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Legendary Pokemmon Stuff...

Genders, huh?

Legendary birds: Multiple, both genders
Mew: Only one, female
Mewtwo: Only one, male
Legendary Beasts, Ho-oh, Lugia, and Celebi: Multiple, both genders
Regi Trio: Multiple, genderless.
Groudon: Only one, male
Kyogre: Only one, female
Rayquaza: Only one, female
Deoxys and Jirachi: Multiple, both genders
Latios and Latias:Multiple, both genders (Male is Latios, female is Latias, obviously)
Lake Trio: Only one of each, all female
Dialga and Palkia: Only one of each, Dialga=Male, Palkia=Female
Heatran: Multiple, both genders
Cresselia:Multiple, female only
Darkrai: Multiple, both genders
Manaphy: Multiple (just very, very rare), all female
Phione: Multiple, all male
Shaymin: Multiple, both genders
Arceus: Only one, female
But seriously. Things that are small and cute and majestic aren't always female. Why on earth should Shaymin be a girl? Why can't Arceus (and, by extention, God) be female? I know it's just for fun, but applying human gender stereotypes to Pokemon is still an expression of gender stereotypes :/

Yeah, I know. Eevees are tiny and cute, but I've got 54 freakin' males and like, 8 females. And you would think something as butt-ugly (no offense) as heatran would have to be male, but mine is female. So looks can be decieving.
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Legendary birds: Multiple, both genders
Mew: Only one, female
Mewtwo: Only one, male
Legendary Beasts, Ho-oh, Lugia, and Celebi: Multiple, although only one immortal original, both genders
Regi Trio: Multiple, genderless.
Groudon: Only one, male
Kyogre: Only one, female
Rayquaza: Only one, female
Deoxys and Jirachi: Multiple, both genders
Latios and Latias:Multiple, both genders (Male is Latios, female is Latias, obviously)
Lake Trio: Only one of each, all female
Dialga and Palkia: Only one of each, Dialga=Male, Palkia=Female
Heatran: Multiple, both genders
Cresselia:Multiple, female only
Darkrai: Multiple, both genders
Manaphy: Multiple (just very, very rare), all female
Phione: Multiple, all male
Shaymin: Multiple, both genders
Arceus: Only one, female

Manaphy: maybe a few, not too many, like maybe two or three for a major ocean like the Pacific. Different genders.
Phione: More of them than Manaphy, also more commonly sighted. Different genders.
Legendary Trios: A few of each, either gender. Only one immortal original.
Darkrai: One, maybe two, male.
Cresselia: Same as my opinion on Darkrai, except female.
Heatran: One or two for each major volcano, like Pompeii or Mt. Saint Helens. Different genders.
Shaymin: maybe a few, not too many, like maybe two or three per continent or something. Either gender.
Latios/Latias: Maybe a pair per region. Genders obvious.
Arceus: One, genderless.
Mew: Multiple, all less powerful than original, mostly female.
Mewtwo: One, Male-ish, but genderless.
Deoxys: Many, genderless.
Jirachi: One or two, can be either gender.
Celibi: Infinite number, each from different teeny fractions of time. Either gender, although don't breed.
Trio leaders: Multiple, although only one immortal original, both genders.
For me, every legendary is unique and genderless, except for Latios, Latias, and Cresselia (who are unique but have genders.)
I am boring.
I wish they'd stop making Psychic legendaries. It's overused now. ):|
Ok, who thinks Arceus will be in movie 12? I do. In 10 and 11, they introduced the event pokemon Darkrai and Shaymin, respectively. And they claim movie 12 will have a "brand new" pokemon, so who's left? Arceus!!!!!!!!!!
Just popping in here to make a comment about Arceus being "the God Pokemon".

Cyrus of Team Galactic wanted to harness the power of Dialga and/or Palkia to become a god, right? That implies that Diagla and Palkia are themselves godly, since they have "godly powers" of some sort. Just because Arceus is a "god Pokemon" doesn't mean it's the only "god Pokemon". Its very name - which seems to be derived from the Greek god "Zeus" - suggests it is just a "chief god", not "The God".
Eevees are tiny and cute, but I've got 54 freakin' males and like, 8 females.

That was a stupid thing they stupidly put in the game. Every rare like Pokemon that is a one time give away is 80% something percent Male and some low percentage Female. So that applys to starters and guess what...


GRR. I hate restarting over and over just to get a Female starter or Eevee.
Methinks that Arceus is a lot like our view of god, Arceus created ancient pokemon, (maybe fossils like Kabuto or maybe pokemon we've never seen before) Arceus then destroyed them and created Mew, mew then created all the pokemon.

If they add any more "god" pokemon in later generations , i'll get angry.
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