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Icalasari vs. Animorph


Hail was, once again, falling from the skies. The temperature had dropped due to the hail, and the arena was rather chilly now. The water in the bay was starting to calm down now, but it was still as muddy as always – at least, as muddy as when the Spheal first hit it with her beam attack. The Horsea that are usually abundant in the cove had all disappeared, scared away by the turbulent water. A Spheal was sleeping on the beach with three Gibles staring at it, one of the Gibles hiding in a cave. Another Gible stood on the other beach, blocking the cave entrance that yet another Gible was resting in. To put it in simpler terms: a Gible and a Gible are blocking a Gible and a Gible while a Gible is not blocking a Gible. Yup, it’s that simple.

“Round six, start!” The Linoone yelled with a wave of her flags.

Ribbon (F)
HP: 97%
Energy: 92%
Status: Ohhh… Dark.
4 Clone; ATTACK +2

Martha (F)
HP: 100%
Energy: 64%
Status: Zzzzz….

Round 6 Start

Yawn. Resting seemed like a good idea for now, but of course, it that Spheal attacks… Ribbon peeked out from her cave. Martha was still sleeping peacefully on her beach, completely oblivious to the hail falling on her body. Ribbon shrugged and pulled her head back into her cave. The Spheal didn’t seem like she’s about to attack soon, so might as well as chill for a bit. Ribbon walked deeper into the cave (or was it a tunnel? She couldn’t tell). The tunnel actually started to get larger as she walked, the ceiling rising higher and higher while the width stayed, more or less, the same. Ribbon kept on walking. She couldn’t see anything anymore, due to the darkness of the cave, but she was pretty sure the ceiling is at least two feet higher than before… Her trainer did say that she should go to a deeper part of the cave that’s really small… Hmm… Might as well as keep on walking. If possible, the tunnel seemed to get darker as she kept on walking. Occasionally, the sound of dripping water could be heard echoing through the tunnels. The Gible stumbled on, feeling a bit scared now. At least she can turn back and just walk out the way she came in, right?

Then she came upon a split in the tunnel. From a thin beam light coming from a hole in the ceiling, one of the tunnels bent left, the other, right. Ribbon stared at the tunnels, wondering which way she should go. Her trainer didn’t mention anything about splitting tunnels that get larger as she walked… And both tunnels looked the same. At least she knew the way out… Hopefully.

Martha, meanwhile, was still in dreamland. She vaguely heard a word… Chill, was it? Hmm…. Zzzz…. Sounds good…. She did feel rather tired even though she was sleeping. The Spheal sighed contently and rested, feeling a bit of her energy restore to her. Mmmm…. Dead Gibles… Mmmmm….

<Ribbon: -0HP -1E; Martha: -0HP +8E>

Ribbon peeked at both tunnels. The one on the left seemed to slope up, and the one on the right stayed the same. They were both about the same height and width as the tunnel she’s in right now, and both bigger than the space her trainer had asked for. What to do, what to do… Should she go to the tunnel on the left? Or the right? Or should she stay here? She knew that her trainer had asked her to chill, but had also told her to go to a part of the tunnels where it’s too narrow to dodge… Ribbon decided to Chill first, then wait for instructions from Icalasari. The Gible settled down into a comfortable spot and rested. The echo of dripping water rang in her ears, and the air was a bit chillier here… Ribbon felt some of her energy come back to her.

Martha didn’t move from her spot. She just continued to sleep and chill, dreaming about Gibles in torture chambers.

<Ribbon: -0HP +10E; Martha: -0HP +9E>

Hail fell from the gloomy sky, and two Pokemon, one in a tunnel and one on the beach, chilled and restored their energy. The referee sighed. Nothing’s happening right now, and she felt sort of bored. Maybe she should leave and buy a cup of coffee or something. That sounds nice. A hailstone that hit her on the head reminded her of her job and she sighed.

Ribbon opened her eyes and blinked slowly. She felt more refreshed now, with her energy restored, and more adventurous. She should go exploring the tunnels and find a narrow place… Or she could just chill. What to do, what to do… Faced with a moral dilemma, the Gible was rather confused. Should she follow her trainer’s orders, or should she follow her trainer’s orders? She decided to go exploring. After all, her trainer did tell her “to hide deeper in the caves until they are small enough to prevent dodging”, so she might as well as do that. Ribbon picked up a rock, turned around, and threw at the tunnels. The rock bounced off the ground and into the tunnel on the left, the one sloping up. The left it is! Ribbon headed into the tunnel, feeling the light fade the deeper she went. The tunnel continued to slope up. It was a bit tiring walking up the slope, but Ribbon still felt quite refreshed from the little rest, so she kept on going. The tunnel started to grow wider and wider as she walked deeper and deeper into it. What’s with the tunnels getting bigger as she went along!? However, the ceiling started to drop, slowly at first, but finally reaching a height Ribbon felt a bit uncomfortable walking standing under. Her head fin just touches the ceiling, and she was sure if she went any further deeper (not like she’s short enough to do that), she would get squished. The tunnel was wide though, really wide, and Ribbon walked back and fro across it. About seven feet wide, she estimated. But of course, there’s no way the Spheal would be able to dodge with this height unless she rolled; Ribbon was pretty sure the Spheal probably wouldn’t even fit in this little gap.

Although… Where is the exit?

Martha, on the other hand, was still sleeping quite peacefully. She shifted a little, and continued to chill.

<Ribbon: -0HP -1E; Martha: -0HP +10E>

Round 6 End


It was hailing, but not as hard as before. The water in the bay had calmed down now, and the sand was, slowly, starting to settle. Three Gibles stood on the beaches, all out of the sleeping Spheal’s reach. Two Gibles hid in caves, one feeling quite lost in the darkness.

