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Good Evening, everyone. You can call me Kalylia. I've been known by many names on the internet, but this one is new. Perhaps signaling my fresh start into the realm of Pokemon.

I came to this forum at the suggestion of a friend in the hopes of finding some adult, mature conversations on Pokemon. Being nineteen and madly in love with Pokemon, it drives me absolutely crazy to be on forums with a bunch of eight- to thirteen-year-olds speaking in 133t and netspeak about how "totally awesome" this Pokemon and that Pokemon are, or how their "super sweet uber team of leik lvl 108 Alakzamz pwn all teh n00bz."

I'm in the process of turning Pokemon into a venue it has never touched before. (This is completely fan based right now, and not at all for profit, as a disclaimer.) Because of this, I'm looking for intelligent discussion in a more adult fashion, hopefully discussions full of new insight.

Well... now that I'm done sounding elitist...

Like I said, I'm nineteen. I live with my fiance in Fargo, North Dakota along with another male roommate and my two cats. I love anime, fantasy, science fiction, gaming in all its shapes and forms, Pokemon (duh), reading, writing, and a good number of other nerdy things. I'm always looking to make new friends. if you've got MSN, feel free to add me and chat me up. I'm online more than I should be. :P

I'm looking forward to speaking with all of you!
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Well your in luck! Not only do the ages of the forum users vary, but the creator is actually 19.

Anyway, welcome! I'm Rotomize. Follow the rules and you should be ok.
I love anime, fantasy, science fiction, gaming in all its shapes and forms, Pokemon (duh), reading, writing, and a good number of other nerdy things.

You and I will be best friends. :o

Uh, welcome to TCoD, I'm Dragon, nice to meet you. I stalk the Games forum, you'll find me around the Role-Playing, specifically. And.. ASB, sometimes~
Thanks for the warm welcomes, everyone! *dashes off to get involved in Pokemon conversation*

Eager Beaver! Yay!
As most people have said, It's good to see some more mature people joining.

Anyway, Welcome to TCoD. I'm Kai, and you'll mainly see me around the artwork forum and it's sub-forums.
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