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Implicit Association Test

Apparently I have no significant preference for gay vs. straight and also no significant preference for European-Americans vs. African-Americans. Huh. Good.
! I see! That makes a lot more sense. I still don't think the tests are very great, though, but mainly because I hesitated later on because things switched sides and suddenly my fingers had to do something different! It's a cool idea, I just can't see the tests actually being of much use.

Think of it this way: if you ask anyone if they are prejudiced, what are they going to say? This test provides a way to tap into your subconcious to see what's really buried there. we are all a little biased, at least internally. you would be surprised at how long the wikipedia's list of biases is. of course the results for individuals may not always be too objective; the order the tests are presented does matter, which the website is the first to admit, and now that you mention trousers on the sexuality test i am convinced each test has a number of different versions. on the other hand, this test is useful for the testers collecting large amounts of data to gage prejudice in society as a whole.
エル.;557626 said:
Think of it this way: if you ask anyone if they are prejudiced, what are they going to say? This test provides a way to tap into your subconcious to see what's really buried there. we are all a little biased, at least internally. you would be surprised at how long the wikipedia's list of biases is. of course the results for individuals may not always be too objective; the order the tests are presented does matter, which the website is the first to admit, and now that you mention trousers on the sexuality test i am convinced each test has a number of different versions. on the other hand, this test is useful for the testers collecting large amounts of data to gage prejudice in society as a whole.

Everyone is very biased about everything, because prejudices are largely society-wide internalised things! But my point is that it's not really a very useful set of tests, because I found it quite tricky to work out where the test wanted me to put my fingers next.
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