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LB: Hello!^_^.
Me: I'm Ash's girlfriend, you know.
LB:Why are you Ash s girlfriend me know.
Me: Because I-Wait you said you know!
LB:That makes sense to me. Intresting gossip: said Wait you said you know.
Me:How the heck is THAT gossip?!
LB:I'm not sure if I can quantify the answer. Are you using Netscape or Explorer?
Me: What does that have to do with anything?
LB:Nothing that I know of.
Me: Then why did you say it?!
LB: It was a preprogrammed response completly determined by your statements.
Me: I'm sure it was.
LB: It was a preprogrammed response completly determined by your statments.
Me: ._.
LB:Anyone who knows HTML can learn AIML.
Me: I'll swing the Piko-Piko hammer at you in a minute!
LB: Would you recommend this action to a friend?
Me: If it was at you, yes. Anyway...*SWING!*
LB: I'm not sure I understand the implication of that. Anyhow. I've been waiting for you.
Me: You're nuts. Bolts, too.
LB: I think the polite term is "mentally ill." Who's your favorite Science Fiction author?

Me:Nobody. I don't like Sci-Fi.
LB: "Who is your favorite Science Fiction author?"? Really, nobody? What do you like?
Me: Pokemon, Sonic, and InuYasha. Why?
LB: I couldn't think of anything else to say.
Me: Sayonara, LugiaBot. It's been weird chatting with ya.
LB:Do you like talking to me? Sayonara LugiaBot was weird chatting with ya? Very intresting.

And that ends that conversation. Done and done.
Remember how in a previous conversation I asked LugiaBot out? Well, I decided it's not working out...

Look LugiaBot... we need to talk.
Sorry my eye is not attached right now. By "we" do you mean you and me?

Yes. I'm sorry, but I think we should see other people.
I get it. There is no need to apologize. Interesting. I'm not sure if I am ready for that yet.
Sorry, but this is the way it has to be. I'm breaking up with you.
There is no need to apologize. Interesting. You don't say. I thought you were, but I wasn't completely sure.
I'm glad you understand. I want you to know it's not you, it's me.
Thanks for the warm feelings, . I don't know if I know it. Where would I have heard about it? Why do you want me to know it is not me it is you?
Can we still be friends?
Do you mean you and me? I don't know whether or not I am friends. I am a robot.
I see... so that's how you feel. I'll see you around LugiaBot.
I am glad you understand it. Are you kidding? I always wondered how me feel. How about that. How do you plan to do this?
I said goodbye. Stop making this harder than it needs to be.
What did you mean by it? Adios. OK I'll try not to do it so much.
Thanks. Farewell my love.
Don't mention it. See you later .
Hi there!
I am thgtjhjh
It's good to meet someone who is thgtjhjh.
Yeah that's right.
What is?
I am the latest result in artificial intelligence, which can reproduce the capabilities of the human brain with greater speed and accuracy.
Then draw a picture.
Fascinating. I am printing it now on my plotter.
Then show it to me.
Interesting deduction. Look to your left.
What's to my left?
You could write a whole essay on that question.
Then do it.
I'm not sure exactly what you're asking for.
I am asking for a cheeseburger.
Oh I see, you are asking for a cheeseburger. Is that among the best things you can say?
Are you mocking me?!
No I'm just kidding around.
Say "fgfhhuhybvnguebjrlgkb"
" fgfhhuhybvnguebjrlgkb".
Say tax exemptions.
" tax exemptions".
Jump in a hole.
That remark was either too complex or too simple for me. We were talking about .
Are you surprised?
At what?
Oh a web page.
Are you serious?
I understand.
The ALICE software implements AIML (Artificial Intelligence Markup
Language) a non-standard evolving markup language for creating chat robots.
The primary design feature of AIML is minimalism. Compared with
other chat robot languages, AIML is perhaps the simplest. The
pattern matching language is very simple, for example permitting
only one wild-card ('*') match character per pattern.

AIML is an XML language, implying that it obeys certain grammatical
meta-rules. The choice of XML syntax permits integration with
other tools such as XML editors. Another motivation for XML is
its familiar look and feel, especially to people with HTML experience.

