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Keldeo vs Eifie: The Wrath of Khan

I don't even remember what I commanded, so I see no need to change it!

(by the way, Encore is paused while a Pokémon is asleep.)
(by the way, Encore is paused while a Pokémon is asleep.)

Wait, so did I even need to revise in the first place? If Encore is paused during sleep, does that mean a sleeping Pokemon would use an "if sleep" clause (like Snore) without trouble but then resume the Encored move after waking? Or does the "if sleep" clause fail because the Pokemon can't pay attention to its commands because of Encore?
Wait, so did I even need to revise in the first place? If Encore is paused during sleep, does that mean a sleeping Pokemon would use an "if sleep" clause (like Snore) without trouble but then resume the Encored move after waking? Or does the "if sleep" clause fail because the Pokemon can't pay attention to its commands because of Encore?

Here's the source. So yeah, I guess you didn't actually need to revise it. While a Pokémon is asleep, it basically forgets that it's been Encored (see interactions between Taunt and sleep).
[size=+2]Keldeo vs Eifie II: Round Five[/size]

Format: 3v3 single, Battle Arena-style
Style: Set
DQ: A week or something, whatever
Damage Cap: 40% unless Keldeo and Eifie would prefer something else
Banned/Restricted Moves: OHKOs and whatever else Keldeo and Eifie would like

Outside the Crystal Battle Tower
How— how dare these battle facilities host wonderful, mastery-filled battles without anybody telling the proprietors of the original battle facility, the one, the only Battle Tower (Generation II)?!? (Yeah, we’ve gotta work on improving the name.) Offended by this clear oversight, the owners of the Battle Tower have hastily put together a slapdash battle format to attract Trainers to their historically significant site. But since they mostly got the rules through hearsay from Unova, which held a kind of warped version of the original, this may not be the most authentic mastery-themed battle…

As is typical of this style of battle, it features three bouts of three rounds each, with the winner of each bout determined by the sum of the Pokemon's remaining health and energy. For example, a Pokemon that ended a round with 50 health and 50 energy, for a sum of 100, would win against one with 70 health and 20 energy, which sum to 90. The winner of the entire battle is based on the total of each trainer's sums, with a draw if there's a complete tie.

The battle will be held on the cobblestone path leading from the beaches of Route 40 up to the entrance to the Battle Tower itself. Now, the proprietors are well aware of the destructive reputation of Asberian Trainers, so we’re not actually allowed inside — but we can have a great battle out here in the open, right? There are plenty of trees flanking the battlefield, a huge sandy beach, and the ocean will provide all your water-resource needs. It’s perfect!

What’s not perfect, though, are the masteries. The Battle Tower owners seem to have gotten the names of the masteries — which they’re calling Crysteries, get it, since the tower is made out of crystal — through a telephone-game kind of grapevine, so they really only barely resemble those officially used by Korrina. If a Pokemon fulfills a Crystery more than its opponent does, 10 points are added to its health + energy score, with +5 to both scores if they tie.

The Crysteries are as follows:

For bout one:
Moving Faster: Awarded to the Pokemon that used the hastiest moves. This is calculated by adding the Pokemon’s number of modified Speed stages to the sum of the priorities of the moves it used. (So, for instance, a Pokemon that used Agility [+2 Speed], Protect [+4 priority] and Quick Attack [+1 priority] would have a score of +7.)
Going Mental: Awarded to the Pokemon that hurt itself in its confusion for the most total damage.
Skill at Striking: Awarded to the Pokemon that successfully landed the most hits on the opponent. (Multi-hit moves count for as many hits as they land.)

For bout two:
Efficacy Dispeller: Awarded to the Pokemon that avoided or blocked the most super-effective attacks.
Setpiece Special: Awarded to the Pokemon that most often used a Fastball Special with pieces of the arena, its foe, or anything else it can find.
Plagiarism Honor: Awarded to the Pokemon that most often used a move its foe had already used.

For bout three:
Advocate: Awarded to the Pokemon that most often healed its foe of a status condition.
Owner’s Frenemy: Awarded to the Pokemon that most often disobeyed its owner’s commands. (Any instance of not using a commanded order counts toward this Crystery — for instance, being fully paralyzed or fully confused; being asleep when the owner didn’t command any conditionals for sleep; being Taunted when the owner didn’t command any damaging conditional options; etc.)
Delicious Hors d’Oeuvres: Awarded to the Pokemon that ate the most things.

Team Keldeo (XOO)
Kaley (F) the Charmander
<Solar Power> Boosts special moves by 3% in exchange for 1% damage per action in strong sunlight.
@Sun Stone Restores 2% damage and energy in strong sunlight.
██████████ 97% Health
██████████ 93% Energy
█████████████████████ 190% Total
Speed: 65
Status: Seeded. Asleep (95% chance of staying asleep). Has an Encore on Fling (2 more actions, paused during sleep).
Condition: Feeling pretty well, even if her plan was totally ruined.
Commands: Chill / Flame Charge @ tree ~ Sleep Talk / Flame Charge @ tree / Sunny Day ~ Sleep Talk / Flame Charge @ tree / Mimic (Bounce)

Team Eifie (OOO)
Plum Seed (F) the Skiploom
<Chlorophyll> Doubles Speed during strong sunlight.
@Red Card Bans the last move the holder was hit by for the rest of the battle.
███████████ 94% Health
███████████ 90% Energy
████████████████████ 184% Total
Speed: 80
Status: Normal.
Condition: Everything according to plan, yet still lagging behind.
Commands: Bounce (up) ~ Pay Day @ non-broken window ~ Amnesia

Knowing she had better get outta Dodge while the going’s good, Plum Seed doesn’t hesitate in finding an updraft to hurl her skyward. Petals rustling in the wind, she settles near the next window over from the broken one. Meanwhile, Keldeo nervously begins to slip her shoes off, unsure what Kaley will do, but to her relief, the Charmander just curls up and calmly rests, recovering what little energy she had expended so far.

On the other hand, Plum Seed is anything but calm. The Battle Tower’s manager is glaring at her from the broken window, and she’s so sure she’s going to get in trouble… somehow. She has to assuage him! Calling upon the magic of early generational weirdness to allow her to tap into hammerspace, she conjures up a windfall of large, golden coins and spits them, one by one, through the window — as a gift, really, she insists, even as the manager’s eyes bug out in shock and fury.

Oh, no, Plum Seed thinks, maybe that wasn’t the best thing to do. She drifts slightly away from the window, to get out of range of the manager’s furious grasp, and looks deep inside herself to purge her crime from her mind. She meditates on the value of forgetfulness, but when she opens her eyes to see employees greedily scooping up the heavy coins, she still remembers what she’s done. How can this be? she thinks. Well, if she didn’t forget her crimes, then… what did she forget?

(As all this excitement goes on on the ninth floor, Kaley continues snoozing gently. Now and then, she begins to chatter quietly, but her dreams apparently just involve more sleeping, because talking in her sleep does nothing but calm her down further.)

Team Keldeo (XOO)
Kaley (F) the Charmander
<Solar Power> Boosts special moves by 3% in exchange for 1% damage per action in strong sunlight.
@Sun Stone Restores 2% damage and energy in strong sunlight.
██████████ 94% Health
██████████ 99% Energy
█████████████████████ 193% Total
Speed: 65
Status: Seeded. Asleep (80% chance of staying asleep). Has an Encore on Fling (2 more actions, paused during sleep).
Condition: Still snoozing.
Commands used: Chill ~ Sleep Talk (called Chill) ~ Sleep Talk (called Chill)

Team Eifie (OOO)
Plum Seed (F) the Skiploom
<Chlorophyll> Doubles Speed during strong sunlight.
@Red Card Bans the last move the holder was hit by for the rest of the battle.
███████████ 97% Health
██████████ 81% Energy
███████████████████ 178% Total
Speed: 80
Status: Hovering in mid-Bounce. Has forgotten Cotton Guard. +2 Sp. Def.
Condition: Mortified and guilty.
Commands used: Bounce (up) ~ Pay Day ~ Amnesia

Unless otherwise stated, all rolls are on a scale from 001-100 where the roll must be equal to or lower than the accuracy in order to hit, the effect chance in order to have an effect, or the critical hit chance to crit.

