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^ Knows that most of the time, I really have no idea what the hell I'm inventing with all these crazy words. Also, scomples merrily through the Spankhopping Lane.
^ did not say something that i have no idea what its about because i dont feel like viewing other posts
^ Views people through the Lenses of Seventy-Two, which allows you to see someone's Fractal Number. Then uses the Fractal Number to hack into their life like a Gameshark and take control of them.
^ Is a wizard named Frildyn Häciorekourèr who specializes in the complex, creating elaborate mental illusions known as Espers. These Espers consume a person so much that they psychologically alter their entire minds after they are done and change their personality depending on the illusion. Tried to cast an Esper on Lord of the Fireflies, but he ended up summoning his cadron of Vespa Ardiens, which is Firefly for Fireflies. This allowed him to transform into his true form: Baal Zuvasa, the savior of the Grand Sky Canyon, the True Lord of Fireflies. The two of them get into an epic battle in which Fryden uses his Esper technique to try to imprison Baal's mind in a pile of uncrémenced lavishes. But Baal managed to use his secret Greevellowish Bluruddy Vespa Ardiens Aura attack and fend off the Esper technique, which also happens to be supereffective against Animal-types. Thus, Frildyn fainted and Baal gained Seventy-Two experience, which allowed him to learn Fractal Number.
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