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Little Scriven Luminious Square

Amelia paused as her mouth held open. After a moment of silence, she shook her head. "Kids and their little fantasies," she muttered under her breath and offered a gentle smile. Deciding to "play along", she asked, "Guess you all wandered into a Mystery Dungeon then?"
Andre sighed. He supposed it was a bit too much to hope people would just take their word for it. And 'kids'... they must have looked like kids, all in their base forms. Andre wondered if he actually was in a child's body. That'd make thing complicated on the front of romance... not that it was really a front he would expect to tackle here. Not that he hadn't found pokémon attractive before, but he had a feeling the more humanoid types he'd been into wouldn't really be into... cervids. And he wouldn't be into quadrupeds.

...Or, with this body, would that change, too?

With a surprising amount of speed and finesse, Amelia channeled a tiny bit of energy into her wings as she cut near-perfect circles for Andre's vines. "I put a little bit of clearance so they can still come out when you grow big and strong!"
Andre blushed deeply. "Th-thank you."
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Just as Ghaspius was about to chime in, an excited voice echoed from outside. "Torria! I told you the little visitors were here for a reason!"

An Altaria zipped her way inside as her mouth remained open and eyes wide. "¡Ay que lindo! So small! What sort of worlds? You weren't Pokémon, so what were you? Have you tried the café's teas yet? Tell me, tell me, tell me!"

Amelia spoke up. "Mayor Enubel! Please relax; they just got lost in a Mystery Dungeon, that's all."

The Altaria, Enubel, continued. "Oh, but it's been so long since we've had visitors! I should bake some fresh bread! Maybe with a little bit of corn, oh, oh, and with a hint of Oran!"

A Swellow arrived shortly after. "Enubel, dear, we need to get information first." Her exhausted eyes glanced down at the group. "Swellow Torria. When my daughter suddenly came in shouting about wilds, we had to see for ourselves."

The Swellow, Torria pecked a bit at the Altaria's cloud — a form of grooming. "Forget her flights of fancy. What are you intending to do here? Do you know who sent you, and why?"
Andre turned around. "Mayor? Oh! Good, just the person we wanted to see."
The Swellow, Torria pecked a bit at the Altaria's cloud — a form of grooming. "Forget her flights of fancy. What are you intending to do here? Do you know who sent you, and why?"
"Well, that's what we're trying to figure out, too," Andre said. "We were gathered by this being of clouds and light on some kind of soul-plane - I don't think they had a real name - and told that this world needs saving. Are there any current crisis you know of that might be the thing we're supposed to solve?"
"Well, that's what we're trying to figure out, too," Andre said. "We were gathered by this being of clouds and light on some kind of soul-plane - I don't think they had a real name - and told that this world needs saving. Are there any current crisis you know of that might be the thing we're supposed to solve?"
Amelia and Torria passed each other an incredulous look, but the Altaria mayor just grinned. "No crisis here! Unless you count boredom. Little Scriven's a town of tales, not a hamlet of horrors, sorry!" Enubel chirped. "But we're not the only place on this world, either! Here, let me get you introduced. So you're on the planet Forlas—"

Torria cleared her throat. "Mayor, we don't need to entertain this."

"—In the region of Sojaveña, the great frontier—"

"Mayor, please."

"—In the town of Little Scriven! And a whooooole lot of miles down is Frontier Town! And Ranger HQ's a little away's from there—"

"Por favor..."

"—Where they handle all kinds of emergencies and stuff! I bet they have lots of crises you could help out with there! I could even put in a good word for you if you wanted to join them!"

In the background, Amelia simply smiled as she took out a needle and a bit of thread. She quietly began to patch up the little bits of loose thread and unwanted holes that clung to the visitors' articles. Ghaspius offered to lend a tassel, but he was silently denied as she got to work.
Ridley shrugged to himself. As long as Amelia didn't seem inclined to interfere with what she obviously saw as a group of kids playing make-believe, then what she thought didn't matter. While his companions continued the conversation, Ridley accepted the scarf Amelia offered him and tried to figure out how to tie it in a way which wouldn't result in it slipping down and dragging along the floor.

...this sort of thing had been so much easier when he'd had an actual neck.

Maybe he could ask Amelia for some pins? His disguise was just cloth, after all; Ridley could just pin things in place. That gave him an idea, and he went back to sorting through the donations box. Mixed in with the cheap jewellery were a couple of gaudy-looking brooches and some metal-and-enamel badges. Ridley found two or three designs he'd be happy to pin to his disguise and showed them to Amelia. "Do these mean anything, or are they just for decoration?"

