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Inheritance Cycle

This book (well, cycle) and Twilight both make me deathly fear ever getting something published, for fear that it was awful. What if people liked it and I became rich?
Let me never have an inspiring dream, ever.
Except I did, and was intending to write about a giant cannibalistic macaroni noodle who wore red glasses. (I kid you not- my mind made it up.)
He was a great personality.
But what if he somehow morphs into Edward Cullen?
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okay so I just finished Brisingr.

let's start with the positive points

there is marginally less purple prose! what there is is still terrible though. and uh the plot is deviating away from Star Wars slightly, although it is still ridiculously predictable. and um some of the characters are maybe 2.5 dimensional.

however this book could probably be done in 200 pages. the sheer amount of filler is astounding - entire chapters could be cut with no harm. Dialogue is still flat in most cases, there is a lot of exposition (including the obligatory "HERE LET ME REVEAL YOUR PARENTAGE IN EXCRUCIATING DETAIL" chapter). The politics are laughably naive. The chapter titles belong in a parody (yes I know this is nitpicking but "I Need A Sword!"? what?). did I mention how the plot was incredibly predictable?
HEY GUYS BROM IS ACTUALLY ERAGON'S DAD. ALSO YODA OROMIS DIES. speaking of, the dragon heart thing is such a cop-out: the wise old sage is dead but hey we can still speak to his equally wise old dragon whenever, never mind; there goes all conflict. the only thing that vaguely piqued my interest was the hermit dude; shame we got him for about half a page. and oh god the sword making chapter was almost as tedious as the saddlemaking one.

and hey guys let me make a few predictions

the last egg will hatch to Arya. The dragon will be male. see where this is going?
Well duh the egg will be male!

Eldest page 649 said:
...it's because of her." He jabbed a finger at Saphira. "The dragon inside Galbatorix's last egg, the last dragon egg in the world, is male....
the last egg will hatch to Arya. The dragon will be male. see where this is going?

Arya is too old. She's like, 100 and eggs hatch for only people around the age of 10-20. Actually READ something before you bash it, fool.


Twilight Dragon said:
Hey, look, it's another thread entirely about bashing something I happen to like -_-

My thoughts exactly; people, can't you just LAY THE FUCK OFF of stuff that some people actually *gasp* LIKE?!?!
My thoughts exactly; people, can't you just LAY THE FUCK OFF of stuff that some people actually *gasp* LIKE?!?!

You like it; we don't. We are providing perfectly valid reasons as to why we don't like it. We are not flaming it. If that offends you, it's really not our problem.

(also calling opaltiger a fool could be a pretty bad idea but nvm)
No, it's a discussion thread. People are discussing the good points (whatever they are) with the bad points.

You have to take the good with the bad and uh, of course it will hatch to Arya. Who else would it hatch to? Eragon + Arya, Sapphira + MALE DRAGON.

It's how it works.

plus uh opal has read the books.
Who else would it hatch to?

A lot of other characters. If you will allow me a moment, I will dig up the list.

Ah, couldn't find the list, but I can compose one in my head.

1. Elva(Kinda unlikely; she's so young)
2. Nasuada(IMO, most likely.)
3. Alanna or Dusan(The two elf children)
4. New character

It's so unlikely that it will hatch for Arya. SO unlikely.
A lot of other characters. If you will allow me a moment, I will dig up the list.

Ah, couldn't find the list, but I can compose one in my head.

1. Elva(Kinda unlikely; she's so young)
2. Nasuada(IMO, most likely.)
3. Alanna or Dusan(The two elf children)
4. New character

It's so unlikely that it will hatch for Arya. SO unlikely.

spectacular lack of reasons there; a++
see um

Paolini isn't exactly going for internal consistency is he? ARYA + ERAGON 4EVA is basically what he's doing. What better than having BOTH of them be the riders of the LAST TWO DRAGONS or JUST HAPPEN to be MALE AND FEMALE ZOMG DRAGONSEX.

or something. I don't really care because I haven't read the books.
Arya is too old. She's like, 100 and eggs hatch for only people around the age of 10-20. Actually READ something before you bash it, fool.

yeah because Murtagh is totally less than twenty. of all the other candidates you listed, the two elf children were mentioned in passing in one of the final chapters in the penultimate book; having one of them be it would be rather anticlimactic. Elva is morally ambiguous, heaven forbid she get a dragon; Nasuada is out because of her age (I assume she's more than twenty; if not, wtf Paolini), according to you. For a new character, see my first point.

Arya is the only logical choice, and of course Paolini is going to go for the option where everything fits and ends up happily; he is that sort of writer.

And yes, please don't call me a fool, particularly when I quite clearly have read the book.

My thoughts exactly; people, can't you just LAY THE FUCK OFF of stuff that some people actually *gasp* LIKE?!?!

No. Everyone has said this, but it bears repeating: this is a discussion thread. In which we discuss the series. Not heap praise on it. I happen to think it's not a particularly good series, and I've said why; all you've done is rant and rave about how I should shut up.
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Likewise we shouldn't dump criticism on it by the ton.

I have pointed out what I thought was good (or at least an improvement). If there is not very much of that, well, not my problem.

Then that is his opinion and if he would kindly not squash anyone else's....

I am not trying to squash anyone's opinion. In fact, I would love to hear your opinion, as long as it goes beyond "it's awesome!". I like discussion. If you could tell me why you like the series, perhaps we could engage in some.
The reason I like the books so much is because I live in the smallest town in Indiana. Our school's graduating class is about 70 students... on a good year. Our library is tiny. I have this is my seccond year at the school, and I've pretty much read all of the fantasy books worth reading. I love good, thick books.
That's still not telling me what about the book is good (except that it's long, which is a pretty terrible reason to like a book). So you have a limited selection; okay, but still, surely there was something about the book that made you go "oh, hey, I like this"? I mean, just because it's one of the few books you can read doesn't mean you will automatically like it.
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