Ribbon (F)
HP: 97%
Energy: 99%
Status: … I’m not lost. Really.
4 Clone; ATTACK +2

Martha (F)
HP: 100%
Energy: 91%
Status: ……

- I used a randomizer to generate the tunnel sizes. If you want more detail about how that works, go ahead and ask.
- My theory is that, the more tired you are, the less energy you restore when you rest. So yeah.
- Animorph attacks first next round.
Okay Martha! Let's just...well, do that sleep talk thing again. And, if you wake up at any time, then do the following you can with your remaining actions

Sleep Talk/Earthquake~Sleep Talk/earthquake/Toxic~Sleep Talk/Earthquake/Toxic/Surf
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Oh boy... Ribbon, you're lost and in trouble. I want you to get out of there ASAP. If Spheal uses Earthquake, use Protect. Once you are on the beach (make sure the clone in the other side comes out at the same time) get AWAY from the water and the cliff and chill unless Spheal attacks you, in which case, Protect

Escape/Protect ~ Escape/Protect/Retreat from water and chill ~ Escape/Protect/Retreat from water and chill


It was hailing. Two trainers stood on the battle field, Icalasari and Animorph, seemly unaffected by the rock-hard ice blocks falling from the sky. A Spheal slept on the beach, also unaffected by the hail. A few Gibles, three, to be exact, stood on the beach. Since they are all clones, the hailstones also didn’t affect them. The real Gible was hiding in a tunnel deep in the cliffs, safe and cozy.

The referee, however, wasn’t so lucky, as she tried (and failed) to dodge many of the hailstones. She still wasn’t really sure whether she wanted the hail to stop or stay (sort of) dry. The Linoone sighed and waved her referee flags. “Round seven, start!” Next time, she’s taking a battle that does not require her to stand in the rain.

Ribbon (F)
HP: 97%
Energy: 99%
Status: … I’m not lost. Really.
4 Clone; ATTACK +2

Martha (F)
HP: 100%
Energy: 91%
Status: ……

Round 7 Start

Ribbon blinked. Get out? After she just got in? Oh well. She didn’t really like this place anyway; it’s too dark and too dry. Now the problem was finding the exit. She walked forward, until she came upon the place the tunnels met and the light sifts through a crack in the ceiling. Now… Where should she go? The Gible stared at the two tunnels. They both looked exactly the same. Oh bother…

Ribbon was starting to get a bit nervous. She wanted to get out (mainly because it was her trainer’s orders), but she wasn’t sure how. Should she turn left or right…? The Gible looked around. She was pretty sure she came from the tunnel to the left. So does that mean she has to go to the tunnel on the right now? Or is it the left? The Gible peered at both tunnels. The one on the left seemed to have a bit of light at the end… That must be the exit. But she should turn right, shouldn’t she? The tunnel on the right looked dark and menacing, not like the tunnel she came in at all. So, she must be wrong. Ribbon turned to the tunnel on the left and kept on walking, hoping that she made the right choice.

Meanwhile, outside in the hail, Martha shifted from her spot a bit. The three Gibles on the beaches stared at her nervously. The Spheal started to mutter something under her breath, then seemed to focus. A bright wall of energy simmered in front of her, successfully blocking all attacks directed at her. The only problem was that there were no attacks heading her way. Martha sighed, still asleep, and the wall of energy faded away.

Hail continued to fall, and the Gible clones, standing right under the falling hailstones, couldn't take it anymore. They started to glow, then slowly fizzled away. None of the Pokemon noticed, mainly because one was asleep and the other was lost in the tunnels.

<Ribbon: -0HP -1E; Martha: -0HP -4E>

Ribbon kept on walking while humming a little ditty to herself. The place was starting to creep her out a bit, but she’s walking towards the light, so she must be fine. The tunnel was the same width, but ceiling seemed to lower a bit, until it was about five feet from the ground. Or at least that’s what Ribbon estimated anyway. The Gible kept on walking, her eyes focusing on the light ahead. When she stepped out of the tunnel she was walking in, what she saw was not what she had expected. Ribbon found herself in a large (for a Gible, at least) cave-like structure, with a hole in the ceiling where light shone through. A few hailstones littered the ground in the middle of the cave, and a few more still fell from the sky. In front of Ribbon were three entrances to tunnels, each dark and daunting. The hole in the ceiling explained the light… the Gible thought to herself. But this was not the exit. She sighed and turned back. Guess the exit is the dark, scary tunnel… While walking, Ribbon started to wonder about Martha. The Earthquake attacks weren’t coming like she had expected, so what was that Spheal doing?

Martha, meanwhile, started to mutter in her sleep again. She started to glow, and ball of energy in the shape of a Spheal formed in front of her. Martha winced, still sleeping, as she placed a bit of her health into the substitute. Then, the Spheal sleepwalked off and hid, leaving only the strange, gooey-looking blob of energy on the sand.

<Ribbon: -0HP -1E; Martha: -10HP -5E> <Substitute: 10HP>

Ribbon started to walk faster, a bit nervous. The complicated tunnel structures were starting to unnerve her, and she really didn’t want to get lost anymore. She walked back to where the tunnels meet, and made paused. Great, great, great… Not again. Should she turn right or left? Determined to get out of the caves, Ribbon mentally made a diagram. So, she had come from out side and turned left, then turned left… So she should turn left this time. Right?

Well, too bad, she’s going to turn right. Ribbon started a quick walk, through the dark tunnel. She almost tripped over her own feet a few times (curse evolution!), but she could see light now; not a bright light, but still light nevertheless. Yay! Exit! The nice stormy sky! The rain! The muddy poisoned water! The Horsea that had all disappeared!