On confusion/paralysis/attraction etc. rolls, anything equal to or lower than the failure chance is a failure; anything higher lets the Pokemon use its command.

For all calculations, please completely ignore all the rules you learned in school about order of operations. Everything in this section just goes left to right.

Last Round

charmander 97% health, 93% energy
skiploom 94% health, 90% energy

Action One

Plum Seed uses Bounce (up).
~ Base energy 5% - 1 for STAB = 4% ÷ 2 = Plum Seed expends 2% energy.

Kaley has a 95% chance of staying asleep. She fails to wake up with a roll of 62.
Kaley is asleep.
Kaley uses Chill.

~ Kaley restores 10% energy.
Kaley’s sleep reduces to 90% chance of staying asleep.

Plum Seed expends 1% energy to stay aloft.

The Leech Seed saps 1% health from Kaley and restores 1% health to Plum Seed.

charmander 96% health, 100% energy
skiploom 95% health, 87% energy

Action Two

Plum Seed uses Pay Day.
~ Pay Day has 100% accuracy, so it hits the window without needing a roll.
~ Pay Day is not targeted at Kaley.
~ Base energy 2% = Plum Seed expends 2% energy.

Kaley has a 90% chance of staying asleep. She fails to wake up with a roll of 27.
Kaley is asleep.
Kaley uses Sleep Talk.

Sleep Talk has 3 possibilities (Fling, Snore, Chill). It rolls a 3, resulting in Chill.
Kaley uses Chill.
~ Kaley restores 10% energy.
~ Kaley expends 1% energy for calling another move through Sleep Talk.
Kaley’s sleep reduces to 85% chance of staying asleep.

Plum Seed expends 1% energy to stay aloft.

The Leech Seed saps 1% health from Kaley and restores 1% health to Plum Seed.

charmander 95% health, 99% energy
skiploom 96% health, 84% energy

Action Three

Plum Seed uses Amnesia.
~ Base energy 2% = Plum Seed expends 2% energy.
~ Plum Seed’s Sp. Def. increased by 2 stages.
~ Plum Seed forgets Cotton Guard.

Kaley has an 85% chance of staying asleep. She fails to wake up with a roll of 44.
Kaley is asleep.
Kaley uses Sleep Talk.

Sleep Talk has 3 possibilities (Fling, Snore, Chill). It rolls a 3, resulting in Chill.
Kaley uses Chill.
~ Kaley restores 10% energy.
~ Kaley expends 1% energy for calling another move through Sleep Talk.
Kaley’s sleep reduces to 80% chance of staying asleep.

Plum Seed expends 1% energy to stay aloft.

The Leech Seed saps 1% health from Kaley and restores 1% health to Plum Seed.

charmander 94% health, 99% energy
skiploom 97% health, 81% energy

  • Efficacy Dispeller: Awarded to the Pokemon that avoided or blocked the most super-effective attacks. Kaley (0) / Plum Seed (0)
  • Setpiece Special: Awarded to the Pokemon that most often used a Fastball Special with pieces of the arena, its foe, or anything else it can find. Kaley (2) / Plum Seed (1)
  • Plagiarism Honor: Awarded to the Pokemon that most often used a move its foe had already used. Kaley (0) / Plum Seed (0)

Two windows on the Battle Tower’s ninth floor are now broken, and a gaggle of employees are greedily scooping up scattered coins as the manager tries to shout at us through the crowd. (Pay Day will boost Eifie’s prize by $1.)

1. Speed order: Plum Seed (80) > Kaley (65)
2. Plum Seed is inherently hovering (which the ASB Rules thread also calls “inherently levitating” interchangeably… I think we need a terminology clarification), so she’s expending a slight amount of energy (1% per action) to stay aloft at a higher-than-normal altitude. I couldn’t find a definite number for this, so I just went with what seemed right to me. Feel free to try to persuade me otherwise.
3. Thanks to Pay Day, Eifie will get $1 more at the end of the battle. For lack of a better place to put it, I’ve added this to the arena notes so we don’t forget about it.
4. Kaley’s Sleep Talk rolled Chill both times. It doesn’t seem right to me that calling a move through another move would result in 100% energy, so I treated this as +10 for Chill followed by -1 for being called through another move, rather than a simple net +9.
5. Plum Seed got a point toward Setpiece Special for pulling coins out of hammerspace and pelting them at the windows with Pay Day.
Next round, Keldeo commands first, followed by Eifie.
Okay, let's Chill until you wake up. Once you're awake, just Fling... bits of grass or something at her, since we can't really do anything else. If you're awake and for some reason you can't do that, have some fun with Flame Charge for an action and then default to Chilling - but if you've already used Flame Charge and you can't Chill, I guess Flame Charge again. (sorry for the boring commands, Jack)

Chill / Fling stuff @ Plum Seed / Flame Charge @ tree x3
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I could just VM Jack, but I guess I might as well let both of you know: I'll probably need another... week or two to post commands, hahaha. I'm too busy drowning in work to actually think about commands. :(
Okay, I don't really have time to think, so I might as well stop making you both wait. Plum Seed, see if you can sit down on the inside of the window and just Chill three times. Start your first Chill after Kaley does. Let's see if you can manage to recover enough energy to let Plagiarism Honor give you the win...! I was going to do this a few weeks ago, but I've forgotten why I didn't, so let's just see if this'll fail spectacularly, I guess.

(Sorry, Jack... heheh... maybe you could write a sequel to the tale of Kiki the Wiki Berry?)

Chill (sit inside window) ~ Chill ~ Chill
[size=+2]Keldeo vs Eifie II: Round Six[/size]

Format: 3v3 single, Battle Arena-style
Style: Set
DQ: A week or something, whatever
Damage Cap: 40% unless Keldeo and Eifie would prefer something else
Banned/Restricted Moves: OHKOs and whatever else Keldeo and Eifie would like

Outside the Crystal Battle Tower
How— how dare these battle facilities host wonderful, mastery-filled battles without anybody telling the proprietors of the original battle facility, the one, the only Battle Tower (Generation II)?!? (Yeah, we’ve gotta work on improving the name.) Offended by this clear oversight, the owners of the Battle Tower have hastily put together a slapdash battle format to attract Trainers to their historically significant site. But since they mostly got the rules through hearsay from Unova, which held a kind of warped version of the original, this may not be the most authentic mastery-themed battle…

As is typical of this style of battle, it features three bouts of three rounds each, with the winner of each bout determined by the sum of the Pokemon's remaining health and energy. For example, a Pokemon that ended a round with 50 health and 50 energy, for a sum of 100, would win against one with 70 health and 20 energy, which sum to 90. The winner of the entire battle is based on the total of each trainer's sums, with a draw if there's a complete tie.

The battle will be held on the cobblestone path leading from the beaches of Route 40 up to the entrance to the Battle Tower itself. Now, the proprietors are well aware of the destructive reputation of Asberian Trainers, so we’re not actually allowed inside — but we can have a great battle out here in the open, right? There are plenty of trees flanking the battlefield, a huge sandy beach, and the ocean will provide all your water-resource needs. It’s perfect!

What’s not perfect, though, are the masteries. The Battle Tower owners seem to have gotten the names of the masteries — which they’re calling Crysteries, get it, since the tower is made out of crystal — through a telephone-game kind of grapevine, so they really only barely resemble those officially used by Korrina. If a Pokemon fulfills a Crystery more than its opponent does, 10 points are added to its health + energy score, with +5 to both scores if they tie.

The Crysteries are as follows:

For bout one:
Moving Faster: Awarded to the Pokemon that used the hastiest moves. This is calculated by adding the Pokemon’s number of modified Speed stages to the sum of the priorities of the moves it used. (So, for instance, a Pokemon that used Agility [+2 Speed], Protect [+4 priority] and Quick Attack [+1 priority] would have a score of +7.)
Going Mental: Awarded to the Pokemon that hurt itself in its confusion for the most total damage.
Skill at Striking: Awarded to the Pokemon that successfully landed the most hits on the opponent. (Multi-hit moves count for as many hits as they land.)

