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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Lend me your voices, tCoD!

Black Yoshi

A friend of mine (known on youtube as Dorko2727) and I have been procrastinating something for quite a while. We will be abridging the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya! (And we don't even require that you know the show's plot!)

Now, I know what you're thinking, and for the love of god, just hear me out. There's nothing to lose from this. It's just a fun little thing we plan on doing in our spare time, not meant to conflict with anyone's lives in any way. There's a list of characters we have available. The only certainty is that Kyon will be played by Dorko, and I plan on doing a lot of editing (Unless somebody else is better. Which I kind of expect.)


-Tsuruya, Taniguchi, Kunikida, Kyon's sister, and other smaller characters.

Our little imaginary group that currently only consists of the two of us is called the Super Penny Brigade (Long story, but it'll be a joke in the show, hopefully). If you have any inclination, any at all, I urge you to give an audition a shot. You just need a couple of things.

1) Microphone-If you happen to have a high-end one laying around, you're my new best friend, and if you feel the need to buy one, just don't go and spend hundreds. Or even fifty. Just go cheap for now. We're allowed to suck for a little while.

2) Recording Program- I advise using audacity. It's free, user-friendly, and pretty decent. If you have adobe, then I love you. (Link to download Audacity if you need it)

3) Gmail Account- We would like to operate primarily through Gmail, since the chat system is pretty decent. Particularly, you need voice chat. Video chat would be okay, to.

You can email us with an MP3 or WAV file of your audition at either Koizumiabridged@gmail.com, or dorko2727@gmail.com! You can watch a video by me about the audition here, and one by dorko right here! Your audition can also be in a video response, if you like! So please I'm begging you, go and throw your voice around the web a bit!

Post any of your questions, criticisms, etc here!
I kind of want to, since I have actually watched that, but my voice is nowhere near low enough to try for any of those yet. Regrettably.
Well, it's an abridged series, so voices are more than permitted to be a bit... Off. I think you should still try. After all, if I get my way, Koizumi will be loud, proud, and have an Irish accent (Just because).

So, yeah, just send in something with your voice, and we'll take a look. If you don't know what to say, you can quote the actual show, you can ramble about your real life, or just spew random nonsense into your mic. Nothing to lose if you try :D
If I saw more than 2 episodes of this anime, I might. But I haven't, so I don't even know what I would use in my audition.

Which is sad, because it would be nice to use my Snowball for more than just voicing UTAUs.
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