3 vs. 3 singles
Style: Set
Move Restrictions: All moves that would instantly faint a battler, Attract, Evasion, Direct Healings limited to 1 /pokémon, Chills limited to 3 /pokémon, Pain Split and Endeavor can only be used if the target is the first opponent the user encounters. Finally, all Pokémon have access to the moves Snore and Sleep Talk.
Arena: The Piece Of Land With A Small Pink House That Hangs Up In The Sky
The name fits alright. The arena looks like a piece of land would look like if a giant had dug it out of the surface of the earth to place it several miles in the air, among the clouds, in total defiance of gravity. The land itself isn't very large, about twenty meters in diameter max, and there's a small pink house on the top-left corner of it. Actually the house isn't exactly pink, it's white with a pink roof and pink door and pink window frames, and there's also a small white closing made of wood and, surprise, an small pond enough to fit in, say... a Wailmer? Let's say a Wailmer and a quarter (a quarter of Wailmer). Apart from that and perhaps the most important thing to note is that there's an Apricorn tree in front of the house, and each other round a fruit will pop out, and the battlers will be able to use up an action to pick it up and eat it. If by the end of two rounds the Apricorn is still there, Kurt the Pokéball Master will arrive riding on a flying Slowpoke and pick it up himself, then leave with his Slowpoke activating the effects of Trick Room for the following round (just because he felt like it). The Apricorn rate and effect are as it follows:
9% Chance Each
- Red Apricorn, raises Attack one stage.
- Yellow Apricorn, raises Defense one stage.
- Blue Apricorn, raises Special Attack one stage.
- Green Apricorn, raises Special Defense one stage.
- Pink Apricorn, raises Speed one stage.
- White Apricorn, raises Accuracy one stage.
- Black Apricorn, raises Critical Hit Ratio one stage.
5% Chance Each
- Ruby Apricorn, raises Attack two stages.
- Topaz Apricorn, raises Defense two stages.
- Sapphire Apricorn, raises Special Attack two stages.
- Emerald Apricorn, raises Special Defense two stages.
- Garnet Apricorn, raises Speed two stages.
- Crystal Apricorn, raises Accuracy two stages.
- Onyx Apricorn, raises Critical Hit Ratio two stages.
2% Chance
- Super Extraordinary Amazing Rainbow Apricorn, the eater can now shoot rainbows from his belly for 6% rainbow-type damage (super-effective against EVERYTHING, meaning that yes Pokémon with two types will take double the damage), at the cost of 8% energy.
Apart from that amazing Apricorn tree, Pokémon may fall from the sky sometimes (We're in a sky, so obviously Pokémon have to fall down from it) a different rates, too, but those I won't tell exactly. Up to the ref. The Pokémon falling from the skies seem to be the same over time, and the apricorn guy made a list of them and the attacks they use while falling down.
I. Caterpie, Weedle and Wurmple will use Tackle.
II. Poliwag will use Wake-Up-Slap.
III. Mantyke will use Bounce (Down).
IV. Whirlipede will use Steamroller.
V. Diglett will use Scratch.
VI. Makuhita will use Arm Thrust.
VII. Dunsparce will use Headbutt (yeah the sucker has Serene Grace annoying isn't it).
VIII. Stunfisk will use Spark.
IX. Lileep will use Ancientpower.
X. Torchic will use Mirror Move.
XI. Magikarp will use Outrage (once then disintegrate).
There is no way to tell how much Pokémon will fly down to the surface of The Piece Of Land With A Small Pink House That Hangs Up In The Sky, nor which ones they will be and which battlers they will affect or even when they will do, but once they do the battlers are free to use them as they wish. They can kick them out of the piece of land and down towards the other pieces of land under (except the Lileep, since it has Suction Cups it will stay where it lands but won't use any attacks), they can use them to hit their opponent in the face, they can use them as fashionable scarves, whatever.
One more thing, the land has infused the battlers with its Gravity-defying powers, so if the battlers were to fell down from it, they would float back up on it. These laws don't take place when on the actual piece of land, because I want ground-type moves to work dammit (even Earthquake, the piece of land is shakable but indestructible).
Finally, there's a railroad in the middle of the piece of land, and at the beginning of each round there's a rough 14.71% chance the train passes and deals 8% steel-typed damage to a random battler because it was randomly sitting on the railroad.
Round Three
Lord of the Fireflies (OOO)

@Razor Fang
Acrobat (M) <Immunity>
Health: 78%
Energy: 75%
Status: Confident. Surrounded by Stealth Rock.
Commands: Earth Power/Rock Tomb/Taunt ~ Earth Power/Rock Tomb/Taunt ~ Earth Power/Rock Tomb/Taunt
Blastoise Fortooate (OOO)

