• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

I've faced my fears once more. (I'm baaack.)


Weeping Willow Pines.
God, so after the forums crashed and burned the first time, hey I was devastated, but you know, hopeful, because TCoD was my life- or a part of it, a really important one.
So I wanted it back.
But then it was announced that it was gone- all gone- every single thing. Forever.
And I was afraid.
So I avoided this thing and pushed it to the back of my mind.
Then, my computer broke needlessly (the keyboard was dead, or might as well have been) and after a long, long time I got a new one. (The computer got better and then relapsed before this. 'Twas weird.)
And I had to face my fears.
So after installing programs and bouncing around on this new spiffy computer, I knew that something was missing.
I am back, dear old TCoD.
I don't think it'll be the same- some of that atmosphere is probably absolutely gone like all the posts and files and users and friends- (*pathetic emo sob*) but I'm back here. I wasn't even on the main site during this time. I hid from everyone, and I never discussed it.
I've been away for a while. Please, if there are still those good old regulars that made up the community that I cherished and loved and trusted and listened to and ranted at, let me know. I missed you guys. I missed this place so badly... And does anyone realize that Dewgong quit right before the end? I find that odd, but at least they didn't have to deal with this. I know that I am melodramatic, but this has been really upsetting to me and my nerdy mind. But I have returned, with a wall of text. I just need to know one thing... Amidst all the change I hope the same is true as before.
So, tell, me, TCoDians, is this still a place of tea and cod?
Yes it is. :D

WELCOME BACK! *tackle-glomps*

You know, I was wondering earlier when you'd get back to the forums. :D

EDIT: Apparently the forums couldn't go on without Dewgong there, so it died. But Dewgong (or Dewgongeru, as she is known now) is back. ^^
Yes, this is still a place of tea and cod.
Um.. welcome back! I imagine a welcome song is in your future.
Oh, thank you for the quick response guys- I was such a scaredy-cat, since I cannot stand change and especially this change, which my mind has deemed bad. :sweatdrop:
Bad change is bad, I suppose.
But a new start, maybe?
Thank you guys.

Yeah, a lot has changed since the new forums.

Especially interest-wise. (I managed to get my hands on a copy of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, and I am now hooked.)

Oh, and I beat my Diamond game earlier. ^^
You're welcome. Change can be good. I'm thinking of it as a new start too. Especially since I almost never posted at the old forums.
I almost never posted at the old forums.

That explains why I didn't immediately recognize you.
I practically worshiped the regulars back then, heheheh. I'm weird.
Flora and Ashes said:
(I managed to get my hands on a copy of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, and I am now hooked.)
Not another one!
No, just kidding, Phoenix Wright does sound awesome, but I'll probably never get to play it. But yeah, I feel like I'm being pressured to adapt to the new Phoenix Wright-ish atmosphere. Which isn't that much of a bad thing.
But still. Oh well.
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That explains why I didn't immediately recognize you.
I practically worshiped the regulars back then, heheheh. I'm weird.

Not another one!
No, just kidding, Phoenix Wright does sound awesome, but I'll probably never get to play it. But yeah, I feel like I'm being pressured to adapt to the new Phoenix Wright-ish atmosphere. Which isn't that much of a bad thing.
But still. Oh well.

Same here. That's why I kinda miss the secret admirer hack.

I actually found two of the Phoenix Wright games today. :)
I found ALL OF THEM at the same time. Only had enough money to get one, though.


ZC will be on soon in sevearl hours. :D
I find it slightly amusing that I left before the end of the old fourms, and came back right after the new ones started. I was very hesitant to come back, and I really didn't want to... Afraid that it would never be the same, but it's still TCoD. We still drink the same tea and eat the same cod everyday like some of us have for years. I didn't want to come back because, immaturely, I missed my old post count, and nothing really felt the same.

I acted the same way as you, then finally came back. I'm very glad I did, still might not feel exactly the same, but... It's okay. I'm happy now. I've got the people that have been by my side for as long as they've been here, some for almost five years now, and that's all I need.

And that's all you need.
Ahah! I was wondering when you'd return!

But you know what comes next, yes?

If, not, well, the next line should stir your memory.

Now, without further ado...

Welcome and well come.

Enjoy your stay, however long,
And meanwhile, listen to this song.

Welcome to t-C-o-D,
Where we eat cod and drink mint tea,
And everyone is, to an extent, happy,
Under the leadership of Butterfree.

We'll talk about stuff, like Pokémon,
We'll play random games, and sing random songs,
I hope your stay is rather long,
For this is a place for everyone.

But to commemorate what is lost,
A slight change in tone of verse,
Pokémon and humans mourn all around
As we carry the old forums' hearse,

And although what was great has passed,
We can rise again, you see,
It'll take a bit of work, but we can do it, for
We are tCoD!!!
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