Ribbon wondered about how her clones were doing. Were they still there…? Speaking of clones… Ribbon finally reached the end of the tunnel, only to find it blocked by one of her clones. Well. At least one of them was still there… She peeked out from behind her clone and counted. The clones she had left on the beach seemed to be gone -- it's probably because of the hail. The clone in the cave was still there, though. All she needed to do is get it out...

Two Gibles simultaneously walked out of two caves. Martha didn’t notice, however, since she was still snoozing away… Or not. The Spheal yawned and opened her eyes. She felt a bit tired for some reason, even after her long rest and chilling. Then she saw the substitute in front of her. Oh. The Spheal had calmed down a bit after the rest, but… Why in the world are there so many Gibles? The Spheal cursed to herself. And what is she supposed to do now? Her trainer had told her to use Earthquake… Or Toxic… Or Surf… Well… Still feeling a bit groggy, Martha couldn’t think properly. And there were too many Gibles. Way too many Gibles. And it was raining. Ugh.

<Ribbon: -0HP, -2E; Martha: -0HP -0E> <Substitute: 10HP>

Round 7 End


The hail had stopped, and rain was once again pouring down from the sky. The bay wasn’t as murky as before, and the sand and dust was settling down. However, the water was suspiciously purple from the Spheal’s Toxic attack a few rounds before. There were a total of three Gibles on the beaches; one on where the groggy Spheal was currently standing on, and two more on the beach to the opposite end.

Ribbon (F)
HP: 97%
Energy: 95%
Status: Yay! Rain!
2 Clone; ATTACK +2; SPEED +1

Martha (F)
HP: 90%
Energy: 82%

Martha’s Substitute: 10 HP

- Linoone apologizes greatly for the lateness. She blames school.
- Groggy Martha doesn’t like mornings.
- The randomizer had generated all of Martha’s attacks
- The randomizer had also generated whether Ribbon will get lost or not
- Icalasari attacks first next round
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Hail kills clones. If I understand where all of Ribbon's have been during the inclement weather, she should be less a few by now. Many refs will have rain erase them, too.
??? Wait, if three were killed, then how are there five gible on the beach now?


Anyways, Ribbon, I want you to stay away from the water. Start off with Double Team to create three new clones. Use two of them to distract Martha while you Toxic and Iron Head her again. If she attacks you, use Protect instead. If you were unable to use Double Team your first action due to an attack, then use it in your second action. Make sure that one clone is, at all times, keeping Martha's attention away from you.

Double Team/Protect ~ Toxic + Iron Head/Double Team/Protect ~ Toxic/Double Team/Protect

All three actions, make sure Martha is distracted
Martha, let's keep you safe for now. On the first attack, use a simple powder snow to attack. After that, use icy wind, and, finally, finish that off with surf attack. The wonderful thing about all these attacks are that they cover large areas...hehe...

Powder Snow~Icy Wind~Surf

Sheets of rain were pouring from the dark and gloomy sky as two trainers faced each other in a desperate Pokemon battle. Despite the fact that several rounds have already passed, the Pokemon were barely harmed. Not including the referee, of course.

The Linoone stood to the side, her head still throbbing from getting hit by the hail earlier. She scanned her eyes across the battlefield; the bay was still pretty muddy right now, but, compared to before, the water was clearer. It was a slightly more purple color, too. There were a total of three Gibles on the beach, for two of Ribbon’s clones have been destroyed by the hail. A blob of energy that is shaped vaguely like a Spheal faced the Gibles, while Marth herself was hidden, well, somewhere. The Linoone sighed. Here goes another round… “Round eight, start!”

Ribbon (F)
HP: 97%
Energy: 95%
Status: Yay! Rain!
2 Clone; ATTACK +2; SPEED +1

Martha (F)
HP: 90%
Energy: 82%

Martha’s Substitute: 10 HP

Round 8 Start

Ribbon stared at the water nervously. It was a strange purple color… Better stay away from it like her trainer said. Ribbon focused a bit, and the Gible clone right next to Martha’s substitute budged, then started to dance around in front of the substitute’s face. It’s the best she could do for now, since the Spheal was nowhere to be found. The Gible turned to face Martha in anticipation of the next attack.

Martha, on the other hand, was feeling more awake now. The rain was actually sort of refreshing, now that she didn’t have the four gaping holes on her back. She scanned her eyes across the battlefield. There seemed to be two Gible on the beach opposite to her, and one Gible… What exactly is that thing doing anyway? Martha sighed and let her internal temperature drop, freezing the water in the special gland inside her. Then, coming out of her hiding place, she opened her mouth and let out a large puff of fluffy, white snow. There was a flurry of white across the bay, then two small flashes of light. When the snow settled, the Gible originally dancing in front of Martha had disappeared. There was only one other Gible left on the opposite beach, too, yet it seemed unharmed. And Martha saw the reason why as she scurried back into her hiding spot.

Ribbon stood her ground, surrounded by a glowing wall of energy. The energy had protected her from the Powder Snow, and she was pretty glad it did; the icy attack would probably have dealt quite a lot of damage, especially with her double weakness. Ribbon let her wall of energy fizzle away after the gust of snow stopped. Holding up a Protect was quite tiring…

<Ribbon: -0HP -5E; Martha: -0HP -3E>

Ribbon sighed to herself. She knew that her clones wouldn’t last forever, but having two taken down in a row was just not very nice. And now she couldn’t distract the Spheal with clones anymore… Ribbon sighed again. She had to wait until Martha attacks first before she can decide on her orders, but she really wasn’t feeling that confident, especially facing an Ice-type. But she must distract Martha… Where ever she was… What should she do? Ribbon, feeling rather stupid, sighed again. Without her clones, she really wasn’t anything.

