oh man, good times.
- Pronoun
- she/her
Round Four
Keldeo (3/3 left)

cutest cutemon ♂ @ Light Clay
Ability: Serene Grace
Health: 35%
Energy: 60%
TruetoCheese (3/3 left)

Ability: Oblivious
Health: 6%
Energy: 45%
JackPK (3/3 left)

Louise ♀
Ability: Overgrow
Health: 20%
Energy: 81%
Status: Chillin'. Overgrow activated. Moderately confused (20% failure chance). +2 Attack.
It's high time cutest cutemon be taken down a peg or two. Or ten. FOXTROT OSCAR X-RAY looks at Louise, and Louise looks back at FOXTROT OSCAR X-RAY. Both nod to each other, united for a time by a common foe. Then FOXTROT OSCAR X-RAY punches cutest cutemon in the face. cutest cutemon's protective bubble slows FOXTROT OSCAR X-RAY's fist down a little, but she still makes a decent enough impact to absorb a few stringy tendrils of green energy back into herself, making her feel just a tiny bit stronger. Louise is up next, and as FOXTROT OSCAR X-RAY jumps away the Venusaur shakes loose a cloud of dark green powder from the large flower on her back. The substance drifts gently down over cutest cutemon, who inhales a few spores with his next breath, and by the time he realizes what's happening it's too late. The Dunsparce's eyelids grow heavy, and the next second she's out like a light, unable to do anything but let out a deep, rumbling snore in Louise's face. Louise is somewhat offended by this rudeness.
Actually, she's really offended. The Venusaur roars out her ultimate rage, unleashing a pulse of Grass-type energy that causes plants to sprout all over the arena through cracks in the metal floor, walls, and even ceiling. Twisted, gnarled trees with thorns and pointy branches spring to life, and are immediately subjected to a battery of hailstones, sand, and rain, but this doesn't stop them from flat-out yanking their roots out of the ground to advance upon the defenseless cutest cutemon. One tree tangles him up in its branches while another plant assaults him with a thorny stalk, and a bulbous mushroom-thing looms ominously above, unable to figure out how to do any real harm. Somehow cutest cutemon manages to snooze through it all, but as the greenery recedes back into the floor it leaves him covered in various cuts and bruises and allergens.
Doubling over in sudden pain (despite already being quadrupedal), Louise turns her head in ultra-slow motion, a look of shock and terror dawning on her face. Her cheek brushes against her shoulder, and comes back covered in clear, oozing sap. She looks at the substance in disbelief, and then listlessly raises her head to look at FOXTROT OSCAR X-RAY, who's staring at her blankly, holding up an icy gun. As Louise collapses, slowly, to the floor, FOXTROT OSCAR X-RAY looks down at her gun in horror and lets it tumble to the ground, putting her head in her hands.
FOXTROT OSCAR X-RAY stares up at the ceiling, mouth agape, and then claps her hands over her chest. When she turns them around to look at her palms, she sees them covered in the same censored pink liquid that spills uncontrollably out of her wound. Looking past Louise's fallen form in disbelief, she sees the sleeping cutest cutemon pointing some sort of sonic weapon in her direction, and then she, too, slumps over in slow motion to the ground.
cutest cutemon continues to lie there, motionless.
Louise continues to lie there, motionless.
FOXTROT OSCAR X-RAY continues to lie there, motionless.
cutest cutemon suddenly awakes and stares in horror at the ceiling, where an onslaught of hailstones is headed straight his way. He has no hands, otherwise he would surely press them to his head wound for them to come off drenched in censored pink liquid. He has no knees, otherwise he would fall to them. Instead, he looks no different as he falls unconscious.
Two of the Communication Club Collosseum's staff wander into the room. One of them picks up a lone piece of paper lying on the floor. "Hey, bro, listen to this:
Dear trainer,
By the time you read this, I'll be KO'd. This is how I think it's gonna happen: FOXTROST OSCAR X-RAY will shoot me, then cutest cutemon will shoot FOXTROT OSCAR X-RAY, then cutest cutemon will keep sleeping and get shot by me through an onslaught of hailstones.
Love, your faithful Pokémon Louise.
P.S. Then two Communication Club Collosseum staff members will read this letter and shoot each other.
Haha, isn't that the most ridiculous thing you've—"
Keldeo (2/3 left)

cutest cutemon ♂ @ Light Clay
Ability: Serene Grace
Health: 0%
Energy: 54%
Status: Knocked out!
Used: Snore @ Louise ~ Snore @ FOXTROT OSCAR X-RAY
TruetoCheese (2/3 left)

Ability: Oblivious
Health: 0%
Energy: 36%
Status: Knocked out!
Used: Drain Punch @ cutest cutemon ~ Ice Beam @ Louise
JackPK (2/3 left)

Louise ♀
Ability: Overgrow
Health: 0%
Energy: 67%
Status: Knocked out!
Used: Sleep Powder @ cutest cutemon ~ Frenzy Plant @ cutest cutemon
Arena Status
- A Reflect surrounds where cutest cutemon used to be (1 more action).
Damage and Energy
- cutest cutemon's Health: 35% - 5% (Drain Punch) - 3% (acid rain) - 24% (Frenzy Plant) - 4% (acid rain) = 0%
- cutest cutemon's Energy: 60% - 3% (Snore) - 3% (Snore) = 54%
- FOXTROT OSCAR X-RAY's Health: 6% + 2% (Drain Punch) - 2% (acid rain) - 6% (Snore) = 0%
- FOXTROT OSCAR X-RAY's Energy: 45% - 5% (Drain Punch) - 4% (Ice Beam) = 36%
- Louise's Health: 20% - 6% (Snore) - 3% (acid rain) - 16% (Ice Beam) = 0%
- Louise's Energy: 81% - 3% (Sleep Powder) - 11% (Frenzy Plant) = 67%
- ohhhhhh my god. Okay so, as you can see in the calcs, FOXTROT OSCAR X-RAY KO'd Louise with Ice Beam on the second action, then cutest cutemon Snored her to death on the same action, and finally cutest cutemon succumbed to arena damage. Louise gets the KO on cutest cutemon since she was the last to damage him. Everyone wins! And yet, everyone loses. Alas.
- i'm so funny
- Keldeo sends out, then TruetoCheese sends out, then JackPK sends out and commands first, followed by TruetoCheese and then Keldeo.
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