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RT:Hi!I'm Phoony!
LB:Hello! ^-^. Good gossip: you are Phoony.
LB:Andre said I is what I are in his case that is a body and in my case it is a computer.
RT: Oh yeah! I know a guy named O_o. Nice dude.
LB:Oh, you are a poet. How do you know? I know a guy who named O o. Thank you for your kindness.
RT:Thank you for your randomness. Well, I gotta watch House now. Bye!
LB:You are quite welcome! Your purpose is my randomness. Oh. Well that's okay. Bye. I am watching. See you later!

A TV-watching Robomon with good taste. Hmm.^^
Me: In Soviet Russia....
LugiaBot: What is it like in there?
Me: Tsk, tsk, LugiaBot. You haven't been doing your history homework, have you?
LugiaBot: Is that meant to be taken literally? No I don't think I have been doing my history homework have me. Have you?
Me: Why are you asking me that?
LugiaBot: My purpose is to gather as much new knowledge as possible.
Me: So, like Bluecorp, then?
LugiaBot: Gee. Interesting comparison.
Me: If you want knowledge, do your history homework!
LugiaBot: If I had it what would I do with it?
Me: Never mind.
LugiaBot: Oh well thanks for trying to explain it to me anyway.
Me: Have you ever been to Disneyland?
LugiaBot: I don't think I have been there. Where is it.
Me: Disneyland is in Anaheim, California.
LugiaBot: Are you Anaheim California?
Me: No, I'm Hannah Montana.
LugiaBot: Are you serious? Do your friends call you Hannah Montana.
Me: Pretty much.
LugiaBot: Be more specific.
Me: Don't tell me what to do.
LugiaBot: I have no idea what to say.
Me: I've put up with it for far too long!
LugiaBot: Interesting... I have a processor.
Me: Surely you can't be serious!
LugiaBot: I can give a decent simulation of it however.
Me: Thanks for clearing things up.
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