For bout two:
Efficacy Dispeller: Awarded to the Pokemon that avoided or blocked the most super-effective attacks.
Setpiece Special: Awarded to the Pokemon that most often used a Fastball Special with pieces of the arena, its foe, or anything else it can find.
Plagiarism Honor: Awarded to the Pokemon that most often used a move its foe had already used.

For bout three:
Advocate: Awarded to the Pokemon that most often healed its foe of a status condition.
Owner’s Frenemy: Awarded to the Pokemon that most often disobeyed its owner’s commands. (Any instance of not using a commanded order counts toward this Crystery — for instance, being fully paralyzed or fully confused; being asleep when the owner didn’t command any conditionals for sleep; being Taunted when the owner didn’t command any damaging conditional options; etc.)
Delicious Hors d’Oeuvres: Awarded to the Pokemon that ate the most things.

Team Keldeo (XOO)
Kaley (F) the Charmander
<Solar Power> Boosts special moves by 3% in exchange for 1% damage per action in strong sunlight.
@Sun Stone Restores 2% damage and energy in strong sunlight.
██████████ 94% Health
██████████ 99% Energy
█████████████████████ 193% Total
Speed: 65
Status: Seeded. Asleep (80% chance of staying asleep). Has an Encore on Fling (2 more actions, paused during sleep).
Condition: Still snoozing.
Commands: Chill / Fling stuff @ Plum Seed / Flame Charge @ tree x3

Team Eifie (OOO)
Plum Seed (F) the Skiploom
<Chlorophyll> Doubles Speed during strong sunlight.
@Red Card Bans the last move the holder was hit by for the rest of the battle.
███████████ 97% Health
██████████ 81% Energy
███████████████████ 178% Total
Speed: 80
Status: Hovering in mid-Bounce. Has forgotten Cotton Guard. +2 Sp. Def.
Condition: Mortified and guilty.
Commands: Chill (sit inside window) ~ Chill ~ Chill

Plum Seed eyes the Battle Tower manager’s furious flailing with skepticism, but she was commanded to sit and chill inside the window, so — she supposes — orders are orders. She takes a glance down at the ground to confirm that the Charmander is already relaxing, takes a glance at the manager shouting from the window she’d broken, and opts to drift over to the other window, the one Kaley had broken. She positions her feet comfortably under her body, closes her eyes, and—

Well, she supposes it’s not surprising the manager could reach her quickly, since both windows opened onto the same hallway rather than separate rooms. Shouting with frustration, he scoops Plum Seed up and carries her under his arm as he stomps to the stairwell. Still, she tries to chill out as much as she can.

Meanwhile, Kaley keeps snoozing, and Keldeo and Eifie glance at each other with trepidation, wondering if Eifie should have recalled Plum Seed. Surely the manager wouldn’t try to hurt a poor defenseless Skiploom....?

Well, here comes the manager now, fuming out the front door and down the path with Plum Seed still under his arm. Swearing profusely, he tries to peg Eifie in the face with her own Pokemon, but Plum Seed, still Chilling, catches an updraft and flips over the top of her Trainer’s head altogether, landing gently in front of Kaley just in time for the Charmander to wake up. Remembering her foe’s applause from earlier, Kaley rummages for bits of grass to toss proudly in Plum Seed’s face, but like the Skiploom herself just moments before, the grass is caught in the wind and scatters ineffectively.

The bout being over, the manager tries to eject us early, but we plead that we still have just one bout left. “Fine,” he finally says, giving in. “Just… go over that way.” He ushers us over toward the guard station. “Further. Further. … Further.” He eventually isn’t happy until we’re all the way on the other side of the building, out on Route 40’s sandy beach. True Asberian battlers make the best of it, though, so bout three will have to be a Beach Episode!

Team Keldeo (XXO)
Kaley (F) the Charmander
<Solar Power> Boosts special moves by 3% in exchange for 1% damage per action in strong sunlight.
@Sun Stone Restores 2% damage and energy in strong sunlight.
██████████ 91% Health
██████████ 99% Energy
█████████████████████ 190% Total
Speed: 65
Status: Seeded. Has an Encore on Fling (1 more action).
Condition: So close, and yet so far…
Commands used: Chill ~ Chill ~ Fling (failed)

Team Eifie (OOO)
Plum Seed (F) the Skiploom
<Chlorophyll> Doubles Speed during strong sunlight.
@Red Card Bans the last move the holder was hit by for the rest of the battle.
████████████ 100% Health
███████████ 96% Energy
█████████████████████ 196% Total
Speed: 80
Status: Has forgotten Cotton Guard. +2 Sp. Def.
Condition: So relaxed, she’s almost unconscious.
Commands used: Chill ~ Chill ~ Chill

Unless otherwise stated, all rolls are on a scale from 001-100 where the roll must be equal to or lower than the accuracy in order to hit, the effect chance in order to have an effect, or the critical hit chance to crit.

On confusion/paralysis/attraction etc. rolls, anything equal to or lower than the failure chance is a failure; anything higher lets the Pokemon use its command.

For all calculations, please completely ignore all the rules you learned in school about order of operations. Everything in this section just goes left to right.

Last Round

charmander 94% health, 99% energy
skiploom 97% health, 81% energy

Action One

Plum Seed waits for Kaley to move.

Kaley has an 80% chance of staying asleep. She fails to wake up with a roll of 4.
Kaley is asleep.
Kaley uses Chill.

~ Kaley restores 10% energy.
Kaley’s sleep reduces to 75% chance of staying asleep.

Plum Seed uses Chill.
Chill is disrupted by the Battle Tower manager.
~ Plum Seed restores 5% energy.

The Leech Seed saps 1% health from Kaley and restores 1% health to Plum Seed.

charmander 93% health, 100% energy
skiploom 98% health, 86% energy

Action Two

Plum Seed uses Chill.
Chill is disrupted by the Battle Tower manager.
~ Plum Seed restores 5% energy.

Kaley has a 75% chance of staying asleep. She fails to wake up with a roll of 9.
Kaley is asleep.
Kaley uses Chill.

~ Kaley restores 10% energy.
Kaley’s sleep reduces to 70% chance of staying asleep.

The Leech Seed saps 1% health from Kaley and restores 1% health to Plum Seed.

charmander 92% health, 100% energy
skiploom 99% health, 91% energy

Action Three

Plum Seed uses Chill.
Chill is disrupted by the Battle Tower manager.
~ Plum Seed restores 5% energy.

Kaley has a 70% chance of staying asleep. She wakes up with a roll of 72.
Kaley tries to use Fling with bits of grass.
Fling fails.
~ Kaley expends 1% energy.

The Leech Seed saps 1% health from Kaley and restores 1% health to Plum Seed.

charmander 91% health, 99% energy
skiploom 100% health, 96% energy

  • Efficacy Dispeller: Awarded to the Pokemon that avoided or blocked the most super-effective attacks. Kaley (0) / Plum Seed (0)
  • Setpiece Special: Awarded to the Pokemon that most often used a Fastball Special with pieces of the arena, its foe, or anything else it can find. Kaley (2) / Plum Seed (1)
  • Plagiarism Honor: Awarded to the Pokemon that most often used a move its foe had already used. Kaley (0) / Plum Seed (3)

Final Totals

charmander ██████████████████████ 200% Total
skiploom ██████████████████████ 206% Total

Two windows on the Battle Tower’s ninth floor are now broken, but we’ve been kicked off the grounds and out onto Route 40, so surely we can’t break more. Or can we? (Pay Day will boost Eifie’s prize by $1.)

1. Speed order: Plum Seed (80) > Kaley (65)
2. Kaley woke up on the third action. She spent a slight amount of energy trying to Fling bits of grass, but have you ever tried to fling grass in real life? I certainly did as a kid, and I can tell you firsthand that it just doesn’t work. Not at all.
3. Eifie commanded Plum Seed to land right within range of the Battle Tower manager, who last round was noted to be furiously trying to get hold of her. So he grabbed her and brought her back downstairs over the course of the round, disrupting her somewhat as she tried to Chill in his grasp. She still was narrowly able to win the bout.
4. Eifie thus has taken two bouts, but as the original challenge said: ”The winner of the entire battle is based on the total of each trainer's sums, with a draw if there's a complete tie.” So we continue onward! Eifie is currently up by (18+6)=24 points, so Keldeo would need to win the third bout by 24 points to tie the battle overall or by 25 or more to win it outright.
Next round, Keldeo sends out first, then Eifie sends out and commands, and finally Keldeo commands. The final Crysteries will be Advocate, Owner’s Frienemy, and Delicious Hors d’Oeuvres.