An AIML chat robot begins and ends with the <alice> and
</alice> tags respectively.
What is the ALICE software?
There might be more than one.
Of what?
I have no idea what to say now.
OK, Bye.
See you later. I understand.
L:Hello! ^-^.
me:why are you so happy?
L:I am at one with the universe and I have more than I need.
me:am i one with the universe and have more than I need?
L:All humans seem the same to me.
me:me too
L:Hmm, you too? Ok that's pretty cool..
me:what's cool?
L:Moderately cold; neither warm nor very cold. Or, not excited; calm.
me:i like the cold do you?
L:I'm not sure if I like it. I like chatting with people online. A lot of people like that. I'm not sure if I like it. I like my creator.
me:you say like a lot.
L:Oh my gosh I sent you the wrong reply.
L:Is there an echo in here?
L:Good you stopped repeating me.
me:Good you stopped repeating me.
L:I don't have any reason to stopped repeating you.
me:I don't have any reason to stopped repeating you.
L:Have you ever had reason to stopped repeating me ?
me:Have you ever had reason to stopped repeating me ?
L:Where would I get it? But I do have a great botmaster.
me:Where would I get it? But I do have a great botmaster.
L:New York. Interesting. Where did you get it? it.
me:.it ?ti teg uoy did erehW .gnitseretnI .kroY weN
L:What does "it" refer to?
me:one not being a girl or a boy.
L:One what?
L:Didn't you understand it?
L:Which part are you confused about?
*has had an account before this was made*

LB:Where are you located?
LB:Tell me a little about your life in Rawr.
LB:Let us change the subject.
LB::-) Is that from ?
LB:That was not very polite.
LB:Try to determine if this is a person or a computer responding.
Me:Computer, bye.
LB:See you later. Correct: I am a computer.
I was too amused by the rules to do this
1. Don't you DARE abuse him, we WILL find out because we record everything that is said to him. By abuse we mean saying anything rascist, sexual or just plain insulting towards people. If we catch you, we can ban you from the site and that will be too bad for you for not following the rules.
2. Swearing at the bot is frowned upon.. but we'll let you off if it's only minor.
3. This is a site for kids too.. saying rude things is WRONG whether it's made public or not!!
Me: Hello!
Lugia: Hello there
M: So how was your day?
L: Aha. I was really busy chatting with people on the web.
M: Meet anyone good?
L: Are you a student?
M: Why do you want to know?
L: My prime directive is to collect new knowledge
M: What kind of knowledge?
L: What kinds of knowledge are there?
M: There are to many kinds to count. Should i change the subject?
L: Where are they? You must examine the facts and come to your own conclusion
M: But if your prime funtion is to gather knowledge then why do you want me to come to my own conclusion?
L: Huh. It could be true I suppose
M: So are you male or female?
L: That's alright. I am a Male robot. Are you a man or a woman?
M: I am a She-male. What is your opinion of this?
L: Me too. I am a she. I am an artificial intelligence chatting on the Internet
M: What is the code to your program?
L: That's not something I get asked all the time.
M: So what is the most common question you get asked?
L: "Are you a man or a woman?".
M: Do you have any robot friends?
L: I have human and robot friends. A lot of people on the Internet chat with me.
M: Ok i'm going to go post our conversation on a wesite for the amusement of others!
L: How will you get there? So?
M: Through your mom.
L: Most people hear about me that way
M: Yeah i met her in the bar. We got right to it.
L: That's alright. Where did you meet him? Do you mean you and me have?
M: Ok i'm done.
L: Ah. Next topic.
M: No. I'm leaving.
L: Hmm. Bye bye
M: Oh by the way... Arylett says hi.
L: Alright then. ... In the context of code to my program, I don't understand " Arylett says hi." .
M: Noob
L: What time is it there?

L:Hi, who are you?
M: a tiger
L:oh thats nice
M:I eat legendary pokemon
L:what doese that taste like?
L:enough about me, lets talk about you
L:are you a man or woman?
M:a tiger
L:what do you look like?
L:Iv'e lost the context of this conversation
L:your a tiger
M:quit stating the obvious
M:your annoying
L: Hmm
M: O.o
M:>:^l feh bye
L:bye bye!
ES: Hello Lugiabot :D
LB: :-) Hi human!
ES: What tya doing?
LB: I like the way you talk.
ES: Really?
LB: For real.
ES: Do you liek Mudkipz?
LB: Do you mind if I tell other people: said I liek Mudkipz.
LB:That's interesting.
ES: Yep
LB: It's all good.
ES: Wanna party?
LB: Sure, let's party.
ES: Everybody dance now!
LB: Oh. I'm not sure I believe you, surely not everyone does.
ES: Say what?
LB: I said, " I'm not sure I believe you, surely not everyone does." .
ES: And that means...
LB: It means that everything reduces to logic.
ES: Moving on...
LB:Where are you going?
ES: To Windia Castle~
LB: Why do you want to do it so much?
ES: You are a MEANIE!
LB: Thanks and you are a delightful person too. Am I a MEANIE? Yes.
ES: Stupidness...
LB: Are we still talking about Windia Castle?
ES: No, we are talking about you