"And a whooooole lot of miles down is Frontier Town! And Ranger HQ's a little away's from there—" [...] "—Where they handle all kinds of emergencies and stuff! I bet they have lots of crises you could help out with there!"

"Maybe we should head to this Ranger HQ, then," Ridley suggested to the group. "It sounds like they're our best bet for knowing if anything strange is going on. And if we pass through Frontier Town on the way we can ask around there as well."
"—Where they handle all kinds of emergencies and stuff! I bet they have lots of crises you could help out with there! I could even put in a good word for you if you wanted to join them!"
"I'm sure that good word would go a long way," Andre said.

"Maybe we should head to this Ranger HQ, then," Ridley suggested to the group. "It sounds like they're our best bet for knowing if anything strange is going on. And if we pass through Frontier Town on the way we can ask around there as well."
"Sounds like a plan," Andre said. "Are we ready to go, gang?" He cringed a little at what he'd said right after. He was acting like a leader without anyone electing him... but it didn't seem like anyone else was stepping up.
Leaf had no idea where to even start imagining how any of this array of clothing would look on a ponyta, though Andre seemed to be doing all right with his vest. Well. If things really were boring at the moment, there'd be time enough later for a tour of the finest the Forlasan runways had to offer--after they'd gotten the lowdown on why they were really needed here.

Something simple seemed good enough to keep things moving toward the actual point. She fished out a cute green scarf and asked Grace if she wouldn't mind helping with the knot, then thanked Amelia for the compliment. Nice of the Voice to make sure her mane started out looking stylish, at least, but she made a mental note to add "tying a scarf" and "levitating a comb" to her list of things to practice with her new phenomenal cosmic powers.

It did ping Leaf as sorta odd that everyone was so fussed about not looking... wild, was it? What did that even mean here? Didn't seem likely that anyone here in a humanless world would be working with a trainer, so weren't they all wild, technically? Before she could ask, though, her ears flicked toward the door and, a second later, a very exciting distraction bustled in.

"—In the town of Little Scriven! And a whooooole lot of miles down is Frontier Town! And Ranger HQ's a little away's from there—"


"—Where they handle all kinds of emergencies and stuff! I bet they have lots of crises you could help out with there! I could even put in a good word for you if you wanted to join them!"

They had a ranger HQ nearby? Looking for help with all kinds of emergencies and crises? Oh, hell yes. Now they were in business.

"That'd be perfect, Mayor Enubel, thanks! We'd love it if you could put in a good word for us there! Tell us, what kinds of problems do the rangers usually help with?" Leaf asked, practically beaming as she trotted back toward the door. It had to be exciting, if they were anything like the rangers back home. "Oh, oh, would they be someplace a bunch of people like us could go if they were lost?"

(They still didn't know where the rest of their group was, after all. Were the others in this Frontier Town place, or... somewhere else? Were they lost out in the wilderness? Were she and the others gonna have to rescue them? A lot of folks at the nexus had seemed so confused; they could probably use the help, bless them.)
Ridley found two or three designs he'd be happy to pin to his disguise and showed them to Amelia. "Do these mean anything, or are they just for decoration?"
The Masquerain gave a soft smile. "One of them is an old crest that lost meaning over time, but the rest I'm not too sure. I think the craftsman was just having a bit of fun, but who knows what you may find on your little adventure?"
"Sounds like a plan," Andre said. "Are we ready to go, gang?" He cringed a little at what he'd said right after. He was acting like a leader without anyone electing him... but it didn't seem like anyone else was stepping up.
Amelia spoke up. "Now, now, there's no need to rush headfirst into danger. Why don't you start your journey somewhere safe first? I'm sure the hot springs have plenty of fun sights to see!"

The Altaria fluffed up. "Nope! Heroes need to adventure, and adventure calls for danger! They have my permission to go to Ranger HQ!"

"Mayor Enubel, with all due respect," Torria began with the shake of her head, "I feel like it's irresponsible to be sending these kids out in the world just like that."
"That'd be perfect, Mayor Enubel, thanks! We'd love it if you could put in a good word for us there! Tell us, what kinds of problems do the rangers usually help with?" Leaf asked, practically beaming as she trotted back toward the door. It had to be exciting, if they were anything like the rangers back home. "Oh, oh, would they be someplace a bunch of people like us could go if they were lost?"
"Exactly; a perfect fit for heroes from another world!" Enubel commented as she ignored her assistant. "Rangers do all kinds of work, like searching for lost Pokémon, collecting intel, patrolling for bad guys, delving into Mystery Dungeons—"

"A Mystery Dungeon is the last place we want these kids to go, mayor," the Swellow sighed; it was so obviously a fantasy, yet the mayor wasn't budging. "On that note, there is a Ranger in town, actually. Since they're lost, perhaps it'd be best if we—"

"Great idea!" Enubel disrupted with an gleeful chirp. "They could act as an escort and maybe even train them a bit!"