Martha smiled from her hiding place. The Gible had no idea where she was hiding right now, so any dancing Gible wouldn’t affect her much. Also, now with all the clones gone, she could go right back to business. The Spheal once again scurried out of her hiding place, cooled herself down, and opened her mouth again, this time sending out a blast of freezing cold air straight at Ribbon. The water rippled as the blast of air traveled across the bay, then hit the Gible head-on.

Ribbon had attempted frantically to put up a Protect as she saw the blast coming, yet her body wouldn’t listen to her. She was too tired from the last Protect to focus, and she couldn’t muster up enough energy to form a shield around her again. The only thing she could was to brace herself as the Icy Wind hit. Ribbon was almost thrown as the wind hit her straight on the face, and she cried out in pain as the icy cold air bit into her sensitive skin. Her limbs felt oddly numb, and she couldn’t open her eyes, for the wind was too strong. Then the horror stopped. Ribbon sighed in relief and opened her eyes. She still felt strangely numb and slow, even with the rain. And she was cold. The Gible was mighty glad that she hadn’t been hit by a Blizzard.

Martha grinned evilly, back into hiding. Ahh… The sweet taste of revenge…

<Ribbon: -10HP -0E; Martha: -0HP -5E>

Ribbon shivered, still feeling cold from the Icy Wind. Her body was a bit more relaxed now, but she was more nervous than ever. What if Martha uses another powerful ice attack, and she couldn’t use Protect in time? The Gible tried to shake the bothering thoughts from her head. Focus on the battle. Focus on the battle. What is that blobby thing on the opposite beach and where is that Spheal hiding gasp don’t panic don’t panic don’t panic…. Ribbon closed her eyes, listening to the steady pounding of rain and felt herself relax. The battle was turning on her; she could feel it. The Spheal was winning.

Martha, still grinning, scooted out of her hiding place again. So far, so good. Standing beside her gooey substitute, the Spheal started to channel her energy towards the bay. The water, still quite muddy and purple, started to churn, and a huge wave rose out of its depths. Martha, with her eyes wide with excitement, waved her front paws in the air, and the huge, muddy wave was sent straight at the Gible.

The wave was a horrible color. It wasn’t the nice sea blue from before; after all the battling, the whole bay had turned into a disgusting purplish brown. And the wave of poison and sand was heading straight towards Ribbon. The Gible let out a panicked yelp, and energy burst out of her, forming into a glowing dome. The wave crashed into Ribbon and the beach around her, the poisoned water splashing into the air and cliffs, before retreating back into the bay. Ribbon whimpered in fear, but the dome of energy had protected her from the Surf attack. Yet, when the Protect fizzled away, Ribbon saw something horrifying.

The whole beach on her side was covered with this weird purple-ish sand. And there were Horsea everywhere. The poor seahorse Pokemon had been washed up by the huge wave, and they laid on the beach, fainted. Some struggled a bit, useless attempts to get out of the poison, before giving into unconsciousness. It was as if a huge Wailord had puked over the bay. The only part of the beach not poisoned was a small circular area around the Gible, about three feet in diameter. Ribbon whimpered again, really scared now. Poor Horsea…

Martha chuckled evilly, spying on the frightened Gible from her hiding place.

<Ribbon: -0HP, -6E; Martha: -0HP, -6E>

Round 8 End


It was raining, as usual. The water was back to its crazy muddy state, and it was still sort of purple. The beach on Ribbon’s side was covered with a strange layer of purplish sand and fainted Horsea, deposited by the Surf attack from earlier. The rain was starting to wash off some of the sand back into the bay though. Martha, on the other hand, seemed to be very happy for the fact that she had dealt quite a lot of damage on the Gible. The beach on her side was still normal. There was a total of zero clones on the battlefield, one scared Gible, one grinning Spheal, two trainers, and one very soggy Linoone.

Ribbon (F)
HP: 87%
Energy: 84%
Status: Horsea! Why? D:

Martha (F)
HP: 90%
Energy: 68%
Status: Hehehe…

Martha’s Substitute: 10 HP

- Linoone apologizes for all her horrible reffing… >.<
- Ribbon used Protecte all three rounds, but failed on the second round
- Animorph attacks first next round
Oh dear god, the poor Horsea...*Stares, horrified* Oh god, what have I done?

Err...Um, Martha, let's try to avoid hitting the poor things...*Glance, shudder, nervously nudges a Horsea into the water* And, um...Chill. Yes, chill for now, then, um...I want you to launch another Icy Wind attack. If she used Protect, use Icy wind again, but otherwise, just chill again.

Chill~Icy Wind~Icy Wind/Chill
Ok. Ribbon, you saw what she did to the poor Horsea. Doesn't that just... Frustrate you?

Charge at that sub and use Dragon Claw to rip it apart. Then use Twister at the Icy Wind to gather the frosty gales into the (hopefully much) stronger winds of the Twister, and make sure it hits Martha. Since you technically didn't use Protect, she won't attack with Icy Wind again. After that, use Frustration, making sure that you give her some wounds and end up pushing her into the poisoned water so that the toxins in it will flow into her. In other words, this round is about turning her attacks against her

Dragon Claw @ Sub ~ Twister @ Icy Wind and Martha ~ Frustration (wound and push Martha into ocean with it)


The referee was bored. One of the trainers, Icalasari, had, for some reason or another, disappeared. She casted her eyes over the battlefield and decided to describe it to waste her time.

