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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Indigo Cliff, Lake, and Field Resort


Silver Panic

Inventory: (F) Golduck, (M) Gyarados, (F) Ducklett, (M) Blastoise, (M) Marill, (M) Buizel, (F) Gabite, Water Stone, Indigo Balls x5
Partner Pokemon: Mudkip
I'd like to visit the Volcano!

I'll bring my Totodile, since he's my only pokemon he knows Rock Smash. is a good friend.


Silver Panic

Inventory: (F) Golduck, (M) Gyarados, (F) Ducklett, (M) Blastoise, (M) Marill, (M) Buizel, (F) Gabite, Water Stone, Indigo Balls x5
Partner Pokemon: Mudkip

Catch the little spyder :D
Welcome, Mawile and HF-Meu!

Silver Panic

Inventory: (F) Golduck, (M) Gyarados, (F) Ducklett, (M) Blastoise, (M) Marill, (M) Buizel, (F) Gabite, (F) Joltik, Water Stone, Indigo Balls x4
Partner Pokemon: Mudkip


Inventory: Indigo Balls x6
Partner Pokemon: Metagross


Inventory: Indigo Balls x6
Partner Pokemon: N/A

HF-Meu: Unless you confused the Mountain with the Volcano, you actually don't need any Pokemon to know Rock Smash/Strength.

that may be changed later.
Welcome, Mawile and HF-Meu!


Inventory: Indigo Balls x6
Partner Pokemon: N/A

HF-Meu: Unless you confused the Mountain with the Volcano, you actually don't need any Pokemon to know Rock Smash/Strength.

that may be changed later.

Yeah, I did.
Catch, please!

Actually, you don't...get...Magcargo if you meant Volcano. Um...HAVE THIS

Inventory: Indigo Balls x6
Partner Pokemon: Totodile
Welcome, Mawile and HF-Meu!

Silver Panic

Inventory: (F) Golduck, (M) Gyarados, (F) Ducklett, (M) Blastoise, (M) Marill, (M) Buizel, (F) Gabite, (F) Joltik, Water Stone, Indigo Balls x4
Partner Pokemon: Mudkip

Catchcatchcatch :3
Silver Panic

Inventory: (F) Golduck, (M) Gyarados, (F) Ducklett, (M) Blastoise, (M) Marill, (M) Buizel, (F) Gabite, (F) Joltik, (M) Lampent, Water Stone, Indigo Balls x3
Partner Pokemon: Mudkip


Inventory: (M) Boldore, Indigo Balls x5
Partner Pokemon: Totodile

Inventory: (M) Boldore, Indigo Balls x5
Partner Pokemon: Totodile

Inventory: (F) Gastly, (M) Joltik, Indigo Balls x4
Partner Pokemon: Totodile

Inventory: Indigo Balls x6
Partner Pokemon: Metagross


Inventory: (F) Gastly, (M) Joltik, Indigo Balls x4
Partner Pokemon: Totodile

Inventory: (M) Galvantula, Indigo Balls x5
Partner Pokemon: Metagross


Inventory: (F) Gastly, (M) Joltik, (M) Boldore, (M) Klink, Indigo Balls x2
Partner Pokemon: Totodile

Yeah...I forgot about it ._. Sorry about that.
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