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Like Marilyn Monroe~


Probably shouldn't be here.
I went to see Blood Brothers today in Bristol!

It was me and the whole of Set 3 English, my English teacher and our Head of Year. 'Twas good fun, except for the fact that I sat upfront and during the gunfire scene where Mickey and Ed both die, the policeman with the gun fired right next to me. Not very pleasant.
I love Blood Brothers, it's awesome.

Take a letter Miss Jones! I regret to inform you! that owing to circumstances quite beyond our control! it's a premature retirement for those service to requirement! it's just another sign of the times~
Oh, God. The current London Narrator is fucking hot. Seriously, whenever I looked at him I felt all warm and tingly. He's very incredibly hot.
Oh, God. The current London Narrator is fucking hot. Seriously, whenever I looked at him I felt all warm and tingly. He's very incredibly hot.
He has that effect on the girls. Even my English teacher nearly fainted when he came up to our group. She even has a photograph of her and Keith Burns(Narrator).

He looks a bit like a tough Richard Madeley to me.
Ahh, my friend said that when the guns all fired at the ends, it flashed enough to make him thing it was the paparazzi. I honestly disacgree with this though. I was sat on a seat suspended upwards so I could overlook the whole stage. Pretty good seating if you ask me. It was rather sad at the end and the last song is very well done.

I felt sorry for the woman who went crazy and tried to stab Mickey's mother with a knife eventually.
Ahh, my friend said that when the guns all fired at the ends, it flashed enough to make him thing it was the paparazzi. I honestly disacgree with this though. I was sat on a seat suspended upwards so I could overlook the whole stage. Pretty good seating if you ask me. It was rather sad at the end and the last song is very well done.

I felt sorry for the woman who went crazy and tried to stab Mickey's mother with a knife eventually.
You were there?!

Sweet! I was with St. Cyres, the people in red.
Nah, I wasn't. I've just seen it a while ago and remember these things. I'm just that sad. :3

Shame I wasn't there though. I would like to see it again. The liverpool accents did annoy me for a while...
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