It was raining heavily over the bay, and the stormy sky reflected the gloomy scene of the battlefield quite well. The usually clean and nice water was now a disgusting purple-brown color, as sand and toxic sludge were still whirling madly, disturbed by the Surf attack from earlier. There was a Gible on the beach, staring at the bodies of fainted Horsea around her in horror. The toxic sand around the Gible had been somewhat washed away by the rain, but there were still many patches of suspicious-looking purple stuff. On the other beach sat a wobbly blob of… Something. It looked somewhat like a Spheal in its roundness, but that was the only way the Substitute represented its original Pokemon, a Spheal hiding somewhere on the battlefield.

With nothing left to do, the referee sighed and waved her flags. “DQ warning for Icalasari,” she said, albeit extremely late. And, speaking of the devil, Icalasari suddenly appeared and muttered some orders to the Gible. The referee shrugged and waved her flags again. “Round nine, start!”

Ribbon (F)
HP: 87%
Energy: 84%
Status: Horsea! Why? D:

Martha (F)
HP: 90%
Energy: 68%
Status: Hehehe…

Martha’s Substitute: 10%

Round 9 Start

Ribbon continued to stare at the battered Horsea in shock, seemly ignoring her trainers’ orders. Yet… Something seemed to come over her. Ribbon continued to stare at the Horsea, but not seemly in shock, but in anger. Who dared to do this to the poor Horsea?

Meanwhile, Martha peeked out from her hiding spot. Nothing is really happening… And since her trainer said so, might as well as Chill. The Spheal settled down into a more comfortable spot and closed her eyes and rested. The substitute will take all the damage for her, so she didn’t have to worry about attacks either.

Suddenly, Ribbon snapped out of her moping. Her claw started to glow a brilliant green, and she ran forward, ignoring the poisoned sand burning under her feet and the fainted Horsea around her, and charged across the beach at the Spheal’s Substitute. Green flame formed around her claws, and she slashed at the gooey substitute with all her might. Three large gashes appeared on the substitute as Ribbon sunk her claws into the blob of energy. The flame jumped from her claws onto the substitute, and burned into the gashes. The Substitute glowed and disappeared in a burst of light. Ribbon growled lightly and backed off, the draconic flames fading from her claws. Ribbon suddenly flinched, finally feeling the injury from the poisoned sand. It wasn’t too bad though, as the poison had mostly been watered down by mixing with the sea water, and the pain faded quickly.

<Ribbon: -1HP -6E; Martha: -0HP +6E>

Martha yawned and shuffled out of her hiding place. Without a substitute to distract the Gible, there really isn’t any point in hiding. Or, more accurately, she can’t hide anymore. The Spheal scuffled to where her Substitute last was and prepared her attack. She focused the energy inside of her, dropping her inner temperature greatly. Ribbon scooted back a few feet, keeping her eyes on Martha. The Spheal opened her mouth and aimed at the Gible. This is going to be an easy battle… She froze the air with the ice-cold energy, and sent a cold blast of air straight at Ribbon.

However, Ribbon was ready. There was a glint of what might have been anger in her eyes, and she raised her arms and let out a roar. The air in front of her started to twirl, faster and faster, until a large cyclone was formed. The twister whirled madly, zigzagging back and forth across the arena and picking up bits of sand. It stopped suddenly, as the force of the Spheal’s Icy Wind attack hit it straight on. Ribbon concentrated harder, and the twister sparkled with draconic energy… and swallowed the Icy Wind. Only a small gust of chilled air was left, and it lightly brushed by Ribbon before fading completely. Ribbon shivered a bit from the cold, but wasn’t too harmed by the weakened Icy Wind attack.

Martha, on the other hand, was receiving the harsher side of the storm. The twister was slowed somewhat by the Icy Wind, but it was just as strong as before. The mad tornado whirled around Martha, sand and draconic energy sparking off the cyclone. Martha had to kept her weight down to avoid getting swept up by the strong winds. Inside the Twister was like being inside a long tunnel that opened to only a gloomy sky… Things weren’t going as planned. Not at all. What happened to revenge? What happened to her evil plan to destroy the Gible bits by bits and make it suffer? Then, her worst nightmare happened. The winds were just too strong, and Martha was swept straight from the ground. The Spheal flailed around in the air, the strong winds battering her and sending her flying higher and higher up the tunnel of winds… Then the twister stopped. With the sudden losing of momentum, Martha was spent tumbling down towards the sand. She landed with a thump, making a small dent in the wet sand. It actually didn’t hurt as bad as it was scary, Martha noted. But she was not about to try flying anytime soon. The Spheal picked herself up from the sand, only to see Ribbon grinning wickedly at her.

Martha decided that she really is going to rip that stupid Gible to shreds now.

<Ribbon: - 4HP -4E; Martha: -5HP -5E>

Ribbon couldn’t stop her grin. Revenge is sweet indeed… Yet one look at the Horsea on the opposite beach quickly wiped that grin off her face. That Spheal. Had. Hurt. The. Horsea. The poor, helpless Horsea that had nothing, NOTHING to do with this battle at all. She shall have revenge. REVENGE. Ribbon felt anger swell up within her, and she found herself growing and charging at Martha with all her might. Ribbon smashed into the Spheal in what could be best described as a horrible attempt at a tackle attack, then started lashing at the Spheal.

Martha was caught by surprise. She hadn’t thought the Gible would actually continue to attack her, and, as she was pushed closer and closer to the ocean, started to panic. She knew that the water was poisoned; she had done the poisoning herself. A Gible uppercut caught her in the chin, and Martha was sent tumbling backwards. The Spheal tried desperately to get away from the water, but it was too late – Ribbon let out a final punch, and Martha tumbled into the poisoned sea.