As the two continued to go back and forth, Ghaspius floated over to Amelia and asked just low enough for only her and the rest of his group to hear, "How did someone like that become mayor?"

Amelia rolled her eyes and smirked. "By being the most trustworthy. Do you think someone who acts like that would ever be dishonest?" She gestured a wing. "Anyways, the Golett is the one you're looking for. Go ahead and look around town when you're finished here. You just might catch them while you're exploring. Just please don't go out too far without them, okay?"
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"Exactly; a perfect fit for heroes from another world!" Enubel commented as she ignored her assistant. "Rangers do all kinds of work, like searching for lost Pokémon, collecting intel, patrolling for bad guys, delving into Mystery Dungeons—"

"A Mystery Dungeon is the last place we want these kids to go, mayor," the Swellow sighed; it was so obviously a fantasy, yet the mayor wasn't budging. "On that note, there is a Ranger in town, actually. Since they're lost, perhaps it'd be best if we—"
Andre's ears perked - what a strange feeling, to have ears that could move separately from the head - at the mention of Mystery Dungeons. So this was like the Mystery Dungeon games. He tried to remember as much as he could about what Katie had shown him - labyrinthine floors that were different each time they were entered, enemy pokémon attacking you, items and money on the floors... but that was a game. How would the real thing work? Assuming any of this was still real - Gods, he'd certainly just went with all this... but it did all seem very real. He had that feeling of certainty that he never had in dreams.

So the multiverse theory was true. It was an easy enough concept to accept when no contact could be made between parallel worlds, but the connection of them made it more complicated. There had to be an infinite amount of combinations of connected worlds. That made the multiverse even larger -- no, wait, what was he saying? Combinations of worlds could be considered single worlds of their own, so of course they were always part of the multiverse. Oh, this hurt to think about. Though not as much as the fact that there were infinite worlds out there where he was in terrible pain, where his loved ones were in terrible pain, where he was the one hurting them --

He stopped that train of thought right there.

He figured it'd probably be smart to know what kind of hazards the world they were in had in it. "Can you tell us more about these 'Mystery Dungeons'? Are we likely to encounter any on our travels, and if so, how can we best survive them?"
Torria placed her wing to her chest as she said, "And that question is exactly why you shouldn't be going out."

Enubel however was more than happy to speak on the matter. "Mystery Dungeons are like big maze places that shift around all magic-like; so you stumble into a cave or a forest and then you realize the path you came from doesn't lead to the exit anymore! Some even say they're made by the gods!"

Ghapsius let out a hum of interest. "Spooky. And not in the fun way. Any reason why people would go to them?"

Despite getting a look of 'please do not say anything' from her assistant, the Altaria prattled on. "'Cause even though they can filled with traps and danger, they got lots of supernatural and magical items — especially this pretty little dust that can sometimes appear!"

"But those are just rumors," Torria spoke over the mayor as she passed a concerned look at the ideas the 'children' were being fed. "They're twisted places. The lot of them. Drives anyone that stays inside too long mad."

Amelia chimed in as she continued her alterations. "I've read that the dungeons can even conjure phantasms of Pokémon that attack on sight. They creep on you and then...!"

Ghaspius snickered at that. "Sounds like what my sis does for my birthday."

"In any case," Torria emphasized as her tone turned stern, "Please stay within the town's limits unless you have an escort. I will not have you all get yourselves harmed under my watch." She looked outside. "It is starting to get close to dusk, in any case. Nightfall is especially bad for travel around here."

"Then I guess we better get searchin' for this Golett while we look around then." Ghaspius asked as he gestured a tassel to Andre and the others. "I did a see few interesting places here and there when I was floatin' around. Big ol' library, a bathhouse, a café, a post office, an amphitheater, and lots of windmills. Might be able to split up and cover more ground. We can call for each other when we find 'em."

"If you can't find him, there's also a Hariyama Ranger that you could look for. Super nice fella," Amelia chimed in and gave a pat to Leaf. "Go on, kids. Have a bit of fun in town."
Ridley listened to the mayor's explanation of mystery dungeons with increasing fascination and delight. "I need to see one of these places," he muttered to himself.

"I did a see few interesting places here and there when I was floatin' around. Big ol' library, a bathhouse, a café, a post office, an amphitheater, and lots of windmills."