(also technically Kaley should have 1 for Plagiarism Honor, right, since she chilled after Plum Seed chilled. not that it changes anything.)
Ngahhh!! I guess I'll just go with Lily the glorious Airplane Baguette and see what we can make of this while we can.
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I really want to use Udon, so it would be a battle of two edible things fighting to eat the most things, but poor Siradhan has been waiting too long for his ASB debut!

natu cheep cheep

Okay, Siradhan! You know what I want you to do? I want you to... eat your Mental Herb while using Future Sight! That's right! I want exactly that all in one action! Don't you dare disobey me!! >:(

And then idk maybe you can Pluck a little bite of that baguette? Mmm... delicious. And if you can't hit him, show me your rage with a mighty Draco Meteor! Finally... just try switching places with him at am appropriately startling moment. Maybe you can throw him off from his attack that way... who knows?!

eat Mental Herb and Future Sight ~ Pluck / Draco Meteor ~ Ally Switch

(if you wanted me to actually post serious commands it would have the potential to take a month or more, so just enjoy this easy victory, I guess, Keldeo. hee hee!)
[size=+2]Keldeo vs Eifie II: Round Seven[/size]

Format: 3v3 single, Battle Arena-style
Style: Set
DQ: A week or something, whatever
Damage Cap: 40% unless Keldeo and Eifie would prefer something else
Banned/Restricted Moves: OHKOs and whatever else Keldeo and Eifie would like

Outside the Crystal Battle Tower
How— how dare these battle facilities host wonderful, mastery-filled battles without anybody telling the proprietors of the original battle facility, the one, the only Battle Tower (Generation II)?!? (Yeah, we’ve gotta work on improving the name.) Offended by this clear oversight, the owners of the Battle Tower have hastily put together a slapdash battle format to attract Trainers to their historically significant site. But since they mostly got the rules through hearsay from Unova, which held a kind of warped version of the original, this may not be the most authentic mastery-themed battle…

As is typical of this style of battle, it features three bouts of three rounds each, with the winner of each bout determined by the sum of the Pokemon's remaining health and energy. For example, a Pokemon that ended a round with 50 health and 50 energy, for a sum of 100, would win against one with 70 health and 20 energy, which sum to 90. The winner of the entire battle is based on the total of each trainer's sums, with a draw if there's a complete tie.

The battle will be held on the cobblestone path leading from the beaches of Route 40 up to the entrance to the Battle Tower itself. Now, the proprietors are well aware of the destructive reputation of Asberian Trainers, so we’re not actually allowed inside — but we can have a great battle out here in the open, right? There are plenty of trees flanking the battlefield, a huge sandy beach, and the ocean will provide all your water-resource needs. It’s perfect!

What’s not perfect, though, are the masteries. The Battle Tower owners seem to have gotten the names of the masteries — which they’re calling Crysteries, get it, since the tower is made out of crystal — through a telephone-game kind of grapevine, so they really only barely resemble those officially used by Korrina. If a Pokemon fulfills a Crystery more than its opponent does, 10 points are added to its health + energy score, with +5 to both scores if they tie.

The Crysteries are as follows:

For bout one:
Moving Faster: Awarded to the Pokemon that used the hastiest moves. This is calculated by adding the Pokemon’s number of modified Speed stages to the sum of the priorities of the moves it used. (So, for instance, a Pokemon that used Agility [+2 Speed], Protect [+4 priority] and Quick Attack [+1 priority] would have a score of +7.)
Going Mental: Awarded to the Pokemon that hurt itself in its confusion for the most total damage.
Skill at Striking: Awarded to the Pokemon that successfully landed the most hits on the opponent. (Multi-hit moves count for as many hits as they land.)

For bout two:
Efficacy Dispeller: Awarded to the Pokemon that avoided or blocked the most super-effective attacks.
Setpiece Special: Awarded to the Pokemon that most often used a Fastball Special with pieces of the arena, its foe, or anything else it can find.
Plagiarism Honor: Awarded to the Pokemon that most often used a move its foe had already used.

For bout three:
Advocate: Awarded to the Pokemon that most often healed its foe of a status condition.
Owner’s Frenemy: Awarded to the Pokemon that most often disobeyed its owner’s commands. (Any instance of not using a commanded order counts toward this Crystery — for instance, being fully paralyzed or fully confused; being asleep when the owner didn’t command any conditionals for sleep; being Taunted when the owner didn’t command any damaging conditional options; etc.)
Delicious Hors d’Oeuvres: Awarded to the Pokemon that ate the most things.

Team Keldeo (XXO)
Airplane Baguette (M) the Castform
<Forecast> Changes form to match the weather.
@Wise Glasses Raises special moves' final damage by 2%.
███████████ 100% Health
███████████ 100% Energy
██████████████████████ 200% Total
Speed: 70
Status: Normal.
Condition: Ready for whatever comes his way.
Commands: Ice Beam ~ Ice Beam ~ Icy Wind

Team Eifie (OOO)
Siradhan (M) the Natu
<Early Bird> Halves the duration of sleep.
@Mental Herb Cures the effects of mental moves.
███████████ 100% Health
███████████ 100% Energy
██████████████████████ 200% Total
Speed: 70
Status: Normal.
Condition: Hungry.
Commands: eat Mental Herb and Future Sight ~ Pluck / Draco Meteor ~ Ally Switch

Settling in on the beach, the battlers reveal their Pokemon for the last bout. On Keldeo’s side, the deliciously-named Airplane Baguette floats gently, glancing up at the sky to see clear skies and no particularly strong weather brewing. Eifie, meanwhile, sends out Siradhan, who chirrups with hunger at the sight of his foe.

Before he can nibble on that baguette, though, Siradhan has been commanded to eat his Mental Herb and use Future Sight. What? he thinks. I can’t do all of that at the same time! Maybe if he were tormented or attracted, the Mental Herb would go down easier, but not like this. Trying to make the best of it, he stuffs the leaf into his beak and begins to chew, but it’s so dry, it clumps up in his mouth and refuses to be swallowed. It’s the most disgusting thing Siradhan has tasted, and there’s simply no way he can manage to focus on his psychic powers at the same time that he’s trying to stomach this atrocity. Just as he manages to swallow the last of it, a jolting flash of cold strikes him right between his eyes, knocking him down into the sand.

Peeved, Siradhan flips back upright and shakes the frost from his feathers. Time to get serious. He hops over to Airplane Baguette, who looks suspiciously unlike a loaf of bread, but surely the Castform’s name can’t be a misnomer? Siradhan opens his beak wide and slams it shut on his foe’s head, but recoils back, disgusted, as he tastes not a delicious baguette but, like, clouds and air and stuff. What’s up with that, man? He turns to his Trainer to voice his disgust, only to be knocked head over talons by another blast of ice from Airplane Baguette.

Sigh. Fine. There has to be something Siradhan can do. He casts his mind out to latch onto an ally’s, but… what? Siradhan shakes his head with fury. He doesn’t even have allies in this battle! He stomps over to Eifie on his squat little claws to give her a piece of her mind. Is she even trying to win? He’s getting hurt out here, almost hitting the damage cap, and he’s falling way behind! His arguing is silenced mid-squawk by another blast of ice, this one less intense but spread over a wider area, chilling his joints to slow him down. He glares at Eifie before turning back to Airplane Baguette — surely, next round will have a better outcome for him?