Celeste (F) <Blaze>
Health: 50% (capped)
Energy: 81%
Status: Battered. Water-typed Hidden Power.
Commands: Fake Out (latch on)/Torment ~ Grass Knot/Assist ~ Hidden Power/Assist
Before the referee waved her flags to signal the beginning of the battle, a disembodied monotone voice declared, “I like trains”. The Pokemon looked about in confusion, trying to determine who had uttered the words, when suddenly a train rushed out of nowhere and slammed into Acrobat, blowing apart his rocky prison in the process. The Gligar screeched in shock, too startled to try to wiggle off the front of the train. He let it carry him off the side of the island, where the train vanished as abruptly as it appeared. Meanwhile the odd gravitational properties of the island saved Acrobat from a deadly drop to the distant ground, and the dazed Gligar floated back onto solid ground, shaking stars out of his head.
While Acrobat recovered from his ordeal, Celeste pulled herself out of the pile of ancient bones, dusting herself off with a grimace. Then, with startling swiftness, the Chimchar rushed at her opponent, who was just recovering from the shock of having a train run into him. Celeste was moving so fast that she was little more than an orange blur. As she approached her opponent she showed no signs of slowing down; quite eager to avoid having objects plowing into him at high speeds, Acrobat gave a screech and scrambled backwards. He was too slow, though, and he felt arms wrap tightly around his torso. Now utterly confused and bewildered, the Gligar simply fell onto his back while Celeste pinned him down, chattering angrily.
Acrobat lay there for a moment, trying to make sense of things. When at last he regained his bearings, he growled threateningly at Celeste and heaved upwards. Acrobat was much larger and heavier than his opponent, and despite her best efforts Celeste was flung onto the ground. From there, it was easy for Acrobat to send a pulse of energy through the earth, causing the ground at Celeste’s feet to explode, tossing her into the air and pelting her with dirt and pebbles.
Celeste landed with a painful thump. Grumbling she stood up. If her own techniques wouldn’t help her win the battle, then she would borrow some of her teammates’ techniques. A certain sentient boulder appeared in her mind and Celeste found herself reaching for a rock blasted out of the ground by the Earth Power. With a grunt of effort she threw the rock as hard as she could, but it did little more than bounce off of Acrobat’s tough skin.
Cackling at the pitiful attack, Acrobat tilted his head back and let out a peculiar reedy roar, at the same time sending another pulse of energy into the ground. This caused it to heave upwards violently at Celeste’s feet. Again she found herself airborne, buffeted by ground-type energy and debris that came flying from the earth. The Chimchar groaned in pain, her ability to withstand repeated super-effective attacks clearly waning. As if in response to her plight, a blazing red aura leaked from her skin, lending her an aura of fury and power. Celeste felt the invigorating heat enhance her fiery abilities, and as she landed none too gracefully, she prepared herself for one last stand.
Again Celeste thought of her teammates, hoping that they would lend her their strength or at least a move appropriate for slaying Gligar. This time, she thought of a blue turtle and she grinned. Surely the water-type Pokemon would know something to deal ground-types a serious dashing of pain. Well, if he did, he wasn’t about to share it. Instead Celeste found herself lurching forward, arms stretched in front of her. With powerful hands she gripped Acrobat firmly and managed to lift the heavy glider into the air, tossing him a few metres away. Acrobat was surprised by the sudden show of strength, but he wasn’t badly hurt.
As expected, another Pokemon dropped out of the sky after the battlers had finished with their current commands. This time, the visitor was a pudgy yellow fighter. Acrobat smirked, certain that the Makuhita would go for Celeste as the previous Pokemon had, but instead it approached the Gligar, fists clenched. Acrobat hissed, crossing his claws in front of him to ward off attack, but the Makuhita simply gave him two relatively light punches and stepped back. Hardly feeling worse for wear, Acrobat uncrossed his claws and shrugged.
Lord of the Fireflies (OOO)

@Razor Fang
Acrobat (M) <Immunity>
Health: 55%
Energy: 66%
Status: “
Such puny attacks!”
Blastoise Fortooate (OOO)

Celeste (F) <Blaze>
Health: 18%
Energy: 68%
Status: Frustrated and hurt badly. Water-typed Hidden Power. Blaze activated.
Terrain notes
A Stunfisk is slowly making its way towards the pool. A Lileep has planted itself to the ground and stubbornly refuses to move. A Makuhita is sitting on the edge of the island, watching the battle with mild interest.
There is a sizeable pile of rocks roughly in the middle of the island, still covered with damp soil.
The rain will last 3 more actions (1 more round).
Final notes
Blastoise attacks first next round.
Before the round started, a train hit Acrobat. The sudden impact also dispelled Stealth Rock.
Gligar are more than twice as tall as Chimchar and many times heavier. It’d be difficult for Celeste to stay on Acrobat, and she was shaken off pretty much right away.
Assist called Rock Throw and Strength.
I used a Metronome generator for Assist, and the second move generated was Magma Storm. Blastoise go make a Metronome battle now.
A Makuhita fell out of the sky and used Arm Thrust on Acrobat. It hit twice.