Hah. Chill indeed. Martha was already feeling the poison burn into her skin, and the abrasive sand scratching at her, making the poison worse. Right now, she would very much like to gut that stupid Gible alive then slowly rip it to shreds while watching it scream. Yes, that would be good indeed. After she gets out of this… disgusting filth that is burning into her skin, of course. Muttering curse words under her breath, the Spheal bobbled up and down in the bay and tried to Chill.

Ribbon backed off, panting from her barrage of attacks, and stared at Martha satisfyingly. She felt better now, as she watched the Spheal desperately trying to Chill. There’s a word for this, isn’t there? Schadenfre-whatever? Ribbon felt her anger fade away somewhat, as she watched the Spheal suffer silently in the poisoned bay. It’s sort of funny, really, watching a Spheal bobble on the water like some sort of beach ball.

<Ribbon: -0HP -7E; Martha: -13HP +3E>

Round 9 Ends


The rain was pouring as hard as always, but the feel on the battlefield have changed. Ribbon was staring at Martha bloodthirstily, while the Spheal stared back with the same expression. Sparks of tension were flying between the two Pokemon, as if both Pokemon wanted to rip each other to shreds. There were barely any poison left on the beach opposite to where the Pokemon were standing on now; however, the Horsea were still there. The bay was a muddy purple, the Spheal bobbled up and down in the unsteady waves. One extremely drenched referee stood to the sides, sighing to herself. The waters are going to be a bother to clean up afterwards…

Ribbon (F)
HP: 82%
Energy: 67%
Status: Kill… Kill… KILL.

Martha (F)
HP: 73%
Energy: 72%
Status: Cussing wildly while thinking of ways to kill Ribbon
Poisoned (-2 next round); DEFENCE+1

Martha’s Substitute: 0%

- The poisonous patches are just going to give 1% damage to who/whatever stepping on it. Not like there are much of the patches left…
- Martha is now regularly poisoned. She would have been severely poisoned if not for the fact that the sea water lessened the poison somewhat.
- Icy Wind didn’t do as much damage as it would have, since the Twister got rid of most of the attack. It still did some damage though, mainly because the randomizer didn’t seemed to like Ribbon all of a sudden. It also didn't lower Ribbon's speed because it wasn't strong enough.
- Icalasari attacks first next round
Alright, now we have a streak going, and a pissed off Spheal. Good. Ribbon, run into the caverns now, making sure that the Spheal follows. If she doesn't, then go with plan B

Plan A:

Enter the caves, and when Martha is in them with you, use Earthquake to bring the cave down on her. Use Protect while doing this . I'm hoping that the weight of the cliff on her back will do up to the cap and teach her a lesson. Since the cave will be collapsed there, you won't have to worry about her then taking advantage of you

Plan B:

She may not follow you due to her trainer wanting to avoid this. No big deal. If she isn't following you, dig into the beach and let the tunnel collapse behind you. Chill for a turn, then come up underneath Martha and use Dragon Rush. If I am right, then she won't be able to dodge due to not knowing where you are. After all, she won't notice you, but you should be able to feel vibrations that she makes if you are not too deep, and as such, figure out where she is (roughly, anyways). And, one last note: DO NOT SURFACE IF SHE REMAINS IN THE WATER! Make sure to chill again if she does this. After all, you can't avenge the Horsea if you are out cold

Lure Martha to Caves/Dig ~ (Earthquake+Protect)/Chill ~ Dragon Rush from under Martha/Chill if Martha is still in the water
Okay, Martha, we need you to stay in the water. Luckilly, your a natural water type, so I'm pretty sure you can stay underwater indefinatly.

For now, I want you to do this- Get to the Shore. To do this, I would reccomend a waterfall attack. When you hit the beach, use Earthquake, really quick. And, after that, I want you to rest after Ribbon emerges. The sand should absorb most of the impact anyways.

Get to shore with Waterfall~Eartquake~Rest after Dragon rush


The referee stared at the sky and sighed. It was still raining, and it didn’t seem like the rain was about to ease up soon. But then of course, it always rains at the Horsea’s Cove, so what could she do besides complain? There were still quite a few Horsea lying unmoving on the beach opposite to the one the Pokemon were standing on, although the poisonous patches had all been washed away by the pounding rain. Martha the Spheal bobbled up and down in the muddy, poisoned sea, glaring at Ribbon while the Gible glared back.

The referee decided to start the next round before the Pokemon rip each other apart. “Round ten, start!”

Ribbon (F)
HP: 82%
Energy: 67%
Status: Kill… Kill… KILL.

Martha (F)
HP: 73%
Energy: 72%
Status: Cussing wildly while thinking of ways to kill Ribbon
Poisoned (-2 next round); DEFENCE+1

Round 10 Start

Hmmm…? Luring that idiotic, stupid Spheal into the caves and then crushing it with rocks? Sounds like an awesome plan! Ribbon made a face at the Spheal and strutted towards the cliffs, hoping that the Spheal would follow.

Martha was thoroughly pissed off by Ribbon’s antics, and would love to follow that stupid Gible and rip it to shreds. But, orders are orders… Even though it meant that she would have to stay in this disgusting, poisonous filth. Still bobbling along in the sea, Martha focused and gathered the… filth… around her and shot towards the shore, with the disgusting water swirling like a tornado. Just when she was about to reach the shore, Martha realized that she was going way too fast to just stop at the shore. She will probably go flying straight into the Gible at this speed. Not like that’s a bad thing… Then, remembering her trainer’s orders of not getting out of the water, the Spheal cursed and tried to stop herself. She managed to dig her small flippers into the sand and break just before she got out of the water. The leftover Waterfall attack sloshed over her, showering the Spheal in a mix of sand and poison. Martha spat out a mouthful of… ick! She ate that stuff?! Martha, covered in a thin layer of wet sand, was feeling quite extremely absolutely ticked off. To add to her humiliation, her flippers now hurt from rubbing against the sand at such a high speed. Martha suddenly flinched, and felt the poison from the water damaging her body. Dammit! That was her poison, too!

