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Konnichiwa! (hello!)

Myra Uchiha

Hiya, I'm Myra Ookamiryu Uchiha. I've been a fan of TCoD for a few years, and now I've decided to join the forums!

My favorite Pokemon is Umbreon. It's closely followed by Lugia, Lucario, Flygon, and Suicune. I have Diamond, Platinum, and PBR, (and Wi-Fi, duh) so PM me if you want a battle. I've also got Brawl if you're interested, but be warned 'cause I suck. =P

I also love Naruto. *prods username* But no, I'm NOT a Sasuke fan, I hate his guts. Sorry to all you Sasuke fans, I'll admit he's an interesting character, and I can see why he has a lot of fangirls, but... I just hate him. Always have.
But I've fallen REALLY REALLY badly for his brother, Itachi. I've been obsessed with him for about two years (I think... can't remember.) and he is practically ALL I think about (I'm a huge Akatsuki fanatic too- gotta love Deidara... and Hidan... *goes off on a tangent*) Be warned, though, because I'm one of those fangirls who will quite literally and metaphorically fight to the death over him, and I guess I'm instinctively itching for a fight.

I don't really have many friends IRL, and I'm not very social with people IRL either, but that's fine with me, I like being alone.
I was born in Japan (yup, I seriously was!), and I've been wanting to go back for a long time. I might actually be able to go back next summer! ^^ I'm taking a Japanese class as well, so I can at least get the gist of what people are saying. XD

I love to roleplay, write, and draw, though I'm not really that good at them... Seriously. I'm not. But one of the genres that I wrote (and even drew!) that I coveted the most was my lemons. I have no experience with... erm... yeah... but still, I've gotten better at WRITING it. I'm deeply upset that I cannot write (or draw) them anymore because I've been chewed out for it. <.<

So yeah. Hi!

PS: Also be warned because I can be a bit of a perv. ^_~

I'm Charizard Morph, as you can see in my username, welcome to here!

Don't worry about me attacking you for anything to do with Naruto, never got into it, or any anime really, and i only watch the pokemon for basic research. (Research implies that i'm very thurough when writing fanfiction.)

SO! Welcome, have fun, watch for any random objects flying around, and have a good life. You can find me in the fanfiction, reading anything posted at least once, or poking around other random places, every now and then i try an RP, but they have a tendency to die when i show up.
I thought we were gonna be friends.
'Till you said you hated Sasuke's guts.
Yeah, ever since last week, he's been my fave. ((though I haven't seen him in a lot of episodes; I'm relatively new to Naruto and have only see five episdes and two movies))
And guess what.
My favorite characer used to be Orochimaru.
Now he haunts my nightmares.

Anyways, hi, I'm mewtwo, besides hating Sasuke's guts, we have a lot in common.
Yay! Someone else hates Sasuke! And is a perv! =D
*cough* Anyway, here's an Itachi plushy(sp?), and enjoy your stay. =3
Yay! Someone else hates Sasuke! And is a perv! =D
*cough* Anyway, here's an Itachi plushy(sp?), and enjoy your stay. =3

Haha. I'm a perv, yes. Mwahahahaha... >:3 *devious grin*
Itachi: *sigh*

Wait a minute... I have a character named Rayne. XD Rayne Chester Fanflame... brother of Lummiko Stormcrow Fanflame.
I thought we were gonna be friends.
'Till you said you hated Sasuke's guts.
Yeah, ever since last week, he's been my fave. ((though I haven't seen him in a lot of episodes; I'm relatively new to Naruto and have only see five episdes and two movies))
And guess what.
My favorite characer used to be Orochimaru.
Now he haunts my nightmares.

Anyways, hi, I'm mewtwo, besides hating Sasuke's guts, we have a lot in common.

I love Orochimaru! ^^ (yes... I'm a fangirl of him too.)

So we can't be friends, then... fine...
Mmm, welcome.

I'm Zora, your resident manic depressant and a fellow Naruto fanatic. Normally I'd come after another member, but this time's special.

I myself am neutral about Sasuke, and my personal favorite character is the Kyuubi.
Yes I do have a thing for nine-tailed foxes shut up.
Although I do find Itachi to be awesome too. >>

Aaanyway, are you a fan of the anime or the manga?
I myself am a manga person, because I can't be bothered to remember when it's on, the English voices annoy me (can't be bothered to try and find subs) and I like reading better anyway.
Plus the manga is a lot further along.

Haha, this is probably the most content I've ever put in an intro post.
Mmm, welcome.

I'm Zora, your resident manic depressant and a fellow Naruto fanatic. Normally I'd come after another member, but this time's special.

I myself am neutral about Sasuke, and my personal favorite character is the Kyuubi.
Yes I do have a thing for nine-tailed foxes shut up.
Although I do find Itachi to be awesome too. >>

Aaanyway, are you a fan of the anime or the manga?
I myself am a manga person, because I can't be bothered to remember when it's on, the English voices annoy me (can't be bothered to try and find subs) and I like reading better anyway.
Plus the manga is a lot further along.

Haha, this is probably the most content I've ever put in an intro post.

Ahem. In what way? (tol'ja I'm rabid.)

Anyway, I read the manga... a while ago. But I turned my back on it after something terrible happened.
Passive. I mean, he's a p. cool guy, but I would let some of the more avid fangirls have him if it came down to it.

...Lemme guess. It was after he died, am I right?
We can still be friends! Not just as close as I though. XD Just because you hate Sasuke's guts, and I don't, doesn't mean we can't be friends! And, as my avatar, you can see our fave is the same =D
Hehehe cool! Another Naruto fan! ~Hiii. My favorite character is Neji, and has been ever since the filler episode in the anime where cell 10 (by the way, which is Shikamaru, Ino and Chouji) battled Raijin and Fuujin. Chouji had been my favorite up to then but... I don't know what caused it to suddenly change. He's still second on my list, though x3
EDIT: Actually, I didn't have an opinion on any of the characters until AFTER Neji fought Kidoumaru (I always type Kidoumary for some reason), and then Neji was my favorite, until the battle of Kiba and Akamaru and Sakon and Ukon, when Chouji was my favorite, and he was up until above mentioned filler.

I don't think Sasuke is all bad. There's lots of evidence he doesn't actually hate Sakura and Naruto, or at least there was ><

As for Pokemon, my favorite are Purugly, Lopunny, Entei and Luxray (in order from 1st to 4th).

Hope to see you around ~ I tend to stick in the Role-playing section.
Oh hai. It's nice to see yet another fangirl around here, not of any character in particular, just a fangirl of anything. 83 I don't know the first thing about Naruto, obviously.

I tend not to take my fangirlism very seriously, though. As in, I consider myself a loony for being interested in a mask-wearing sword-wielding headthing.

Okay I'll stop now. Welcome.
Hi thar, I'm Male Gardevoir, often called MG, I don't like Naruto, but hey, I like Lucario so we have something in common.
I used to like Naruto for a while, but right now it just feels stupid, but when I liked it my favourite was either Kankuro or Kiba, because they're both cool.
I hope you find yourself at home in our little house of madness.
I'm Darkarmour, fan of all things mon among other things. I would battle you on Wifi but my Pearl team is absolutely terrible. You have Brawl? That I can agree with. Want a battle? Anyway, i'll send you a message later, I hope to see you around. =D
Hi, I'm Number 100. Since we have nothing in common I doubt you'll hear anything more from me; nevertheless, a warm welcome to you.
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