Creepy Kecleon
We have no problem with legalised, well-regulated prostitution.
Yeah me too (to some extent)
I think the majority of this forum doesn't have any problem with prostitution.
Even if we don't have any problems with prostitution, many prostitutes themselves do. And they don't do what they do because it's the job they always dreamed of but because it's all they can do to maintain a life for their family. (So to speak) eg; Refugees. Iraqi women in Syria, ect..
It's not a religious issue as much as it's a humanitarian issue, and human trafficking is one of the most dehumanizing issues for women in the world. Sure some can enjoy the job either way, but many, many don't. That's why you see women of poorer class' being prostitutes, rather than rich. Now imagine if violent pornography was as widely spread as a job for women, just as much as prostitution is, and what more poorer women and refugees would have to bare just to have shelter and food.
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