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I think he saw Castform or something, I really don't know

Terry. T.

Now, I remember this from 2 weeks ago or so. While on holiday, I saw someone down the street, who stood out. I forgot to say to the person, but I will.

So, I knew who it was, I thought. It was- Now, I was blank. I freaked, and my heart raced like mad. No, I wasn't in love, but it was, it was;

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Re: It was possible...

Last time I checked this was the Laughing Cupboard, not Guess What Person I Saw, LOL NOT TELLING

Either change your post or I'll close it. It's spam otherwise.
Re: It was possible...

"hey I know"

"why don't I make a thread telling people I'm not going to tell them something"

"this is a great idea for an internet message board"
Re: It was possible...

When I (thought I) saw you, you didn't seem to take any notice of me, but meh.
Re: It was possible...

Oh, then you weren't the person I thought was you.
Re: It was possible...

The person I saw who looked vaguely like you was outside some office building by the beach.
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