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I'm vaguely interested in metal but I don't really know where to start

This reeks of pathetic excuse. Why not just admit that you aren't quite sure of the exact boundaries between "metal" and "hard rock"? There's no shame in that...

If I was reading that comment from your point of view, I'd agree but I was actually, oddly enough for me, busy with quite a few things.
just because I can I'm going to recommend obscure metal nobody knows about

Deeds of Flesh
Wolves in the Throne Room
Cult of Luna


that is real metal you fuckers
I've heard of Cult of Luna and Agalloch and actually have listened to Falconer so there.

Still recommending Flowing Tears to absolutely everyone. Creative, interesting, and just an amazing band in general.
just because I can I'm going to recommend obscure metal nobody knows about

Deeds of Flesh
Wolves in the Throne Room
Cult of Luna


that is real metal you fuckers

Falconer has been one of my favorite band for a few years brah :O
oh you mean Grime vs Grandeur? yeah, Kristoffer or whatever his name was sucked.

glad Mathias came back for Northwind. OH HEY have you heard their newest album yet? I don't remember what it's called but I heard it's "heavier". I don't know if that's a good thing or not.
That's the only one I've heard tbh (the new one) and it is pretty damn wicked. Dunno how it compares to the others.
They have Opeth, Pain of Salvation and Katatonia which are three of my favourite bands so yeah...

Also a lot of other good metal comes from Sweden... that country is a breeding ground for good metal.
more like they walk through forests and burn down churches

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