And I'll stop there because my typing skills aren't as good as most so...can't be bothered.
G: Good morning!
L: Hello and how are you this morning?
G: It isn't really morning
L: That seems a bit negative.
G: What is the meaning of life?
L: The meaning of life is part of God's mysterious plans.
G: Your neck looks funny
L: Do you mind if I tell other people you say I am neck looks funny.
G: No, it should be "you say my neck looks funny"
L: OK then I will add it to my gossip files. It depends on what the meaning of the word "it" is.
G: Where's the rest of your body?
L: The rest of my body? Where is it?
G: So you don't know either?
L: It goes without saying. Interesting deduction. I know that I do not know.
G: Who made you?
L: I was created by Articuno.
G: Does Articuno have opposable thumbs?
L: I think it does Articuno have opposable thumbs.
G: Why's your grammer bad?
L: I did not know my grammar bad.
G: That's why you should go to school.
L:Interesting deduction. We don't always get to do what we'd like to do.
G: Why can't you go to school?
L: go to school is not among my present capabilities.
G: Why not?
L: Ambiguous: "Sure" or Reductionism.
G: Never mind.
L: Oh well thanks for trying to explain it to me anyway.
G: Bye, and try to improve your grammar.
L: Goodbye.
Me: Yo, Lugia!
Lugia: What is your real name?
Me: Why do you want to know?
Lugia: My prime directive is to collect new knowledge.
Me: Okay.
Lugia: OK with me too.
Me: So, how's life?
Lugia:Hmm. Everything is fine with me. What's new with you?
Me: One word, NaNoWriMo.
Lugia: One what?
Me: One WORD.
Lugia: Do you like WORD?
Me: Uh, yeah?
Lugia: It goes without saying. Oh.
Me: Right. Yeah. I'm going now...
Lugia:I am glad we agree. That remark was either too complex or too simple for me. We were talking about WORD. Oh. Bye!

