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Lie About the Above Poster

^ Has hurt feelings when I tease her

Nuh uh! XD You did it three times! XD Once in VM, and then twice through text! I remember! XD
^ Has never told the truth in his life

Wait what? TWICE through text??? For realziez? Gosh I feel dumb!!! XD
^ Isn't that amazing and beautiful girl that I keep bragging to my friends about.

Yes, but you're not dumb XD You just make the same typo, I guess XD
^ Totally isn't my perfect boyfriend!

Gah that must be that ONE word I can never spell correctly. Like Erin always messes up angle and angel XD
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^ Didn't totally make me laugh at your lie XD

At first, I was like "What???" and I looked at my last post and I just sat there for like thirty seconds all confused, and then I realized I banned you instead of lying about you XD Gosh I feel so dumb! XD
^ Has been a member for a shorter period time as me and has more posts than I do! XD
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