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Lots of Birds... o_O


Among the few morons with straight A's.
Today I went home sick, but that caused me to see something weird. (It's going on as I type!) I am watching hundreds of birds, no exaggeration, outside my house. They're all flying and landing in flocks, and it's hard to explain in words. Fly to the front yard, then backyard, then repeat, and, well, there's so many I'm starting to think there's thousands of them because a while ago they spread out as far as I could see from my windows. Any ideas what's going on?
Ruby, do you mean The Birds? I just read about it on Wikipedia a couple days ago, so that was the first thing that came to my mind. (It freaked me out...) Anyways, they're all gone now, but my dad told me about seeing a bunch of birds on roofs and trees a couple weeks ago. Perhaps the two incidents are related?
I don't know what type they were, since I'm not a bird-watcher. Interestingly enough, when they filled up my front yard, they also filled up a neighbor's front yard connected to us until their driveway, a patch of grass between our driveway and another neighbor's, and the grass between the sidewalk and road.

Also, they moved on to another group of houses before leaving.
That was happening where I live all last month; it was mostly big flocks of crows that I guess were migrating or something. All the cawing got kind of annoying. :[
On the way to a light show the day after Thanksgiving, I saw quite a few thousand birds (crows, I think) clumped onto the power lines and all over the grass at the base of the power lines at the side of the road. It was creepy.
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