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Misreadings and stuff

"back from my hiatus" - "back from my hentai"

And while playing Kirby's Epic Yarn, I paused the game so that the "wii menu" and "reset" buttons blocked the level name "Mushroom Run" so it says "hroom Ru".
While I glanced over at the TV later, I somehow read that as "REGGIE" in allcaps.
Brain, what are you doing.

"Will menu". And "Brian".

So my brother had this app with weird facts. One of them was "People that have eaten bananas are more likely to be bitten by insects"
I glanced over at the screen and read "People are more likely to be eaten by bananas than insects."

"People have been eaten by bananas".
I saw a Facebook friend's profile picture and thought at first glance he was cosplaying as a Homestuck troll.
On closer inspection, he was just wearing orange headphones, and the lightning in the picture made his skin look grey-ish (also he has black hair and was wearing a black shirt)
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Got "delays" mixed with "checks" into "daleks".
Somehow managed to see "Skaro" in a list of actors in the Doctor Who Wiki article on an old episode and thought that the planet was mentioned on that page.
"WILL LET YOUR ELF BECOME BEAUTIFUL" or something as something with "KILL YOUR ELF".

Are they doing something with my mind?

EDIT: And now I misread "KILL YOUR ELF" as "KILL YOURSELF".
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So I was reading The Incredible Journey, and I misread "cat" as "cab". Admittedly, it was strange to imagine a cab take on a lynx.
A while ago I was using some program or another and it flashed up an error message telling me to "check my write privileges". For an awkward moment I thought it was calling my racial tolerance into question.
"Margot" as "Maggot". On a chocolate bar.

I remember misreading the name of some Italian city (I don't remember it, I only know the first letter was C) as... well... will it suffice if I say it was the name of a major Homestuck character whose name I am reluctant to say?
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