• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

    Guests are not able to post messages or even read certain areas of the forums. Now, that's boring, don't you think? Registration, on the other hand, is simple, completely free of charge, and does not require you to give out any personal information at all. As soon as you register, you can take part in some of the happy fun things at the forums such as posting messages, voting in polls, sending private messages to people and being told that this is where we drink tea and eat cod.

    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

I'm new here


Hello everyone, I'm Blaire. I'm new to this website and I joined for the Animorphs roleplay but I am open to pokemon and Harry Potter as well. If you want to get to know me a bit better post a response to this. I hope to have fun here!:grin:
Welcome, I see I am the first to say so.
Ah, Pokemon and Harry Potter make an interesting combo.
If I may point you to the A(nime) S(tyle) B(attling) section and the dual-cupboards (coughing and laughing).

Enjoy your stay while you are here.
Hello New Warrior!!!!! Grab your foam sword
and join the army of random people that just really doesnt have any purpose.
Hi, I am the guy standing behind you. Can I offer you anything? Tea and Cod? Liquid Pie and Swordfish? Friendship Cookie?

Anyway, enjoy your time here and have an elmo plushie.
Welcome to tCoD! *swoops into deep bow*
Hope you have a good time here.
Harry Potter and pokemon, huh? Cool, I'm a fan of both as well! :)
Hello, I'm Frostagin, the local Hetalia addict. Here, have some of this here pasta. Best in the world. Have fun in T-CoD~!

Hello. I am Richie the Raichu. I raise Kiwis now. Kiwis are cool. Enjoy your stay, have a welcome Kiwi.
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