Ribbon had realized that Martha wasn’t about to follow her anytime soon, and had turned back and saw the whole scene. The Spheal looked absolutely ridiculous covered with sand, poisoned, and cursing her head off. Operation: Revenge for the Horsea seemed to be going quite well indeed. Ribbon ignored the spazzing Spheal and bent down, digging a hole in the wet sand. Soon, the small form of the land shark was nowhere to be seen, as the only thing left on the beach was a pile of wet sand and a hole. Ribbon dug deeper, humming to herself. The sand was a bit hard to dig, being wet and all, but the tunnel held together rather nicely. Which means that she won’t be mashed to bits when she collapses the tunnel… There we go. Ribbon rammed her body at the tunnel sides, causing a small shudder. Sand rolled down behind her as the tunnel closed up, but she remained nice and safe.

<Ribbon: -0HP -6E; Martha: -3HP -6E>

The tunnel was warm and dark, not to mention wet. It’s a rather comfortable spot to rest, really. Although she would prefer ripping out the Spheal’s guts, chilling didn’t seem too bad either. She was getting a bit tired from the attacks earlier, and, hey, she wouldn’t be able to avenge the Horsea if she fainted. Ribbon closed her eyes and suddenly realized that she could hear the Spheal’s cursing even from here. That Spheal sure is loud…

The curses started to get louder and louder. It was only until Ribbon felt the ground shake did she realize what was really happening.

Martha growled and smashed her whole weight (which wasn’t saying much) into the ground as hard as she could, following with a blast of energy. The energy rippled through the ground, and the earth started to shake horribly. Although she was exhausted by using the powerful attack, Martha felt quite accomplished; she had buried Ribbon in a thick layer of sand, which wasn’t saying much unless one took into consideration that the Earthquake attack would do way more damage that way.

The earth shook violently, jolting Ribbon up and down in her cave. It didn’t hurt that much, since she was only hitting sand… Then Ribbon felt the tunnel collapse around her, and claustrophobia started to set in. The heavy sand pressing upon her made her wish for the fresh air of the beach and the gloomy, rainy sky. The Gible squeezed her eyes shut and braced herself as much as she could, trying to ignore the constant jostling.

The ground stopped shaking, but the deep rumbling sound hadn’t. Martha turned her head to the source of the sound and saw quite a scary sight. The cliffs right next to her was starting to crumble. Chunks of jagged rocks fell from the cliffs, each digging deep into the wet sand. It took quite a while for the small rockslide to stop, and when it did, the beach was littered with rocks of all sizes, each jagged and dangerous. Well, at least she didn’t get hit by one of them. Martha suddenly cringed, feeling the poison slowly destroying her from the inside.

The Horsea, on the other hand, had suffered considerable damage. The cliff on their side hasn’t collapsed, but the earthquake left many of them bruised, although they were all too unconscious to feel the pain.

<Ribbon: -7HP +5E; Martha: -2HP -9E>

Chill. What a pathetic thing to do. Ribbon cursed her fate as she stayed huddled in the wet sand. She really hoped that Spheal would get out of the water, so she could Dragon Rush the daylights out of it. Yet the Spheal didn’t seem like it was about to move soon… Ribbon sighed and rested. As long that Spheal didn’t hurt the Horsea…

Martha peered around the shore nervously, the poisoned water sloshing about her. The Gible was going to use some powerful attack, she was sure of it. Yet the Gible hadn’t emerged… Where is that Gible? Where is it going to attack? Feeling rather paranoid, Martha peered at the sand beneath her flippers. Where is that stupid Gible? Martha cringed again as she felt the poison sip through her body.

<Ribbon: -0HP +7E; Martha: -2HP, -0E>

Round 10 End


The rain, as usual, was still falling from the gloomy, as usual, sky. The water of the bay would have mostly been settled now if not for the Earthquake and Waterfall attack from earlier, and it was still quite muddy. However, it did show improvement from the horrible mess before. The Horsea, however, were still lying on the beach, bruised and unconscious. So was the referee, actually, just not the unconscious part. She pulled herself to her feet rather painfully and realized that one of her flags was stuck under a large rock knocked off from the cliffs. Crap. At least the poisonous patches on the other beach were all washed away… But the Spheal looked horribly murderous.

Ribbon (F)
HP: 75%
Energy: 73%
Status: I hope the Horsea weren’t hurt by the Earthquake…

Martha (F)
HP: 66%
Energy: 67%
Poisoned (-3 next round); DEFENCE+1

- Martha was ordered to Rest after Ribbon used Dragon Rush, but Ribbon never used Dragon Rush, so Martha didn’t do anything.
- The -1 Speed on Ribbon was from the Icy Wind attack a long time ago; her speed boost in the rain nullified that, but now she's not in the rain anymore, so her speed drops.
- Animorph attacks first next round
Oh...*Nervously begins nudging Horseas back into the water* I have a feeling that a lot of Horsea fans are going to be after my blood after this is done.

Alright, Martha, get out of the water and use Refresh. After that, use Rest, and, following that, sleep talk.

Refresh~Rest~Sleep talk
Heheheh... Ribbon, prepare to use Dragon Rush AND Dragon Claw AND Iron Head on her all at once JUST before she rests. I wonder if the combined power of all of those attacks (that she shouldn't be able to dodge anyways, due to not knowing where you are) will keep her awake...

