Format: 3 v 3 single
Style: set
DQ: two weeks
Damage Cap: none
Banned/Restricted Moves: Direct healing, chills, ohko, attract. Evasion and picking Pokémon with STAB type advantage is considered poor form, though not banned.
Arena Description: Outside the Battle Arena
Meursault (OXO)


[Refraction] X <Natural Cure>
Health: 83%
Energy: 68%
Status: Shaking a bit, maybe in laughter?
Ground type (due to Camouflage).
Points: 49
Aletheia (XOO)


[God Killing Himself] F <Guts>
Health: 64%
Energy: 78%
Status: Not happy at all.
+1 Attack, +1 Sp. Attack.
Points: 56
Refraction's core flashes once, and the Water Stone tied loosely to its back starts to glow as the Staryu shakes uncontrollably. The rough texture on its appendages suddenly falls away and its gem returns to a bright red colour as Refraction continues to give the impression that it's lost control of its limbs. God backs away cautiously, but doesn't get far before a ridiculous, impossible jet of water shoots out from Refraction's core, blasting her down into the muddy ground. The Rattata gargles weakly and tries to scramble away, but the pressure is far too strong and she doesn't really have anywhere to go. As the stream of water peters away, God limply gets up and does her best to shake the mud from her fur, glaring at Refraction.
As she cleans her fur she starts insulting the Staryu, quietly at first, and then increasing in volume until she's yelling at the top of her lungs, dirty fur forgotten now. Refraction boops in surprise, and then angrily as God continues to screech about its flaws, rather shrilly. The Staryu moves as if it's going to approach God, then, to the Rattata's surprise, her opponent just.. vanishes from sight. She looks around wildly, seeing no trace of Refraction on the field. A flick of movement from closer to the Battle Arena catches her gaze, and her jaw drops as she spots Refraction balancing precariously on top of the tall wooden structure just in front of the Arena.
God figures there's no way she can reach the Staryu from her current position, and decides to just let it come to her instead, and give herself time to prepare for whatever it threw at her. She starts chanting a low incantation under her breath, eyes glowing red for a moment as she sways to an inaudible beat. When she stops, her eyes aren't fully focused, and she's got the start of an odd expression on her face.
From its vantage point, Refraction can't really tell what's going on with its opponent, but it's still furious at being taunted earlier nonetheless. Its core starts to glow as it mentally reaches out towards the salt water surrounding the Battle Arena.. and then in its blind anger, it literally reaches out a bit too far and comes crashing down from the fencepost, landing heavily on its gem with a panicked buzzing noise. God doesn't take too much notice of the Staryu though, nothing her opponent's distance with a nod and barely reacting further. She starts to chant and sway slightly once again, her eyes unfocused as she faces vaguely in Refraction's direction.
With a quiet cough, the referee looks at her watch and raises her flags to signal the end of the round, then rushes over to do a final check on the status of the battling Pokemon. It's a close one, but she can judge that Refraction is in slightly better condition, and that Meursault is the winner of the match!
Meursault (OXO)


[Refraction] X <Natural Cure>
Health: 78%
Energy: 58%
Status: A bit scratched up, but pleased with itself. Maybe.
+2 Attack. Confused (severe).
Points: 74
Aletheia (XOX)


[God Killing Himself] F <Guts>
Health: 50%
Energy: 68%
Status: Blank.
+3 Attack, +1 Sp. Attack, +2 Defense, -2 Speed.
Points: 78
The Trainers and the referee spend a few moments congratulating each other on the battle, before all parties involved go to collect their Pokemon. Just as Meursault heads up the steps of the Battle Arena to recall Refraction, the front doors of the Arena open to reveal Arena Tycoon Greta standing there, looking curiously at Meursault for a moment before noticing the torn up turf and flooded pathway in front of the Battle Arena. The referee freezes. Aletheia and God freeze, and Meursault quickly recalls Refraction before freezing as well.
"What.." the Frontier Brain starts, then stops, speechless. "Did you have a Pokemon battle out here?
Seriously? Less than a hundred feet from one of the top battling facilities in the world? And you chose to have a battle outside the building, rather than inside, where it could be contained?"
The referee makes a face and looks like she's about to reply, before she hesitates and years of Asberian referee training kick in. Instead, she turns and grabs Aletheia. The Trainer barely has time to recall her Pokemon as the referee drags them towards Meursault at a sprint, and holds onto the two Trainers' sleeves tightly as a League Abra Teleports in and away with them before the Frontier Brain can react. Another international incident avoided. It looks like no one's going to be arrested for vandalism and destruction of public property today!
-tbh I've never fought Greta so I have no idea what's she actually acts like oops
-I was a bit ehhh about dropping Camouflage, but apparently
there's been a ruling sooo. Hydro Pump cost an extra 1% energy to compensate for the few seconds it took to drop Camouflage (though the Water Stone made up for that so it didn't really matter in the end?)
-Refraction's Teleport on the second action landed it on top of the
weird fence posts in front of the Battle Arena, as the roof seems pretty sharply sloped and I don't know how well that would turn out.
-Refraction hurt itself in confusion on the third action.
-And the winner of the match is Meursault, by a narrow 4 points! That confusion made it pretty close at the end.
Okay uh let's see here. Bass gets 2 EXP and 3 happiness, Franco and Refraction get 2 EXP/happiness, Tank and Delve get 1 EXP/happiness, and God gets 1 EXP/2 happiness. (whew) Meursault gets $24, Aletheia gets $12 and I get $15. Nice battle, everyone! Remember, if the frontier authorities show up, this never happened.