Team Keldeo (XXO)
Airplane Baguette (M) the Castform
<Forecast> Changes form to match the weather.
@Wise Glasses Raises special moves' final damage by 2%.
██████████ 93% Health
█████████ 83% Energy
███████████████████ 176% Total
Speed: 70
Status: Normal.
Condition: Amused.
Commands used: Ice Beam ~ Ice Beam ~ Icy Wind

Team Eifie (OOO)
Siradhan (M) the Natu
<Early Bird> Halves the duration of sleep.
@Mental Herb Cures the effects of mental moves.
███████ 60% Health
███████████ 97% Energy
█████████████████ 157% Total
Speed: 47
Status: Speed -1.
Condition: Frustrated.
Commands used: eat Mental Herb ~ Pluck ~ Ally Switch (failed)

Unless otherwise stated, all rolls are on a scale from 001-100 where the roll must be equal to or lower than the accuracy in order to hit, the effect chance in order to have an effect, or the critical hit chance to crit.

On confusion/paralysis/attraction etc. rolls, anything equal to or lower than the failure chance is a failure; anything higher lets the Pokemon use its command.

For all calculations, please completely ignore all the rules you learned in school about order of operations. Everything in this section just goes left to right.


castform 100% health, 100% energy
natu 100% health, 100% energy

Action One

Siradhan eats his Mental Herb.
~ It has no effect.

Airplane Baguette uses Ice Beam.
~ Ice Beam has 100% accuracy, so it hits without needing a roll.
~ Ice Beam’s critical hit domain is 1 (5%). It fails to crit with a roll of 54.
~ Ice Beam has a 10% chance of freezing the foe. This effect fails with a roll of 50.
~ Base damage 9% + no STAB + no stat changes + 0 EXP bonus × 1.5 since Flying is weak to Ice = 13.5 rounded down + 2 for Wise Glasses = Siradhan takes 15% damage.
~ Base energy 5% + 1 for Wise Glasses = Airplane Baguette expends 6% energy.

castform 100% health, 94% energy
natu 85% health, 100% energy

Action Two

Siradhan uses Pluck.
~ Pluck has 100% accuracy, so it hits without needing a roll.
~ Pluck’s critical hit domain is 1 (5%). It fails to crit with a roll of 43.
~ Base damage 6% + 1.5 for STAB + no stat changes + 0 EXP bonus × 1 for neutral type effectiveness = 7.5 rounded down = Airplane Baguette takes 7% damage.
~ Base energy 3% - 1 for STAB = Siradhan expends 2% energy.

Airplane Baguette uses Ice Beam.
~ Ice Beam has 100% accuracy, so it hits without needing a roll.
~ Ice Beam’s critical hit domain is 1 (5%). It fails to crit with a roll of 19.
~ Ice Beam has a 10% chance of freezing the foe. This effect fails with a roll of 73.
~ Base damage 9% + no STAB + no stat changes + 0 EXP bonus × 1.5 since Flying is weak to Ice = 13.5 rounded down + 2 for Wise Glasses = Siradhan takes 15% damage.
~ Base energy 5% + 1 for Wise Glasses = Airplane Baguette expends 6% energy.

castform 93% health, 88% energy
natu 70% health, 98% energy

Action Three

Siradhan uses Ally Switch.
~ Siradhan has no allies, so the move fails.
~ Siradhan expends 1% energy.

Airplane Baguette uses Icy Wind.
~ Icy Wind has 95% accuracy. It hits with a roll of 55.
~ Icy Wind’s critical hit domain is 1 (5%). It fails to crit with a roll of 39.
~ Icy Wind lowers the foe’s Speed by 1 stage.
~ Siradhan’s speed, 70, is multiplied by 2/3 to result in 47.
~ Base damage 5.5 + no STAB + no stat changes + 0 EXP bonus × 1.5 since Flying is weak to Ice = 8.25 rounded down + 2 for Wise Glasses = Siradhan takes 10% damage.
~ Base energy 4% + 1 for Wise Glasses = Airplane Baguette expends 5% energy.

castform 93% health, 83% energy
natu 60% health, 97% energy

  • Advocate: Awarded to the Pokemon that most often healed its foe of a status condition. Airplane Baguette (0) / Siradhan (0)
  • Owner’s Frenemy: Awarded to the Pokemon that most often disobeyed its owner’s commands. (Any instance of not using a commanded order counts toward this Crystery — for instance, being fully paralyzed or fully confused; being asleep when the owner didn’t command any conditionals for sleep; being Taunted when the owner didn’t command any damaging conditional options; etc.) Airplane Baguette (0) / Siradhan (2)
  • Delicious Hors d’Oeuvres: Awarded to the Pokemon that ate the most things. Airplane Baguette (0) / Siradhan (1)

Two windows on the Battle Tower’s ninth floor are now broken, but we’ve been kicked off the grounds and out onto Route 40, so surely we can’t break more. Or can we? (Pay Day will boost Eifie’s prize by $1.)

1. Speed order at round’s start: Airplane Baguette (70) = Siradhan (70). In speed ties, I have the Pokemon act in command order, so Siradhan acted first in each action this round.
2. Speed order after action three: Airplane Baguette (70) > Siradhan (47).
3. Per the Question Box, Siradhan had to spend the whole action to expend his Mental Herb and couldn’t use Future Sight. This counted toward both the Owner’s Frienemy and Delicious Hors d’Oeuvres Crysteries.
4. Sorry, but you can’t use Pluck to eat part of another Pokemon for the purposes of this Crystery. We may be destructive Asberians, but we’re not cannibals!
5. Since Siradhan has no allies, Ally Switch failed, and also counted toward Owner’s Frienemy.
Next round, Keldeo commands first, followed by Eifie.
Okay, there's like a 1% chance we'll win any of the Crysteries so just throw some more things at him I guess. If you can't use a move or he's unhittable, besides substitute, throw some cool legendary signature moves at him! You can do those, right? (If on the last action he has Double Team clones and he's hittable, though, Shock Wave again.)

Ice Beam / Judgement ~ Shock Wave / V-Create ~ Shadow Ball / Shock Wave / Fusion Flare
Awww, sorry, Siradhan! You're handling this admirably. :3 I want you to start with a Trick Room! Then set up a Future Sight, and then finally let's take advantage of the fact that Pain Split is not banned. Hahaha I'm so funny.

Trick Room ~ Future Sight ~ Pain Split
Re: Scyther vs Scyther: The Wrath of Khan

[size=+2]Scyther vs Scyther II: Round Eight[/size]

Format: 3v3 single, Battle Arena-style
Style: Set
DQ: A week or something, whatever
Damage Cap: 40% unless Scyther and Scyther would prefer something else
Banned/Restricted Moves: OHKOs and whatever else Scyther and Scyther would like

Outside the Crystal Battle Tower
How— how dare these battle facilities host wonderful, mastery-filled battles without anybody telling the proprietors of the original battle facility, the one, the only Battle Tower (Generation II)?!? (Yeah, we’ve gotta work on improving the name.) Offended by this clear oversight, the owners of the Battle Tower have hastily put together a slapdash battle format to attract Trainers to their historically significant site. But since they mostly got the rules through hearsay from Unova, which held a kind of warped version of the original, this may not be the most authentic mastery-themed battle…

As is typical of this style of battle, it features three bouts of three rounds each, with the winner of each bout determined by the sum of the Pokemon's remaining health and energy. For example, a Pokemon that ended a round with 50 health and 50 energy, for a sum of 100, would win against one with 70 health and 20 energy, which sum to 90. The winner of the entire battle is based on the total of each trainer's sums, with a draw if there's a complete tie.

The battle will be held on the cobblestone path leading from the beaches of Route 40 up to the entrance to the Battle Tower itself. Now, the proprietors are well aware of the destructive reputation of Asberian Trainers, so we’re not actually allowed inside — but we can have a great battle out here in the open, right? There are plenty of trees flanking the battlefield, a huge sandy beach, and the ocean will provide all your water-resource needs. It’s perfect!

What’s not perfect, though, are the masteries. The Battle Tower owners seem to have gotten the names of the masteries — which they’re calling Crysteries, get it, since the tower is made out of crystal — through a telephone-game kind of grapevine, so they really only barely resemble those officially used by Korrina. If a Pokemon fulfills a Crystery more than its opponent does, 10 points are added to its health + energy score, with +5 to both scores if they tie.

