follow up by Flying away from Mercuria to be out of range, and then come back down, full force!

Protect~Fly (up and down)
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