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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

If you could kill any person in the world...

Well, since he already killed her, then I guess my next kill would be Sarah Palin.
That's three people.

And I couldn't bring myself to even think about killing anybody. D: I'd feel so guilty!
If he were still practicing law, Jack Thompson. With a sniper rifle. And I would wave at the crowd like the TF2 Sniper and yell out "Thanks for standing still, wanker!"

And 4chan would glorify me.
This depends. Will I be getting away with it, does it have to be just one and can it be someone from history? If I'm not getting away with it and the other two answers are yes, Hitler. If I will be getting away with it and can kill more than one.. feel sorry for anyone and everyone who crosses my path.

...there had to be at least one psycho answer to this question. :|
Hm, I don't know. A lot of people I know have been a pain, but they don't really deserve to die. They deserve to be tortured then killed.
There's nobody on this planet that I hate enough. I'm being completely honest. There are people who I have grumbled about wanting to kill but it was all words. If it came down to it'd I'd hesitate at the very least. If I actually went through with it, I'd possibly be scarred for life. And my boyfriend would never forgive me because the one and only person I've ever seriously considered murdering was his brother (I was being completely serious, I wanted to try to poision him or something else but I figured even then I'd get caught, then I'd probably feel guilty too).
I wouldn't kill anybody, it's not nice.

Though I'd very much like to get rid of someone without whom Deal Or No Deal could not be broadcast. It is a terrible show in every way imo, but my mum is addicted to it. She even went all the way to Bristol specially to be in the audience. XD
I'd have to say Bin Laden. He deserves to die more than anyone right now.

EDIT: It sickens me how some of you would take the life of good people who only want the best for this country.
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I wouldn't kill anybody, it's not nice.

Though I'd very much like to get rid of someone without whom Deal Or No Deal could not be broadcast. It is a terrible show in every way imo, but my mum is addicted to it. She even went all the way to Bristol specially to be in the audience. XD

That's adorable. XD Deal or No Deal is hilarious, the amount of people who don't SWITCH THE FUCKING BOX AT THE END is ridiculous.

This would eliminate the problem of guilt of killing somebody else. Plus I harbour more love for the world.
The Pope, Sarah Palin, the various members of the Westboro Baptist Church, that dude who used to have a really conservative talk show, that black woman who released an album of conservative songs and was arguing with Marilyn Manson on that talk show, L. Ron Hubbard's grandmother to prevent his birth.

Em em em.

Mikey McCarthy, Andrew Caplice, Séan Fogarty, Marco Perozzi, Derek O' Brien, Hayden Maher, Kevin Watson, Christopher Jones all the Eastern Europeans in my year except for Anna and Justina, Christopher Mulcahy and Tom Cruise.
The Pope, Sarah Palin, the various members of the Westboro Baptist Church, that dude who used to have a really conservative talk show, that black woman who released an album of conservative songs and was arguing with Marilyn Manson on that talk show, L. Ron Hubbard's grandmother to prevent his birth.

Em em em.

You'd kill people over politics? That's quite disturbing.
I wouldn't kill anyone. Killing someone would justify another person's right to kill me, and that's not a good thing.
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