Dragon Rush + Dragon Claw + Dragon Rush @ Martha JUST before she falls asleep

The two trainers waited patiently in the rain while the referee seemed to have disappeared somewhere behind the rocks. The Spheal, however, weren’t so patient; she shifted around nervously, looking at the ground. Unseen to others, a Gible waited underground for the next round to start. The fainted Horsea still lay on the opposite beach, covered in bruises from the previous Earthquake attack.

Finally, one of the trainers couldn’t wait anymore. Icalasari walked over to the referee and realized that she was busily doing homework. Icalasari promptly wacked her on top of her head. The referee seemed to snap out of her daze and muttered an apology. She returned to the battlefield, only holding a single flag. “Round, uh, eleven, start!”

Ribbon (F)
HP: 75%
Energy: 73%
Status: I hope the Horsea weren’t hurt by the Earthquake…

Martha (F)
HP: 66%
Energy: 67%
Poisoned (-3 next round); DEFENCE+1

Round 11 Start
Ribbon waited patiently under the wet sand, trying to ignore the claustrophobia setting in. She could feel the vibrations of the shuffling Spheal above her… Now all she needs to do is to wait for the right moment.

Martha still peered at the sand nervously. It’s not that she’s afraid of the Gible; it’s more of that she had no idea where the next attack was going to come from, and she didn’t really want to get hit right now. But really, hiding under the sand and using a sneak attack? Has the Gible have no shame? The Spheal focused, and a soft glow surrounded her body. The energy flowed through her, and she felt herself heal. When she finished the Refresh, the Spheal felt, well, quite refreshed. That it, of course, until the poisonous water beside her started to eat away at her skin again.

<Ribbon: -0HP -0E; Martha: -1HP -3E>

Ribbon felt the Spheal do some sort of healing attack thing, but didn’t move. Now… If only the Spheal would start using Rest…

Martha cursed, feeling the poison she had just gotten rid of course through her body again. At least it’s weaker this time… Muttering inconspicuously, the Spheal closed her eyes and tried to calm down. Hmm… Yes. Think of Gibles slowly rotting away in a lake of poison… Martha sighed and settled down, and a soft glow started to cover her. Just when she was about to fall asleep…

…Now. Ribbon burst out of the ground just beneath Martha, her whole body covered with writhing green flame. Sand flew out in all directions, and Ribbon jabbed her pointy-turbine things on top of her head straight into the Spheal’s underside. Martha cried out in surprise, but her sudden torment didn’t end; Ribbon’s small stubby arms were too, covered with the draconic flame, and, with the momentum build from the Dragon Rush attack, she viciously clawed at the Spheal, who was still attached to the Gible’s head. Her claws, although short and stubby, dug deep into the Spheal’s hide as the draconic energy leapt off of them, damaging the Spheal some more.

Martha suddenly found herself unable to move, so shocked was she by the sudden attack. Pain coursed through her, horrible pain… There’s no way she’d be able to sleep through this, the Spheal muttered.

<Ribbon: -0HP -13E; Martha: -24HP -0E>

Ribbon landed on the ground right beside the hole she burst out of, with the Spheal still stuck to her turbines on her head. Stupid evolution… Ribbon waved her arms frantically in an attempt to keep her balance, which is quite hard when you have a large, round Pokemon more than twice your weight attached to your head, and finally caved in to gravity and laws of physics. Ribbon fell flat on her face, bringing the Spheal with her. That’s when she saw the horrible sight… The Horsea were still lying on the opposite beach, yes. But… Why were they bruised like that? Ribbon knew that it was a rhetorical question. She glared at the Spheal, a new murderous range coursing through her. Killllll….. For the Horsea….

Martha was still cursing her head off when she felt the glare from the Gible behind her. She gulped nervously, her stomach still throbbing like a Rhydon had punched a hole in it, and tried to scoot away. Which was kind of hard when the Gible was still attached to her.

With a bit (understatement of the year) of cursing, the two Pokemon managed to separate themselves. Ribbon continued to curse evolution while Martha just glared at her. There’s no point in using Sleep Talk now, since she’s not even asleep.

Ribbon, however, was a bit shocked to find that a bit of the poisoned water had gotten on her belly. The poison was eating away at her skin, and slowly sinking into her bloodstream. Ribbon cursed loudly and tried to wipe away the patch with some sand, but the damage had been done.

<Ribbon: -1HP -0E; Martha: -1HP -0E>

Round 11 End


Both Pokemon were glaring at each other, rather annoyed. However, the Gible seemed more murderous than the Spheal… In fact, she probably will continue to be murderous until either the Horsea are healed or the Spheal is dead. Martha the Spheal, on the other hand, just seemed rather pissed, although it is easy to tell by the two gaping holes on her underside and the large number of gashes on her side that she’s not on the upper hand here. The Horsea were still lying on the opposite beach, bruised, poisoned, and unconscious in the rain. The referee had pulled out her homework again, but hastily put it away again when Icalasari glared at her.

“So, uh, the water’s still poisoned, but the sand had settled down somewhat, so you can see the bottom… Not. And, uh, the beaches are not poisoned anymore, although there’s still these jagged chunks of rocks lying here and there. And can someone help me pull out my referee flag from under that rock?” The referee finished quickly, slowly backing away from the glaring Icalasari.

Ribbon (F)
HP: 74%
Energy: 60%
Status: D: Horsea... KILL SPHEAL
Poisoned (-2 next round) ATTACK +2; SPEED -1

Martha (F)
HP: 40%
Energy: 64%
Status: Paaaaiiiiiinnnnnn…..
Poisoned (-2 next round); DEFENCE+1

- Icalasari ordered two Dragon Rushes in the same combo, so I just made Ribbon do one…
- Martha flinched on her turn to Rest.
- I apologize for the extremely late reffing! Don’t kill me! Please!
- Icalasari attacks first next round.
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