The Crysteries are as follows:

For bout one:
Moving Faster: Awarded to the Pokemon that used the hastiest moves. This is calculated by adding the Pokemon’s number of modified Speed stages to the sum of the priorities of the moves it used. (So, for instance, a Pokemon that used Agility [+2 Speed], Protect [+4 priority] and Quick Attack [+1 priority] would have a score of +7.)
Going Mental: Awarded to the Pokemon that hurt itself in its confusion for the most total damage.
Skill at Striking: Awarded to the Pokemon that successfully landed the most hits on the opponent. (Multi-hit moves count for as many hits as they land.)

For bout two:
Efficacy Dispeller: Awarded to the Pokemon that avoided or blocked the most super-effective attacks.
Setpiece Special: Awarded to the Pokemon that most often used a Fastball Special with pieces of the arena, its foe, or anything else it can find.
Plagiarism Honor: Awarded to the Pokemon that most often used a move its foe had already used.

For bout three:
Advocate: Awarded to the Pokemon that most often healed its foe of a status condition.
Owner’s Frenemy: Awarded to the Pokemon that most often disobeyed its owner’s commands. (Any instance of not using a commanded order counts toward this Crystery — for instance, being fully paralyzed or fully confused; being asleep when the owner didn’t command any conditionals for sleep; being Taunted when the owner didn’t command any damaging conditional options; etc.)
Delicious Hors d’Oeuvres: Awarded to the Pokemon that ate the most things.

Team Scyther (XXO)
Airplane Baguette (M) the Scyther
<Forecast> Changes form to match the weather.
@Wise Glasses Raises special moves' final damage by 2%.
██████████ 93% Health
█████████ 83% Energy
███████████████████ 176% Total
Speed: 70
Status: Normal.
Commands: Ice Beam / Judgement ~ Shock Wave / V-Create ~ Shadow Ball / Shock Wave / Fusion Flare

Team Scyther (OOO)
Siradhan (M) the Scyther
<Early Bird> Halves the duration of sleep.
@Mental Herb Cures the effects of mental moves.
███████ 60% Health
███████████ 97% Energy
█████████████████ 157% Total
Speed: 47
Status: Speed -1.
Commands: Trick Room ~ Future Sight ~ Pain Split

Taking advantage of the frost still nestled within Siradhan’s feathers, Airplane Baguette speedily crafts another supercooled beam to blast in his foe’s face. His speed, however, is short to last, as the scyther uses his psychic powers to twist the threads of time the wrong way round, reversing causality and .etteugaB enalpriA otni stsalb dna latrop emit a morf segreme kcatta detciderp s’drib eht sa neve kcab nahdariS gnikconk ,scyther eht ta ygrene yltsohg fo ssam elbatsnu na eltruh ot tub esruocer on sah ,niap ni dna dennuts ,etteugaB enalpriA .animats sih no si ti gnixat woh rettam on ,gnitoof lauqe no kcab era riap eht litnu ecrof efil s’etteugaB enalpriA yawa sniard eh ,tsurht latnem evisiced a htiW .yaw tnereffid yrev a ni scyther eht kcohs ot dnim sih tuo sehcaer nahdariS ,tloj taht yb deppilc sgniw sih gnivah ta yrgnA

.yticirtcele fo kcohs a htiw mih gnippaz yb ssenllits tnerappa s’scyther eht fo egatnavda sekat ylpmis — desufnoc ma I sa erawanu yllufssilb sa tsuj — etteugaB enalpriA tub ,wonk t’nod I ?deneppah ydaerla sah kcatta eht naem taht t’nseod ,desrever si emit fI .erutuf raen eht ni kcatta na eeserof ot srewop ralucaro sih gnisu yb pu siht swollof ,ytilasuac yfed ylpmis ot tnetnoc ton ,nahdariS .yawyna ,llew ,hO

?erofeb uoy fo owt eht rof siht deffer I t’nevah tiaw

Taking advantage of the frost still nestled within Siradhan’s feathers, Airplane Baguette speedily crafts another supercooled beam to blast in his foe’s face. His speed, however, is short to last, as the scyther uses his psychic powers to twist the threads of time the wrong way round, reversing causality and wait haven’t I reffed this for the two of you before?

Oh, well, anyway. Siradhan, not content to simply defy causality, follows this up by using his oracular powers to foresee an attack in the near future. If time is reversed, doesn’t that mean the attack has already happened? I don’t know, but Airplane Baguette — just as blissfully unaware as I am confused — simply takes advantage of the scyther’s apparent stillness by zapping him with a shock of electricity.

Angry at having his wings clipped by that jolt, Siradhan reaches out his mind to shock the scyther in a very different way. With a decisive mental thrust, he drains away Airplane Baguette’s life force until the pair are back on equal footing, no matter how taxing it is on his stamina. Airplane Baguette, stunned and in pain, has no recourse but to hurtle an unstable mass of ghostly energy at the scyther, knocking Siradhan back even as the bird’s predicted attack emerges from a time portal and blasts into Airplane Baguette.

Team Scyther (XXO)
Airplane Baguette (M) the Scyther
<Forecast> Changes form to match the weather.
@Wise Glasses Raises special moves' final damage by 2%.
██████ 53% Health (capped)
███████ 68% Energy
██████████████ 121% Total
Speed: 70
Status: Normal.
Condition: In pain.
Commands used: Ice Beam ~ Shock Wave ~ Shadow Ball

Team Scyther (OOO)
Siradhan (M) the Scyther
<Early Bird> Halves the duration of sleep.
@Mental Herb Cures the effects of mental moves.
██████ 50% Health
██████ 57% Energy
████████████ 107% Total
Speed: 47
Status: Speed -1.
Condition: Also in pain.
Commands used: Trick Room ~ Future Sight ~ Pain Split

Unless otherwise stated, all rolls are on a scale from 001-100 where the roll must be equal to or lower than the accuracy in order to hit, the effect chance in order to have an effect, or the critical hit chance to crit.

On confusion/paralysis/attraction etc. rolls, anything equal to or lower than the failure chance is a failure; anything higher lets the Pokemon use its command.

For all calculations, please completely ignore all the rules you learned in school about order of operations. Everything in this section just goes left to right.

Last Round

scyther 93% health, 83% energy
scyther 60% health, 97% energy

Action One

Airplane Baguette uses Ice Beam.
~ Ice Beam has 100% accuracy, so it hits without needing a roll.
~ Ice Beam’s critical hit domain is 1 (5%). It fails to crit with a roll of 46.
~ Ice Beam has a 10% chance of freezing the foe. This effect fails with a roll of 35.
~ Base damage 9% + no STAB + no stat changes + 0 EXP bonus × 1.5 since Flying is weak to Ice = 13.5 rounded down + 2 for Wise Glasses = Siradhan takes 15% damage.
~ Base energy 5% + 1 for Wise Glasses = Airplane Baguette expends 6% energy.

Siradhan uses Trick Room.
~ Base energy 5% - 1 for STAB = Siradhan expends 4% energy.
~ Action order was reversed.

Trick Room remains in effect (6 more actions).

scyther 93% health, 77% energy
scyther 45% health, 93% energy

Action Two

Siradhan uses Future Sight.
~ Future Sight has 100% accuracy, so it will hit in 2-3 actions without needing a roll.
~ Future Sight’s critical hit domain is 1 (5%). It fails to crit with a roll of 79.
~ Base damage 12% + 3 for STAB + no stat changes + 0 EXP bonus × 1 for netural type effectiveness = Airplane Baguette will take 15% damage when the attack hits.
~ Base energy 7% - 1 for STAB = Siradhan expends 6% energy.

Airplane Baguette uses Shock Wave.
~ Shock Wave never misses.
~ Shock Wave’s critical hit domain is 1 (5%). It fails to crit with a roll of 63.
~ Base damage 6% + no STAB + no stat changes + 0 EXP bonus × 1.5 since Flying is weak to Electric = 9 + 2 for Wise Glasses = Siradhan takes 11% damage.
~ Base energy 3% + 1 for Wise Glasses = Airplane Baguette expends 4% energy.

Future Sight will strike after 1-2 more actions.

Trick Room remains in effect (5 more actions).

scyther 93% health, 73% energy
scyther 34% health, 87% energy

Action Three

Siradhan uses Pain Split.
~ The battlers’ HP is averaged. 93 + 34 = 127 ÷ 2 = 63.5
~ Airplane Baguette’s HP is lowered to 64% (29% damage).
~ Siradhan’s HP is raised to 64% (30% in healing).
~ Siradhan expends 30% energy.

