loves terra "brain cells? idk her" kingdomhearts
Since this is soooooo inactive, this will be the end!
With only one vote from Mai and no abstains, the others were reluctant to put Werefish on the guillotine, but mai hurriedly put her on there.
The blade came down with a whack! Since Mai is the only inspecting role left, she finds it hard to see if werefish was mafia. It looked like werefish was a dentist, like mystic!
As a full moon came out, werefishs body suddenly changes. It looked like she was Arceus, but her new body started to darken.
Suddenly, the lifeless body came back up, as if it were being controlled by another spirit.
"You put astop to the remaining mafia member. it is me, a Celebi counter part, Dark Celebi, otherwise know as DarkAura. Remember this; just because someone was dark doesnt mean they're evil. but in this case, it does besides for me, XD! Congradulations fellow factions of the town" she says and then allows the body to drift away.
The others noticed when she said 'factions'. they first though Mai because she was a mason, but Mai objected that the GM gave her a different kind of mason where she could talk to her other inspector fellow. it wasnt a different faction.
suddenly, Flower Doll changees into a Deoxys and flies away fro home, knowing that she cannot be lynched or she'd explode!!!!!!!! Either way, the game was over so she went for the mooooooon! So thats what the other faction was.
Werefish is dead. Mafia
Innocents win!
With only one vote from Mai and no abstains, the others were reluctant to put Werefish on the guillotine, but mai hurriedly put her on there.
The blade came down with a whack! Since Mai is the only inspecting role left, she finds it hard to see if werefish was mafia. It looked like werefish was a dentist, like mystic!
As a full moon came out, werefishs body suddenly changes. It looked like she was Arceus, but her new body started to darken.
Suddenly, the lifeless body came back up, as if it were being controlled by another spirit.
"You put astop to the remaining mafia member. it is me, a Celebi counter part, Dark Celebi, otherwise know as DarkAura. Remember this; just because someone was dark doesnt mean they're evil. but in this case, it does besides for me, XD! Congradulations fellow factions of the town" she says and then allows the body to drift away.
The others noticed when she said 'factions'. they first though Mai because she was a mason, but Mai objected that the GM gave her a different kind of mason where she could talk to her other inspector fellow. it wasnt a different faction.
suddenly, Flower Doll changees into a Deoxys and flies away fro home, knowing that she cannot be lynched or she'd explode!!!!!!!! Either way, the game was over so she went for the mooooooon! So thats what the other faction was.
Werefish is dead. Mafia
Innocents win!