"I'd suggest that first we figure out what we're going to do about sleeping arrangements," Ridley said. He liked camping well enough, but if they were in a town it only made sense to see if they could avail themselves of the luxury of an actual bed. "Having a specific place to meet up would help us all find each other again later. But after that, I want to head to the library, if anyone else wants to come along. I'd like to learn more about this world we've found ourselves in, and a library sounds like a good place to start."
"Oh, you could sleep up on the third floor in the library!" Enubel chirped as her clouds fluffed up a bit. "It's the 'quiet' area and the rooms there can be reserved! So all you'd need then are a few bedrolls and you'd be good to go!"

Torria leaned in and whispered, "Is this really a precedent we want to be setting? We can't just pick up every stowaway we see."

"So all you would need are some bedrolls," Enubel repeated, clearing her throat and looking at Amelia.

The Masquerain opened her mouth silently for a moment, then sighed and said, "I think I have some spares in the back."

"Wonderful! That settles it then!" Enubel proclaimed with a proud head raise, "Until you can get the funds for a formal inn, you're more than free to reserve to the private rooms in the library to sleep in!"

Ghaspius chuckled. "There are worse places, I suppose. That alright with the rest of y'all?"
The Swellow let out a sigh. "I'll see if I can look out for them and brief them in advance. With less flights of fantasy," Torria said as she flared out her own wings and took off.

Amelia smiled and waved them off. "Don't have too much fun now, you hear?"

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Ch04: Little Scriven Autumunal Equinox "Out of this World" Festival
As if enchanted by fairies sprinkling magic dust that transformed sand into stars, the village of writers had undergone a breathtaking metamorphosis. As dusk descended, the town atop the butte shimmered like a celestial beacon, courtesy of candlelit lamps adorning rooftops, balconies, and foliage.

Certainly, there was the standard festival décor — streamers and flags abound, colorful tents and tarps with dozens of merchants from all around peddling whatever trinkets they could made or find, and even the occasional sparkler held by an eager child hoping to show off their new prize — but Mayor Enubel was never one to keep things normal.

Thanks to the collective work of Ghaspius and Gare, the whole town had been bathed in glow-in-the-dark materials. Around every corner one could find a some manner of luminescent mural, painted hanging decoration, and the occasional merchant selling "miracle masks" coated in luminous substance! Even many of the flyers had held glowsticks around their talons as faux signals to one another mid-flight. Truly, Luminous Square had finally lived up to its namesake.

Still, with short notice to prepare thanks to the Mayor's whims changing with the winds, there were a few oddities here and there. For one, the glowsticks were limited in supply, and anyone selling them had them up in premium prices. Placeholders for where offworlder-oriented activities had been hastily converted into ordinary stalls with cheap décor and theming covering them up. On the bright side, there was plenty of food and drink to go around!

Even so, the townsfolk had been more than swept by the festival fever. Outside of Frosty's had a sign that read "Saints' Surprise: a new legendary flavor every hour!". The Cliffside Café had offered teas based on the names of various Wayfarers the owner heard about from the rumor mill. Speaking of mills, the paper mills had colorful, space-themed stationary available for purchase! Gare seemed to be trying to show off some of his inventions for grant money, to varying success. And of course, the library had more than enough signs trying to advertise the numerous sci-fi works the Scriveners wrote — some having only just published moments ago!

There was something for everyone: whether it was the "shoot for the stars" gallery of space-themed targets for one to practice their ranged moves on, dozens of costumes, clothes, and masks to be pursued, a contest at the amphitheater themed around combining moves in a unique world, writing workshops and educational booths, an escape room themed around "figuring out the secrets of the worlds beyond", and even a parade set to start at 9:00PM!

After constant crises of Cipher, the Coven, criminals, and the conniving shadows alike, it was nice to have a bit of a celebration for once.
Bellatrix had little to no idea that there was an ongoing festival at Little Scriven, especially one focused on the Wayfarers themselves. The only reason she had been in the area was to accustom herself to the Waypoint System. The moment she found herself walking towards the festival, she was seriously considering leaving - she had other things to attend to - only to quickly discover that being an offworlder meant that many, many eyes fell on her.

After a moment's consideration, she decided that there was no harm in entertaining the idea of staying around for a bit. Perhaps this way, she would find something of value. So while she waited for the festival to liven, she decided to try one of the local cafe's teas, gently sipping it as she leaned by a wall.
While Bellatrix was certainly no superstar, the rumor mill that the Scriveners ran was practically as central to its heart as the grain mills that fed them. Some were innocent, such as the young pair of Swablu and Starly asked if the stories were true: did they really manage to overthrow the mayor? Were they revolutionaries? Did Bellatrix have a cool cape and big hat like a real hero would?