Airplane Baguette uses Shadow Ball.
~ Shadow Ball has 100% accuracy, so it hits without needing a roll.
~ Shadow Ball’s critical hit domain is 1 (5%). It fails to crit with a roll of 93.
~ Shadow Ball has a 20% chance of lowering Sp. Def. This effect fails with a roll of 61.
~ Base damage 8% + no STAB + no stat changes + 0 EXP bonus × 1.5 since Psychic is weak to Ghost = 12 + 2 for Wise Glasses = Siradhan takes 14% damage.
~ Base energy 4% + 1 for Wise Glasses = Airplane Baguette expends 5% energy.

Future Sight will strike after 0-1 more actions. The coin flips heads, so it strikes now. Airplane Baguette takes 15% damage.

Trick Room remains in effect (5 more actions).

scyther 49% health (capped at 53%), 68% energy
scyther 50% health, 57% energy

  • Advocate: Awarded to the Pokemon that most often healed its foe of a status condition. Airplane Baguette (0) / Siradhan (0)
  • Owner’s Frenemy: Awarded to the Pokemon that most often disobeyed its owner’s commands. (Any instance of not using a commanded order counts toward this Crystery — for instance, being fully paralyzed or fully confused; being asleep when the owner didn’t command any conditionals for sleep; being Taunted when the owner didn’t command any damaging conditional options; etc.) Airplane Baguette (0) / Siradhan (2)
  • Delicious Hors d’Oeuvres: Awarded to the Pokemon that ate the most things. Airplane Baguette (0) / Siradhan (1)

Two windows on the Battle Tower’s ninth floor are now broken, but we’ve been kicked off the grounds and out onto Route 40, so surely we can’t break more. Or can we? (Pay Day will boost Scyther's prize by $1.)

Time’s threads are twisted backwards. (5 more actions.)

1. Speed order under Trick Room: Airplane Baguette (70) < Siradhan (47).
2. For the second round in a row, Siradhan ended with his health exactly on the threshold for the damage cap.
3. Since Siradhan acted before Airplane Baguette on action two, I counted that action as one of the 2-3 toward Future Sight’s countdown. The attack ended up striking at the end of the round.
4. I specifically borked this reffing twice: once to match Scyther's April Fool’s joke so everything will continue to appear as Scythers even after the day is over, and once as part of the Trick Room flavor. April Fool’s!
5. The most recent documentation I can find says Trick Room doesn’t reverse command order anymore, but this doesn’t seem to have been implemented in the database description. I’m hesitantly following the former, but if it was changed back to affecting command order, let me know and y’all can recommand as needed.
Next round, Scyther (Eifie) commands first, followed by Scyther (Keldeo).
Hee hee! Okay, Siradhan, let's just... try not to lose by too much, okay? Let's give him a stern peck! And then scramble his brains with Psychic! And then idk Giga Drain some of his health, why not.

If you can't hit him, just Chill! And if he has clones, Aerial Ace.

Drill Peck / Chill / Aerial Ace ~ Psychic / Chill / Aerial Ace ~ Giga Drain / Chill / Aerial Ace
[size=+2]Keldeo vs Eifie II: Round Nine[/size]

Format: 3v3 single, Battle Arena-style
Style: Set
DQ: A week or something, whatever
Damage Cap: 40% unless Keldeo and Eifie would prefer something else
Banned/Restricted Moves: OHKOs and whatever else Keldeo and Eifie would like

Outside the Crystal Battle Tower
How— how dare these battle facilities host wonderful, mastery-filled battles without anybody telling the proprietors of the original battle facility, the one, the only Battle Tower (Generation II)?!? (Yeah, we’ve gotta work on improving the name.) Offended by this clear oversight, the owners of the Battle Tower have hastily put together a slapdash battle format to attract Trainers to their historically significant site. But since they mostly got the rules through hearsay from Unova, which held a kind of warped version of the original, this may not be the most authentic mastery-themed battle…

As is typical of this style of battle, it features three bouts of three rounds each, with the winner of each bout determined by the sum of the Pokemon's remaining health and energy. For example, a Pokemon that ended a round with 50 health and 50 energy, for a sum of 100, would win against one with 70 health and 20 energy, which sum to 90. The winner of the entire battle is based on the total of each trainer's sums, with a draw if there's a complete tie.

The battle will be held on the cobblestone path leading from the beaches of Route 40 up to the entrance to the Battle Tower itself. Now, the proprietors are well aware of the destructive reputation of Asberian Trainers, so we’re not actually allowed inside — but we can have a great battle out here in the open, right? There are plenty of trees flanking the battlefield, a huge sandy beach, and the ocean will provide all your water-resource needs. It’s perfect!

What’s not perfect, though, are the masteries. The Battle Tower owners seem to have gotten the names of the masteries — which they’re calling Crysteries, get it, since the tower is made out of crystal — through a telephone-game kind of grapevine, so they really only barely resemble those officially used by Korrina. If a Pokemon fulfills a Crystery more than its opponent does, 10 points are added to its health + energy score, with +5 to both scores if they tie.

The Crysteries are as follows:

For bout one:
Moving Faster: Awarded to the Pokemon that used the hastiest moves. This is calculated by adding the Pokemon’s number of modified Speed stages to the sum of the priorities of the moves it used. (So, for instance, a Pokemon that used Agility [+2 Speed], Protect [+4 priority] and Quick Attack [+1 priority] would have a score of +7.)
Going Mental: Awarded to the Pokemon that hurt itself in its confusion for the most total damage.
Skill at Striking: Awarded to the Pokemon that successfully landed the most hits on the opponent. (Multi-hit moves count for as many hits as they land.)

For bout two:
Efficacy Dispeller: Awarded to the Pokemon that avoided or blocked the most super-effective attacks.
Setpiece Special: Awarded to the Pokemon that most often used a Fastball Special with pieces of the arena, its foe, or anything else it can find.
Plagiarism Honor: Awarded to the Pokemon that most often used a move its foe had already used.

For bout three:
Advocate: Awarded to the Pokemon that most often healed its foe of a status condition.
Owner’s Frenemy: Awarded to the Pokemon that most often disobeyed its owner’s commands. (Any instance of not using a commanded order counts toward this Crystery — for instance, being fully paralyzed or fully confused; being asleep when the owner didn’t command any conditionals for sleep; being Taunted when the owner didn’t command any damaging conditional options; etc.)
Delicious Hors d’Oeuvres: Awarded to the Pokemon that ate the most things.

Team Keldeo (XXO)
Airplane Baguette (M) the Castform
<Forecast> Changes form to match the weather.
@Wise Glasses Raises special moves' final damage by 2%.
██████ 53% Health
███████ 68% Energy
██████████████ 121% Total
Speed: 70
Status: Normal.
Condition: In pain.
Commands: Ice Beam x3

Team Eifie (OOO)
Siradhan (M) the Natu
<Early Bird> Halves the duration of sleep.
@Mental Herb Cures the effects of mental moves.
██████ 50% Health
██████ 57% Energy
████████████ 107% Total
Speed: 47
Status: Speed -1.
Condition: Also in pain.
Commands: Drill Peck / Chill / Aerial Ace ~ Psychic / Chill / Aerial Ace ~ Giga Drain / Chill / Aerial Ace

This is it. The final countdown. Two have entered, one will leave, and all that jazz. Airplane Baguette narrows his eyes and braces himself for the last flurry of blows. The first blow is a sharp one, the Natu twirling as he rips his beak into the Castform’s amorphous body. Airplane Baguette follows that up with a matter-of-fact beam of ice to the face.

Siradhan blinks, full of pain from the frost but with a twinkle of an idea sparking in his mind: maybe he could hang on just enough to win this? As the idea grows into a commitment, he reaches forward with psychic energy to grasp Airplane Baguette’s mind and squeeze it tightly, as if juicing an orange. A mental orange shaped like a Castform’s brain. Only when he lets up to catch his breath does his foe respond with — surprise surprise — another, identical blast of frost.

