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Least Favorite Type?

What types do you favor the least?

  • Dragon

    Votes: 3 3.8%
  • Dark

    Votes: 5 6.3%
  • Steel

    Votes: 10 12.5%
  • Rock

    Votes: 14 17.5%
  • Ground

    Votes: 5 6.3%
  • Water

    Votes: 3 3.8%
  • Fire

    Votes: 6 7.5%
  • Grass

    Votes: 7 8.8%
  • Poison

    Votes: 14 17.5%
  • Psychic

    Votes: 3 3.8%
  • Bug

    Votes: 23 28.8%
  • Ice

    Votes: 3 3.8%
  • Fighting

    Votes: 11 13.8%
  • Flying

    Votes: 2 2.5%
  • Electric

    Votes: 5 6.3%
  • Ghost

    Votes: 8 10.0%
  • Normal

    Votes: 15 18.8%

  • Total voters
Why does everyone hate Bug types? They are my second favourite. (First being Dark)

Bug type is awesome.

(Need I continue?)

My least favourite is probably psychic or rock.
I REALLY hate bug types. They look awful, are weak to just about everything and, when you are actually up against a type that is weak to the bug type, they don't have the stats to back up the advantage. Combine that with the total lack of half-decent attacks and it becomes apparent that the Bug type isn't so much a type as an experiment by the creators to see how epically you can fail.
Why does everyone hate bug types? There are some weird ones, yes but they're cool! I have a lot of bug types on my games. I don't like fire types because I dunno, I just don't like them. Their moves aren't that great and they all look weird, except for Entei (Good thing Philly's not here...). I also don't like Fighting types because they really look stupid and they need more moves than just karate chops and punches and kicks. What about elbows and knees and such?
I wouldn't use a bug type in competitive battling but the actual pokemon are awesome.
normal : because they are plain and boring, they don't even have notable attacks, stats or abilitys

ghost : ghost type pokemon? please, they lack the creativity to make them look original, save for dusknoir. and i find it really hard to beleive them implementing a ghost type, it's just meh

bug : need i say, crap in battle, crappy designs, save for scyther, crappy stats and crappy crap. despite the above i find myself oddly attracted to scythers scythes and other sharp things on pokemon in general :3 and i also find that some of the type combos that come with bug types are interesting. namely bug/fighting, bug/steel, ect

grass : weak to too many things, have a habit of causing status problems, type combos suck and they just don't have the right to live in a battle

psychic : most hated psychic types are alakazam and kadabra , i mean, kadabra minus the tail, plus another spoon, and a few other minor modifications = alakazam, there isn't much changed at all plus they are weak to bug types, eh? unless they make a psychic dark type that somehow isn't weak to bug due to an ability or whatnot then i hate this type

thank you for reading through this rant
^ Not at all H20.

But may I say your dislike to some of the types sounds like certain disliking to certain pokemon
normal : because they are plain and boring, they don't even have notable attacks, stats or abilitys

I find this sad ; ; Have you ever heard of Porygon-Z? Or Kangaskhan? Blissey? Togekiss? Lickilicky? Clefable (MAGIC GUARD <3)? Ambipom? Regigigas? Arceus?

Some of the most creative and strong ones are normal. >: And Porygon-Z's SPAtk is one of the best in the game (second Highest Non-legendary!)

...yeah you can tell I like normal types. ; ;

That being said, I don't like rock all too much, but some of the Pokemon of that type are cool (Craniados and Corsola for example!)
Lickilicky? Ambipom? Regigigas? Arceus?

touché, but the majority of normal types are just animals with small edits and random colours

the only part of that rant directed towards specific pokemon is the psychic pokemon, i hate kadabra and alakazam but i just hate them more than other psychic types
Doesn't mean they aren't cool. >: Persian <3 Linoone <3 Simplicity is best, sometimes. And they only have one weakness, which is very useful.
That's why you get a Normal/flying to exploit fighting's flying weak >D

And I've taken down an entire fighting team with a normal-mono team. :/ you can work around weaknesses quite easily with some skill.
tell me about, especially since the pokemon that has fighting type moves in my team is an electric type :) try getting your normal/flying types round that when he isn't even part fighting

Izumi the Kangaskhan will Earthquake it into submission. Or Sub + Focus Punch.

See, normal types get a very diverse movepool. They can learn most of the best moves.
But Kanga is a normal type, with Defence and attack training. ;3 seriously, the only only reason that my opponent managed to take her out was that she got in three Mach Punches (with two different pogies) and Sub damage. Leftovers is a godsend.

And if you do take her down, we have PorygonZ waiting in the wings, with a STAB+Adaptability+Nasty Plot+Wise Glasses Tri Attack.
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