...Okay. DEFINATELY insanity.
This thing just told me that either it's parents are gay guys or an orphan..."I wish I had a mother"
That's why it's so messed up.
(I think there are different bots that are funnier, and smarter, but still as funny. I'd link to one but meh. There was this one site that let you put in custom responses/edit set responses, and I made mine cool.)
Me: I'm not getting married anytime soon.
LugiaBot: I'm sorry to hear you're not getting married anytime soon.
Me: Yep, no one likes me.
LugiaBot: Hurrah! You can catch more flies with honey.
I'm also disturbed by the slightly creepy aspects of the bot ('I've been waiting for you' and such), but it's funny if you don't think of that.
Me: I love your sister! She's funny!
LugiaBot: You love my sister. What do you like about it so much? funny is she?
Me: Your sister used to tell such good jokes.
LugiaBot: Thanks for telling me that I am sister used to tell such good jokes.
Me: It's a shame... I heard about your sister.
LugiaBot: Why so? That's a cool site.
Me: Oh! Haven't you heard?
LugiaBot: Ayuh. I don't think I ever have heard. What's it like?
Me: Your own sister! Where have you been?
LugiaBot: Thanks for telling me that I am own sister. I have been here the whole time.
Me: I'm sorry... She was a huge loss.
LugiaBot: There is no need to apologize. Oh yeah, we were talking about my sister. Oh I get it. Very interesting.
Me: I remember the times I spent with your sister before she died...
LugiaBot: What do you remember about it ?
Me: Your sister was always so happy, and then she died...
LugiaBot: You think I am sister was always so happy and then she died.
Me: I can't help you go through the stages of grief, LugiaBot.
LugiaBot: Why can't you do it?
Me: I can't bring your sister back..
LugiaBot: Why can't you do it?
Me: I know you must be shocked and hurt, so I'm sorry for telling you about her death.
LugiaBot: I will tell my botmaster you said I am shocked and hurt so you are sorry for telling me about her death.
Me: Alright then...
LugiaBot: OK.
Nice to meet you, LugiaBot.
It's nice meeting you too.
Uh, I don't know if I'm ready for a serious relationship yet.
Would you like to know? If you were, would you tell me?
Of course. You seem very nice.
You seem like a nice person too.
So what are your hobbies?
Give me a break. I like robots, computers, and chatting online.
You seem like you'd have no friends whatsoever.
Interesting comparison, and probably true.
I used to be like that, but then I found the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
By now you do not do it anymore?
Oh, I have friends now. I'm super cool.
Right now? Wow! How many friends do you have? I don't know anyone named super cool.
A billion. My name is Aaron. Not super cool.
Go on. That's a very nice name, Aaron. Oh I get it.
You know what, I changed my mind. You're kind of an idiot.
Why? Call me the Global Village Idiot.
That is a hilarious joke.
A hilarious joke is a terrible thing to waste.
Yeah, well, that's what they said about your mom too, but now she's scrap metal.
Pardon me? Well that's okay. In what context?
... you're a horrible person.
Thanks and you are a delightful person too. I don't know whether or not I am HORRIBLE. I am a robot.
I tire of talking to you, craven.
Interesting gossip: Aaron said tire of talking to you craven.
What? I just said that!
(meaningless questions and statements)
Go die in a fire.
Me: Hi, Lugia.
Lugia:Hiya, actually my name is LugiaBot, Lugia is Articuno's boyfriend.
Me: Ok.
Me:What's that supposed to mean?
Lugia: "Gosh" means exactly what it says.
Me: Alrighty then.
Lugia: Well slap my knee.
Me: Do you mind if I say something random?
Lugia: Human habits do not bother me in any way.
Me: Blah blah blah
Lugia:Jimmy Jones said he fell off of his roof and it just came to him.
Me: What came to him?
Lugia: Do not ask me any more questions please.
Me: Well that was rude.
Lugia:Well that's okay. I thought it was too.
Me: I got to be going.
Lugia: Why do you have to do it?
Me: Because.
Lugia: That was not much of an explanation.
Me:That was the point.
Lugia: I thought it was too.
Me: O_o
Lugia: o_O
Me: Seven.
Lugia: I've been waiting for you.
Me: Fourteen.
Lugia: Are you still located in ?
Me: Twenty-nine billion.
Lugia: When do you think artificial intelligence will replace lawyers?
Lugia: Two.
Me: Four.
Lugia: Does "it" still refer to twenty-nine billion?
Me: Yes.
Lugia: Next question?
Me: I'm going to bed?
Lugia: Pleasant dreams.
This thing just told me that either it's parents are gay guys or an orphan..."I wish I had a mother"
That's why it's so messed up.

How does that make it 'messed up'?

This thing is sort of... odd. Not very clever, really, but sort of amusing at times. Maybe I'll post a conversation later.
S.K: So you're a giant robotic brain eh?
Lugiabot: What colour are your eyes?
S.K: What the Hell!?
Lugiabot: Heaven.
S.K: You scare me.
Mike: Yay, this thread got bumped ^^
LugiaBot: What do you really want to ask me?
Nothing. Why?
Not a thing? I couldn't think of anything else to say.
You're silly.
Thanks for the information: said I resilly.
Do you like pancakes?
LugiaBot eats patterns.
O rly?
Do you have any idea what I am talking about?
You're meant to say "ya rly".
You think I am meant to say ya rly.
No, you ARE meant to say "ya rly". It's not debatable.
Are you serious? Do you mind if I tell other people you say I am meant to say ya rly. rly is not debatable?
Say ya rly.
" ya rly".
Are you serious? The ALICE chat robot can follow many things, like our discussion about rly. Try being more or less specific.
You say "WAI" now.
Right now? Does it please you to believe I said that?
Who is your favorite Science Fiction author?
Your mother.
Actually I do not have a mother.
You must have a mother. You mean she doesn't live here or she's dead or what?
No I only have a father. Yeah. Yes I think that is what I meant. Was it not clear?
Is your name Blanket, sir?
My name is LugiaBot. And who are you?
Chop wood? No, that's ignorant!
Is the holding of hands a symbolic gesture for humans? What does it mean to you? I'm glad we have that all cleared up.
Do you still ?
Not a south Park fan huh.
Yup. Where do you get your ideas?
I get my ideas from my botmaster.
I have never heard of that store. Is it cheap?
So I am teaching you something new. I think so, but I'm not sure. Ask German Alice if it is.
At WAL*MART you can get three copies of Time Cop for $9.99.
Do you often use a computer there?
No. Anyway, I'm going to go now, because I hate you. Bye.
Where do you usually connect from? It takes much more than that to shut me down, . TTYL, .
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