But others, like the Oricorio that ran the café, got a bit more off-base. Was Bellatrix's name a reference to a calling card — a personal bell that should a foe hear, they would soon perish? Did she ever disguise herself to snoop around for juicy secrets? Was she the leader? Was they were really a conspiracy by a greater organization? Still, she'd back off when asked; no need to scare off an honored guest, after all. As for Bellatrix's personal tea, it was slightly on the sour side, but came with a sweet, soothing aftertaste.

Bellatrix would soon be joined by a Marowak, looking wistfully at the festivities. He looked over the Zoroark, gave a nod of acknowledgment, and leaned against the wall near her at a respectful distance. The tea's scent had matched exactly with hers as well. He passed the occasional glance, clearly intrigued, but couldn't quite find the words to say, it seemed.
When Isidora first heard of the offworlder festival, her first thought was to avoid it. I'm not interested in being worshipped... But as she thought about it, a feeling of homesickness began to set in.

Around this time of year would be the Youth Festival back home. When was the last time I even appreciated...?

That impulse was what carried her to Little Scriven tonight. Isidora had no idea what to expect in terms of getting recognized, but she wasn't taking chances, so first thing she did upon getting there was to sneak around and buy a disguise from among the costumes and clothing stores. She decided to take a page out of an old colleague's book: first, a light gray, sleeved cloak that covered her whole body, then a mask. She was going for something more low-key, but ultimately found herself going for an absol mask instead (she wasn't sure why, but it spoke to her. Like fate). With her assembled costume, she began her festival journey.

After a while spent wandering around and familiarizing herself with the town's layout, she had a small hitlist. Frosty's, and definitely the library. Though less expectedly, her eye was caught on the amphitheater as she passed it.

Some kinda move contest? What's that about...?
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Those who asked simple questions such as the events surrounding former mayor Ignatius would receive a straightforward answer. She didn't mind those who listened in, it was natural for someone to receive while being the centre of attention at such an event, perhaps they could build their own confidence to speak up later. Her gaze lingered for a moment of the marowak, inviting him to speak if he so desired but for now, she found her attention caught on the oricorio and her questions.

"I was named after a star," she answered. "Some kind of tradition within my family." Her real family, her biological family, that much she was certain of, although recalling that brought forth a distant pang of spite, something she had subverted in her own unique way.

She kept that feeling hidden from view with a friendly enough expression, focusing more on the following questions: Yes, it is an invaluable tool when trying to gather intel, it would be a waste not to use it; while she was naturally suited to leadership roles, the Wayfarers did not have a defined leadership although she liked to think that she was doing a good job in ensuring that they kept their heads - a truly political answer that translated to 'I like to think that I am'; and finally, a vague allusion to there being many mysteries on Forlas and how impossible it was to tell the extent of what is happening at the moment.
Some kinda move contest? What's that about...?
With her attire, Isidora blended right in with everyone else in town. Though the occasional merchant would try to get her attention, it was no greater effort than the usual affair.

As for the contest, it appeared to have been a way to promote improvised, cooperative storytelling. Each round, contestants would be split into pairs, and the showrunners would begin narrating a story of grand tales and legends past.

At various points in the story, the narrator would pause, and the spotlight would be shown on a contestant pair — prompting them to continue the story. But here's the twist: they aren't allowed to speak! They must silently coordinate with one another and use their moves to illustrate what happens next!

"Winners are judged based on creativity across all rounds, so don't worry if you can't get it the first time! Laugh it off! Some bumbling and pratfalls are to be expected!"

It looked like there were already three others that had signed up. One of the contestants was signed "Mr. Spooks".

"I was named after a star," she answered. "Some kind of tradition within my family."
"You don't say?" the Oricorio barista replied with an intrigued chirp. Her bold red feathers swayed a bit as she asked, "Are they the same as the ones here? Do you guys have your own form of astrology? Do the stars guide Pokémon to their fates?"

Not even letting the Zoroark answer, she let out a dreamy sigh as she looked out the window. "Oooh, I can just imagine it — lovers across worlds, with only the stars above to guide them!" It seemed that even if Bellatrix had answered her barrage of questions, it would have been one ear in and one ear out. At it least gave her some space.

After about a minute of only the festival's ambient noise hanging in the room, the Marowak cleared his throat.

"Think we'll be alright?" He asked. His voice was low and grinded like gravel, but beneath that mask bore an eye that glimmered in both awe and concern. "Locals, I mean."
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