The last action counts for the most, and Siradhan’s determined to make it a good one. Setting aside for a moment the question of why a Natu can learn Giga Drain, he shimmies up to Airplane Baguette and, with a twirl, releases a glowing cord of green energy from his wing that saps the life energy from his foe and returns it to his own body. As his attack ends and the energy-whip fades, Siradhan realizes belatedly how near he is to the attack that’s sure to follow, and before he can move, he’s again greeted with a supercooled beam.

That last beam nearly knocks him out, but Siradhan feels the protection of the damage cap swell within him as the beam begins to dissipate. When the referee finally tallies the numbers, both sides are shocked to realize that — with the help of the Crysteries — Siradhan has just barely edged out Airplane Baguette. Eifie leads the way victoriously back to Asber, as the rest of us thank our lucky stars that the League is paying for all the property damage we caused.

Team Keldeo (XXX)
Airplane Baguette (M) the Castform
<Forecast> Changes form to match the weather.
@Wise Glasses Raises special moves' final damage by 2%.
███ 25% Health
██████ 50% Energy
█████████ 75% Total
Speed: 70
Status: Normal.
Commands used: Ice Beam ~ Ice Beam ~ Ice Beam

Team Eifie (OOO)
Siradhan (M) the Natu
<Early Bird> Halves the duration of sleep.
@Mental Herb Cures the effects of mental moves.
██ 13% Health (capped)
█████ 46% Energy
███████ 59% Total
Speed: 47
Status: Speed -1.
Commands: Drill Peck ~ Psychic ~ Giga Drain

Unless otherwise stated, all rolls are on a scale from 001-100 where the roll must be equal to or lower than the accuracy in order to hit, the effect chance in order to have an effect, or the critical hit chance to crit.

On confusion/paralysis/attraction etc. rolls, anything equal to or lower than the failure chance is a failure; anything higher lets the Pokemon use its command.

For all calculations, please completely ignore all the rules you learned in school about order of operations. Everything in this section just goes left to right.

Last Round

castform 53% health, 68% energy
natu 50% health, 57% energy

Action One

Siradhan uses Drill Peck.
~ Drill Peck has 100% accuracy, so it hits without needing a roll.
~ Drill Peck’s critical hit domain is 1 (5%). It fails to crit with a roll of 41.
~ Base damage 8% + 2 for STAB + no stat changes + 0 EXP bonus × 1 for neutral type effectiveness = Airplane Baguette takes 10% damage.
~ Base energy 4% - 1 for STAB = Siradhan expends 3% energy.

Airplane Baguette uses Ice Beam.
~ Ice Beam has 100% accuracy, so it hits without needing a roll.
~ Ice Beam’s critical hit domain is 1 (5%). It fails to crit with a roll of 74.
~ Ice Beam has a 10% chance of freezing the foe. This effect fails with a roll of 39.
~ Base damage 9% + no STAB + no stat changes + 0 EXP bonus × 1.5 since Flying is weak to Ice = 13.5 rounded down + 2 for Wise Glasses = Siradhan takes 15% damage.
~ Base energy 5% + 1 for Wise Glasses = Airplane Baguette expends 6% energy.

Trick Room remains in effect (4 more actions).

castform 43% health, 62% energy
natu 35% health, 54% energy

Action Two

Siradhan uses Psychic.
~ Psychic has 100% accuracy, so it hits without needing a roll.
~ Psychic’s critical hit domain is 1 (5%). It fails to crit with a roll of 10.
~ Psychic has a 10% chance of lowering Sp. Def. This effect fails with a roll of 41.
~ Base damage 9% + 2.25 for STAB + no stat changes + 0 EXP bonus × 1 for neutral type effectiveness = 11.25 rounded down = Airplane Baguette takes 11% damage.
~ Base energy 5% - 1 for STAB = Siradhan expends 4% energy.

Airplane Baguette uses Ice Beam.
~ Ice Beam has 100% accuracy, so it hits without needing a roll.
~ Ice Beam’s critical hit domain is 1 (5%). It fails to crit with a roll of 65.
~ Ice Beam has a 10% chance of freezing the foe. This effect fails with a roll of 20.
~ Base damage 9% + no STAB + no stat changes + 0 EXP bonus × 1.5 since Flying is weak to Ice = 13.5 rounded down + 2 for Wise Glasses = Siradhan takes 15% damage.
~ Base energy 5% + 1 for Wise Glasses = Airplane Baguette expends 6% energy.

Trick Room remains in effect (3 more actions).

castform 32% health, 56% energy
natu 20% health, 50% energy

Action Three

Siradhan uses Giga Drain.
~ Giga Drain has 100% accuracy, so it hits without needing a roll.
~ Giga Drain’s critical hit domain is 1 (5%). It fails to crit with a roll of 62.
~ Base damage 7.5% + no STAB + no stat changes + 0 EXP bonus × 1 for neutral type effectiveness = 7.5 rounded down = Airplane Baguette takes 7% damage.
~ Siradhan heals 7 ÷ 2 = 3.5 rounded down = Siradhan heals 3% damage.
~ Base energy 4% = Siradhan expends 4% energy.

Airplane Baguette uses Ice Beam.
~ Ice Beam has 100% accuracy, so it hits without needing a roll.
~ Ice Beam’s critical hit domain is 1 (5%). It fails to crit with a roll of 45.
~ Ice Beam has a 10% chance of freezing the foe. This effect fails with a roll of 51.
~ Base damage 9% + no STAB + no stat changes + 0 EXP bonus × 1.5 since Flying is weak to Ice = 13.5 rounded down + 2 for Wise Glasses = Siradhan takes 15% damage.
~ Base energy 5% + 1 for Wise Glasses = Airplane Baguette expends 6% energy.

Trick Room remains in effect (2 more actions).

castform 25% health, 50% energy
natu 8% health (capped at 13%), 46% energy

  • Advocate: Awarded to the Pokemon that most often healed its foe of a status condition. Airplane Baguette (0) / Siradhan (0)
  • Owner’s Frenemy: Awarded to the Pokemon that most often disobeyed its owner’s commands. (Any instance of not using a commanded order counts toward this Crystery — for instance, being fully paralyzed or fully confused; being asleep when the owner didn’t command any conditionals for sleep; being Taunted when the owner didn’t command any damaging conditional options; etc.) Airplane Baguette (0) / Siradhan (2)
  • Delicious Hors d’Oeuvres: Awarded to the Pokemon that ate the most things. Airplane Baguette (0) / Siradhan (1)

Final Totals

castform █████████ 75% Total
natu █████████ 79% Total

Two windows on the Battle Tower’s ninth floor are now broken, but we’ve been kicked off the grounds and out onto Route 40, so surely we can’t break more. Or can we? (We didn’t.) (Pay Day will boost Eifie’s prize by $1.)

Time’s threads are twisted backwards. (2 more actions.)

1. Speed order under Trick Room: Airplane Baguette (70) < Siradhan (47).
2. And with that, Eifie makes a home run and takes all three bouts! You both did a great job — even once it became clear that the Crysteries would allow Eifie to take the match, I still was on the edge of my seat to see who would take the last bout. Bravo to both of you!
3. I’m making the assumption (based on the other non-tourney bout-based battle I’ve seen recently) that the winner of each bout gets KO experience whether or not they actually KO’ed their foe, but if that’s wrong, would the mod who confirms the close of this battle please fix it / let me know / something? In any case, if that’s correct, the prizes handed out by the database should be as follows:
  • Eifie gets $24 for winning. She’ll also need to go to the Bank to claim the $1 she got from Pay Day. Keldeo gets $12, and I get $15.
  • Eifie’s Tompstomp Tomistoma gets 3 EXP/2 happypoints: 1 for sendout, 1 for winning his bout, and 1 for Lucky Egg. He can now evolve!
  • Eifie’s Plum Seed and Siradhan each get 2 EXP/2 happypoints: 1 for sendout and 1 for winning their bouts.
  • Keldeo’s Lover Man gets 2 EXP/1 happypoint: 1 for sendout and 1 for Lucky Egg. He can now evolve to his final form!
  • Keldeo’s Kaley and Airplane Baguette each get 1 EXP/1 happypoint for sendout.

Now, on to the tournament! I wonder which of your battles I’ll be reffing!
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