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Girls With Crayons

Everything is alright
Hey there, I'm Girls With Crayons (if you haven't already noticed). I am a guy that likes anime, girls, X box 360 games, Kirby games, making my friends lose The Game (that means you just lost), and being random. I hate it when people; use too many OOoos when they say no, I usually follow that up with the letter 'b' (Haha! Get it? Noooob? Haha :sweatdrop:) I also hate people who 'crack' jokes that have been so overused that its almost funny when someone uses it because it proves that they have no origoinal sense of humor. I also hate subliChuckNorrisisMasterChiefminal messages (Ha!).
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-personally thinks that the name "GirlsWithCrayons" is going to get confusing, as he's a dude-

But hey, welcome to TCoD. My name is Sovie and I'm new, too.
Is it sad that as soon as a saw your username, that I thought it would be a good name for a band?

Well, welcome. Enjoy it here....
Yes, I just lost The Game. Now everyone has lost... TWICE =P (we play The Game at school)

Anyways, hi, I'm Mewtwo, and I like everything on your list besides girls because... I am one... well I like them as friends XD but im straight i swear
Ahh, I see... does that make me and my boyfriend weird? :3

Oh, I'd like to point out what nobody else has yet - That Halo image you posted is rather odd.
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