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[MATURE] Furry fandom

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yeah dewgong that is cute

I used to have a picture of my 'sona but I think I deleted it. I'll get around to drawing another one.

Why is TCOD apparently a place for furries to find each other? :(

is this a problem? :/

anthro art is cool and I like the porn but I wish the nonporn-to-porn ratio were higher.

agreed! most of the artists I like that do anthro art make both, though.
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Anthro stuff is the best imo ^_^

My fursona is actually an anthro dingo o.o

Kind of appropriate for an Aussie don't you think? xD
furry art is pretty cool and I like good furry art as much as I like any other good art
I don't have any particular fetish for furry porn, though.
Awesome mate ^_^ I'll add both of those names to the list :3

So, question to get the place going:

Who's your favourite artist and what's your favourite drawing of their's?

Mine is Zaush and my absolute favourite drawing is "Lapping the Competition" Page 8
It's happened before with the Pokephile club. I guess as long as it's not a link directly to porn, then it should be fine ^_^
Canz I join :)? I saw this club and knew, right then that it was for me ^^. I will hopefully be on some, but after school and such :).
Hm. It seems this is relevant to my interests.

I recently paid a visit to the Pokephile Club. It appears to be dead. I am currently looking for a stick to poke it with, just to make sure.

Well, I like cats. Cats and foxes. Anthro cats and foxes. My Pokephilia list suggests more, but this is really it. I do however dabble a bit in canines.

Now, my favourite furry artist? Out of the two I've seen, it's probably Jay Naylor. I have no idea what my favourite piece by him is...

So, I guess I'm requesting a join? Can't give any usernames though.
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if you're considering joining a club it might be an idea to not pick one that's so dead it hasn't been posted in for 3+ years

like, make a new one (or a social group) if you want, but i think most of the members of this club are inactive on this forum now, and there's hardly much point keeping a three-year-old club thread when you can't even update the memberlist because the OP is inactive.
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