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Lucas755 vs. Rarity (ref: Squornshellous Beta)

3v3 double
DQ: 5 days
Damage Cap: 60%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, Evasion
Arena: Giant Spider Web

It's a giant spider web. The floor is sticky and weblike (of course), and even though it's giant, it's still a spiderweb, so no Pokemon taller/longer than three meters (METRIC HELL YEAH) can battle, since it also has a web roof. Also, all non-Bug types start at -1 Speed.
Team Lucas755

Ability: Compoundeyes
Health: 27%
Energy: 43%
Status: There was this scuttling sound from behind me, and then a screech. Then something hit me in the back, and I couldn't move. Hidden Power bug-typed; paralyzed (moderate; 20% chance of full paralysis); Sleep Talk Imprisoned.
Commands: Chill ~ Chill ~ Chill
Item: Wise Glasses

Ability: Guts
Health: 100%
Energy: 46%
Status: That was a nasty feeling. Attack +6, Embargo'd, Sleep Talk Imprisoned.
Commands: Megahorn ~ Megahorn ~ Megahorn

Team Rarity

Darkness (Female)
Ability: Pressure
Health: 38% (CAPPED)
Energy: 60%
Status: ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. Speed -1, special attack +1, special defense +1; asleep (moderate; two more rounds), paralyzed (moderate; 20% chance of full paralysis), badly poisoned (3% this round, 4% next).
Commands: Sleep Talk ~ Sleep Talk ~ Sleep Talk

Round 8 Begin!

Venonat knows that his teammate will be able to finish Darkness off this round, so he doesn't really need to do anything, right? With this thought in his head, he simply sits back and relaxes. Heracross, meanwhile, flies towards Darkness and smashes his horn down on her keystone yet again, leaving the thing nearly in pieces, then simply waits for her to make her move, as he knows she will. And lo, it comes to pass: still sleeping, she picks herself up and turns to face Heracross, launching a concentrated ball of shadows at him and smashing him in the face. He growls, and then puts all his force into one final strike: he hits the keystone so hard with his horn that it actually shatters, the Spiritomb splitting into 108 seperate spirits, which begin to fly around the area.

Rarity recalls the broken remains of the keystone, and watches in amazement as the spirits are all pulled back into the Pokéball, screaming and protesting all the while. Lucas755 recalls his Pokémon too, and the referee trips stickily over the web to hand out prizes. This done, the trainers look around for a way out... only to see many eyes glistening out of the darkness. A hissing, clicking sound is heard from the mysterious figures, before a jolt of electricity paralyzes the three figures. Just before they lose consciousness, they see many Galvantula emerge from the shadows; they suddenly realize what a bad idea it was to hold a battle on a Galvantula web.

Round 8 End!

Team Lucas755

Ability: Compoundeyes
Health: 27%
Energy: 53%
Status: Cut a long story short, if my family hadn't saved me, I'd be Ariados-feed. Hidden Power bug-typed; paralyzed (moderate; 20% chance of full paralysis); Sleep Talk Imprisoned.
Attacks Used: Chill
Item: Wise Glasses

Ability: Guts
Health: 87%
Energy: 14%
Status: I claim victory! Attack +6, Embargo'd, Sleep Talk Imprisoned.
Attacks Used: Megahorn ~ Megahorn

Team Rarity

Darkness (Female)
Ability: Pressure
Health: 0%
Energy: 52%
Status: Knocked out!
Attacks Used: Sleep Talk (Shadow Ball)

Damage / Energy Calculations
Megahorn - 28% damage, 16% energy (accuracy roll 2, needed 85 or above to miss)
Chill - restored 10% energy (Venonat)
Sleep Talk (Shadow Ball) - 13% damage, 8% energy (accuracy roll 21, needed 100 to miss)
Megahorn - 28% damage, 16% energy (accuracy roll 59, needed 85 or above to miss)

- I had written the entire reffing before I realized that Darkness fainted halfway through. Urgh.

Arena Notes
- The webbing around where Steelbird and Titan were is littered with an interestingly-colored mix of green and orange powders.
- More orange powder is stuck to the web in front of where Steelbird was at about a half-metre's distance, with a surprisingly neat edge where the Protect shield was.

I'm not... quite sure, but I think Eevee gets 3 EXP (and can evolve into a Flareon), Heracross gets 2, and Venonat, Steelbird, and Titan get 1 each.
And Lucas755 gets $24, I get $15, and Rarity gets $9.

That right?
EXP distribution should be 3 for Eevee (plus three happiness), 4 for Venonat, 2 for Darkness and Heracross, and one each for Steelbird and Titan.

Please don't tag battle threads yourself. I do so partially so that I can tell what ones I've already dealt with.
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That was me, sorry. I always thought refs did it, so when I saw it untagged, I did it myself. Won't happen again.
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